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Showing 50 posts of 332 posts found.
Simone Weil: L’exercice de l’attention et la rencontre du Christ
La philosophie comme expérience spirituelle: Attention et consentement, Peuple libre,
2019 : 107-139
Author(s): David, Pascal
The Cultural Crisis of Attention: Mechanical Repetition and Image Shock
Psicologia USP,
2019 : 1-11
Author(s): Verissimo, Danilo Saretta
The Practical Significance of the Second- Person Relation
University of Sheffield,
2019 : 130
Author(s): Lewis, James H.P.
The Practice of Attention in the Workplace: Phenomenological Accounts of Lived Experience
University of the West of England,
Author(s): Bülow, Charlotte von
Turning the Gaze to the Self and Away from the Self: Foucault and Weil on the Matter of Education as Attention Formation
Ethics and Education,
2019 : 285-297
Author(s): Rytzler, Johannes
Ways of Being in the All-Too-Present Body: Attending to and through Chronic Pain
Chiasma: A Site for Thought,
2019 : 129-153
Author(s): Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca (Adrian Rebecca)
When Fiction and Philosophy Meet: A Conversation with Flannery O’Connor and Simone Weil
Mercer University Press,
Author(s): Doering, E. Jane, Johansen, Ruthann Knechel
Attention to Suffering in the Work of Simone Weil and Käthe Kollwitz
Duke University,
Author(s): Gehring, Stephanie
Commentary: The Theological Moment of the Life Story
Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology,
2018 : 107-115
Author(s): Freeman, Mark
Falling to the Heights: Simone Weil’s Metaxu, Attention and Decreation Through a Lacanian Lens
Union Institute & University,
Author(s): Miller, Christopher Peyton
How Can a Teacher of Students with SEMHD Unhide Moral Value? (A Wittgenstein-influenced Perspective
Education, University of Southampton,
Author(s): Andrews, Bernard
International Interventions: Rosario Castellanos (1925-1974) and Global Feminist Discourses
Romance Languages, University of Oregon,
2018 : 203
Author(s): Gallo, Erin Louise
L’attention au patient devant l’informatisation hospitalière à marche forcée : une « technophilie tolérante » est-elle possible ?
Ethique. La vie en question: La revue de recherche scientifique philosophique éditée par l'Institut Hannah Arendt,
2018 : 1-13
Author(s): Le Reun, Ronan
Love in the Time of the Zombie Contagion: A Girardian-Weilienne Reading of World War Z
Studies in the Fantastics,
2018 : 47-77
Author(s): Reyburn, Duncan
Meeting our Patients Halfway: Toward an Ethic of Care in Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis, Self and Context,
2018 : 205-219
Author(s): Maddux, Hilary
Simone Weils Konzept der attention: Religionsphilosophische und systematisch-theologische Studien
Mohr Siebeck,
Author(s): Heinsohn, Nina
The Critical Spirit: The Pessimistic Heterodoxy of Simone Weil
New School for Social Research, The New School,
Author(s): Ritner, Scott B.
A Secular Mysticism? : Simone Weil, Iris Murdoch and the Idea of Attention
Filosofía, arte y mística : XXV y XXVI Encuentros Internacionales ( 7-9 mayo 2014 y 21-23 octubre 2015), Soiedad Castelanno-Leonesa de Filosofia, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca,
2017 : 249-357
Author(s): Panizza, Silvia
Academic Life and Scholarship as Spiritual Practice
Berkeley Journal of Religion and Theology: The Journal of the Graduate Theological Union,
2017 : 12-28
Author(s): Liebert, Elizabeth
After the Will: Attention and Selfhood in Simone Weil
Self or No-self? The Debate about Selflessness and the Sense of Self (Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, Conference 2015), Mohr Siebeck,
2017 : 159-170
Author(s): Gehring, Stephanie
An Approach to Simone Weil’s Philosophy of Education Through the Notion of Reading
Studies in Philosophy and Education,
2017 : 663-682
Author(s): Yoda, Kazuaki
Attention and Expression: Prescriptive and Descriptive Philosophy in Weil and Merleau-Ponty
Simone Weil and Continental Philosophy, Rowman & Littlefield,
2017 : 89-103
Author(s): Snavely, Kascha Semonovitch
Becoming a Seer: Thoughts on Deleuze, Mindfulness and Feminism
Jouornal of Philosophy of Life,
2017 : 377-390
Author(s): Janning, Finn
Compassion, Consolation and the Sharing of Attention
Simone Weil and Continental Philosophy, Rowman & Littlefield,
2017 : 121-141
Author(s): Jesson, Stuart
Contemplative Resilience: Approaching a Professional Trauma with Simone Weil’s Concept of ‘Attention’
Practical Theology,
2017 : 79-87
Author(s): Travis, Mary
Deep Listening, or Being Formed in the Discipline of Attention
Foundations of Pastoral Counselling: Integrating Philosophy, Theology and Psychotherapy, SCM Press,
2017 : 70-87
Author(s): Pembroke, Neil
Filosofia como mirada atenta
HASER: Revista Internacional de Filosofia Aplicada,
2017 : 125-144
Author(s): Esquiro, Josep Maria
Inhabiting compassion: A Pastoral Theological Paradigm
HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies,
Author(s): Zylla, Phil C
L’ascolto attento e la cura in epoca neoliberista: una visione weiliana per tempi frettolosi
Il peso del corpo e la bilancia della giustizia, B. Casalini,
2017 : 21-60
Author(s): Bourgault, Sophie
L’attention, l’autre nom de l’amour: Comment apprendre et développer son attention
Éditions La Source Vive,
Author(s): Poletti, Rosette
Language, Judgment and Attention: Writing in the World
Revolution of the Ordinary: Literary Studies after Wittgenstein, Austin, and Cavell, University of Chicago Pres,
2017 : 222-242
Author(s): Moi, Toril
Practice into Pedagogy into Practice: Collaborative Postcards from Hong Kong
International Journal of Art and Design Education,
2017 : 92-105
Author(s): Archer, Carol
Simon Weil: una mirada famèlica
Comprendre: Revista catalana de filosofia,
2017 : 55-68
Author(s): Cagigal Soler, Gloria
Simone & Disma: I riferimenti al “buon ladrone” nell’opera di Simone Weil
Prospettiva Persona,
2017 : 38-41
Author(s): Fulco, Rita
Suffering Divine Things: Simone Weil and Jewish Mysticism
Spirituality and Global Ethics, Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
2017 : 9-26
Author(s): Sneller, Rico
The Saint Paul of Simone Weil
The Thorn in the Flesh: The Thought of the Apostle Paul in Modern Philosophy, Lit Verlag,
2017 : 127-146
Author(s): Brejdak, Jaromir
The Training of the Soul : Simone Weil’s Dialectical Disciplinary Paradigm, A Reading Alongside Michel Foucault
Simone Weil and Continental Philosophy, Rowman & Littlefield,
2017 : 187-203
Author(s): Ritner, Scott B.
Throwness, Attunement, Attention: A Heideggerian Account of Responsibility
Philosophy, University of Essex,
2017 : 234
Author(s): Cowles, Darshan
Tingens lydnad och människans väntan Nödvändighet, nåd, handling och tänkande Simone Weils filosofi
Södertörns högskola | Institutionen för Kultur och lärande,
2017 : 39
Author(s): Christola, Victor
We are the World? Anthropocene Cultural Production Between Geopoetics and Geopolitics
Theory, Culture & Society,
2017 : 1-22
Author(s): Last, Angela
Weil and Rancière on Attention and Emancipation
Simone Weil and Continental Philosophy, Rowman & Littlefield,
2017 : 223-240
Author(s): Bourgault, Sophie
“Whatever Else We Call It”: The Great Price of Secular Sainthood in Mary Gordon’s Pearl
Religion & Literature,
2016 : 1-25
Author(s): Wallace, Cynthia
« L’attention fait toute la différence entre l’homme et les animaux »Weil et Rancière sur l’attention, l’éducation et l’émancipation
2016 : 55-76
Author(s): Bourgault, Sophie
Alice Thompson Meynell e la religione delle minuscole cose
Strumenti critici. Rivista quadrimestrale di cultura e critica letteraria,
2016 : 119-146
Author(s): Ranghetti, Clara
Atención, contemplación, vacío. Iris Murdoch, lectora de Simone Weil attention, contemplation, void. Iris Murdoch as reader of Simone Weil
Segni e comprensione,
2016 : 90-109
Author(s): Rabassó, Georgina
Attentive Listening and Care in a Neoliberal Era: Weilian Insights for Hurried Times
Etica & Poltica,
2016 : 311-337
Author(s): Bourgault, Sophie
Conclusion: The Attentive Work of Grace
Slow Philosophy: Reading Against the Institution, Bloomsbury Publishing,
2016 : 177-189
Author(s): Walker, Michelle Boulous
Contemplation, Attention, and the Distinctive Nature of Catholic Education
Journal of Catholic Higher Education,
2016 : 193-209
Author(s): Van Nieuwenhove, Rik
Craft as a Place of Knowing in Natural Law
Studies in Christian Ethics,
2016 : 386-408
Author(s): McCarthy, David M., Pinches, Charles R.