Showing 50 posts of 57 posts found.
Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,
2020 : 185-205
Author(s): Ritner, Scott B.
2019 : 59-83
Author(s): Rojas Cuautle, Anakaren Monserrat
2018 : 59-83
Pluraliteit vande levenskunsten, Garant,
2018 : 166-186
Author(s): Canters, Nelleke
Journal of Religious Ethics,
2017 : 79-95
Author(s): Radzins, Inese
Political Theology,
2016 : 226-242
Educational Philosophy and Theory,
2014 : 569-583
Author(s): Winch, Christopher
Philosophy, Université de Strasbourg,
Author(s): Nguyen Binh, Antoine
Simone Weil, Editions de l'Herne,
2014 : 243-248
Author(s): Chenavier, Robert
Cahiers Simone Weil,
2014 : 37-56
Author(s): Nuti, Alasia
Revue des Sciences Religieuses,
2013 : 315-325
Author(s): Kühn, Rolf
History, Universidade Federal Fluminense,
2012 : 351
Author(s): Suarez Escobio, Miguel Angel
Staat oder Revolution. Aspekte und Probleme linker Bolschewismuskritik, Edition Assemblage,
Author(s): Wallat, Hendrik
The Review of Politics,
2012 : 87-107
Author(s): Sparling, Robert
Revue économique,
2011 : 187-214
Author(s): Sobel, Richard
Cahiers du GRM,
2011 : 370-401
Author(s): Marcolini, Patrick
Simone Weil e la filosofia, PUC-Rio,
2011 : 89-113
Simone Weil tra mistica e politica, Aracne,
2011 : 123-142
Author(s): Meccariello, Aldo
Ediciones del Signo,
Author(s): González, Alejandra Adela
Bibliothèque Beauchesne. Religions sociétés politique, Beuchesne,
Author(s): Canciani, Domenico
The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,
2010 : 240-255
Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.
Saggi, Mondadori,
2010 : 242
Author(s): Veneziani, Marcello
Université Paris-Sorbonne,
2010 : 456
Author(s): Le Bon, Thomas
Theology, University of Notre Dame,
Author(s): Duttenhaver, Krista
Philosophy, Rennes,
Author(s): Takahashi-Romanelli, Hiromi
New Topics in Feminist Philosophy of Religion: Contestations and Transcendence Incarnate, Springer,
2010 : 69-83
Cahiers d'économie Politique,
2010 : 141-162
Author(s): Berthoud, Arnaud
2009 : 497-515
Author(s): Taibi, Nadia
Simone Weil, Éditions du Cerf,
2009 : 237-256
2009 : 453-472
Author(s): Fischbach, Franck
Rhetoric, Materiality, & Politics, Peter Lang,
2009 : 99-129
Author(s): McAlister, Joan Faber
A/Rivista anarchica,
2009 : 1-22
Author(s): Giorgi, Monica
La nuit surveillée, Les Éditions du Cerf,
2009 : 151
Author(s): Courtine-Denamy, Sylvie
Dieu et la cité: Le statut contemporain du théologico-politique, Cerf,
2008 : 119-131
Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel
Université Strasbourg 2,
Author(s): Wahl, Élodie
Les études philosophiques,
2007 : 207- 222
Author(s): Dommange, Thomas
Historical materialism book series, Brill,
Author(s): Van der Linden, Marcel
新潟大学言語文化研究 (Niigata Daigaku gengo bunka kenkyū - Niigata studies in foreign languages and cultures),
2007 : 1-20
Author(s): 村上, 吉男 ( Murakami, Yoshio)
2006 : 75-94
人文科学研究 (Jinbun kagaku kenkyū - Study of Cultural Science),
2006 : Y61-88
Author(s): 村上, 吉男 (Murakami, Yoshio)
Politics Department, Goldsmiths College, University of London,
2005 : 286
Author(s): Avery, Desmond
Religion, The Claremont Graduate University,
2004 : 343
Author(s): Law, Jerry
The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,
2004 : 61-76
Encyclopedia of Modern French Thought, Fitzroy Dearborn,
2004 : 647-653
Author(s): LeBlanc, John Randolph
2003 : 51-87
Theology, The Catholic University of America,
2003 : 676
Author(s): Ross, Michael D.
Les catégories de l’universel: Simone Weil et Hannah Arendt, L'Harmattan,
2001 : 279-305
Author(s): Weil, Simone, Zani, Maurizio
Echoes of Utopia : Studies in the Legacy of Marx, Ashgate,
2000 : 95-118
Author(s): Fuller, M. B.