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Showing 50 posts of 130 posts found.
Attention as a Contested Ethical and Political Resource: Simone Weil and Hannah Arendt on the Inner Origins of Freedom
Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil: Unprecedented Conversations, Bloomsbury,
2024 : 141-153
Author(s): Monti, Paolo
La fabrique de l’épuisement : oppression affective et déracinement dans le Journal d’usine de Simone Weil
Author(s): Néel, Julien
Rootedness and National Identity in the Twenty-First Century
Polis, Nation, Global Community: The Philosophic Foundations of Citizenship, Routledge,
2022 : 135-138
Author(s): Simms, Luma
Simone Weil – Malheur
Liminality and the Philosophy of Presence: A New Direction in Political Theory, Routledge,
2021 : 115-149
Author(s): Hoppen, Franziska
The Growing of Roots in Times of Turmoil and Uncertainty: Simone Weil’s Legacy
2021 : 55-71
Author(s): Eugenio, Paula Nicole C.
The Subversive Simone Weil: A Life in Five Ideas
University of Chicago Press,
Author(s): Zaretsky, Robert
À la racine de l’enracinement weilien – l’arbre comme symbole réel
Comprendre: Revista Catalana de Filosofia,
2020 : 79-94
Author(s): Zyka, Christine
Degrowth and Critical Agrarian Studies
Journal of Peasant Studies,
2020 : 235-264
Author(s): Gerber, Julien-François
La compasión por la fragilidad: un nuevo patriotismo
Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano,
2020 : 94-103
Author(s): Rio Herrmann, Alejandro del
The Ethics of Cross-Border Cooperation and Its Values
Religion & Cohesion,
2020 : 41-63
Author(s): Nadalutti, Elisabetta
The Politics of Rootedness: On Simone Weil and George Orwell
Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,
2020 : 103-121
Author(s): Quintana, Oriol
Une approche théorico-clinique de l’Enracinement : Déclinaisons des espaces, de la créativité et du contemporain
Université Côte d'Azur,
Author(s): Gibelin Charlotte
(S)radicamento e comunità: Le riposte di Simone Weil alla risi del soggetto
Segni e Comprensione,
2019 : 102-119
Author(s): Giugnatico, Ida
L’enracinement de Jean-Pierre Issenhuth
Études littéraires,
2019 : 165-176
Author(s): Mainguy, Thomas
La problématique du déracinement
La Distance et la Mémoire. Essai d'interprétation de l'oeuvre de Fernand Dumont, Presses de l’université Laval,
2019 : 45-61
Author(s): Cantin, Serge
María Zambrano, Simone Weil y la Europa fortaleza
Aurora: papeles del "Seminario María Zambrano",
2019 : 48-60
Author(s): Ribera, Pau Matheu
The Leftist Political Parties in Light of Simone Weil’s Criticism: The Workers’ Party
Síntese: Revista de Filosofia,
2019 : 283-300
Author(s): Martins, Alexandre Andrade
Uprootedness, Resentment, and the Will to Power in Emily Brontë
Language, Power and Ideology in Political Writing: Emerging Research and Opportunities, IGI Global,
2019 : 105-123
Author(s): Theodosiadis, Michail
Uprootedness, Resentment, and the Will to Power in Emily Brontë
Language, Power, and Ideology in Political Writing: Emerging Research and Opportunities, IGA Global,
2019 : 105-123
Author(s): Theodosiadis, Michail
Uprooting and liberation: problematics of Central and Eastern European exile in Škvorecký’s The engineer of human souls and Hoffman’s Lost in translation
2019 : 753-766
Author(s): Reid, Daisy
A Radical Cure: Hannah Arendt & Simone Weil on the Need for Roots
Philosophy Now,
2018 : 16-19
Author(s): Remer, Scott
HIstory, Alterity and Obligation: Toward a Genealogy of the Co-operative
Law, Obligation, Community, Routledge,
2018 : 122-138
Author(s): Mulqueen, Tara
Simone Weil e l’immaginario bio-pneumo-politico de L’Enracinement
Im@go: A Journal of the Social Imaginary,
2018 : 114-135
Author(s): Fulco, Rita
Simone Weil’s Uprooted
Placeless People: Writings, Rights and Refugees, Oxford University Press,
2018 : 96-118
Author(s): Stonebridge, Lyndsey
The Critical Spirit: The Pessimistic Heterodoxy of Simone Weil
New School for Social Research, The New School,
Author(s): Ritner, Scott B.
The Year of Our Lord 1943: Christian Humanism in an Age of Crisis
Oxford University Press,
Author(s): Jacobs, Alan
What are the “Ethical Values’ That Underpin Border Cooperation in Europe and South-East Asia?: A Reading of the Upper Adriatic Region and the Iskandar-Malaysia Border Cases
Region-Making and Cross-Border Cooperation: New Evidence from Four Continents, Routledge,
2018 : 148-169
Author(s): Nadalutti, Elisabetta
여성주체가 겪는 고통과 치유 The Suffering and Healing of Female Subjects : the Cases of Ellen West and Simone Weil Viewed from the Standpoint of Philosophical Counseling
한국여성철학 Korean Feminist Philosophy,
2018 : 87-131
Author(s): 노성숙 Nho, Soung-Suk
A Philosophical Anthropology Drawn from Simone Weil’s Life and Writings
Author(s): Cullen, Helen E.
Educação, desenraizamento e contemporaneidade em Simone Weil
Universidade de Estado de Bahia,
Author(s): Queiroz, Hamilton Barreto
Experience of Places in Derek Wolcott’s The Prodigal
English, University of Tartu,
Author(s): Soosaar, Susanna
Quando tudo nos é estranho para onde vamos? A inserção de imigrantes portugueses no movimento associativo português da cidade de São Paulo
Psychology, Universidade de São Paulo,
Author(s): Peres Antunes, Sofia Martins
Racism’s Uprooting: White Racial Jeopardy and Democracy
Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire,
2017 : 144-159
Author(s): Ryan, Judylyn
Simone Weil and Franz Kafka: A Forceful Parallel
Interbellum Literature: Writing in a Season of Nihilism, Bill,
2017 : 400-438
Author(s): Hermans, Cor
The Cry of the Poor: Anthropology of Suffering and Justice in Health Care from a Latin American Liberation Approach
Author(s): Martins, Alexandre Andrade
The Singularities of Moral Harassment and its Classification as Personal Injury and/or Existencial Damage
Revista Juridica,
2017 : 54-93
Author(s): Gunther, Luiz Eduardo, Cochran III, Augustus Bonner
L’enracinement en la crítica literaria(Camus, Mounier, Eliot)
Ápeiron. Estudios de filosofía,
2016 : 117-132
Author(s): Herrando, Carmen
Estado, sociedad y religión en L’Enracinement
Ápeiron. Estudios de filosofía,
2016 : 109-116
Author(s): Narcy, Michel
On Routes and Roots: Movement and Rootedness in Garifuna Culture
Mobile and Entangled America (s), Routledge,
Author(s): Prescod, Paula
Saving Europe from Itself: Weil’s Enracinement and Heidegger’s Bodenständigkeit
Rootedness: The Ramifications of a Metaphor, University of Chicago Press,
2016 : 111-154
Author(s): Wampole, Christy
Simone Weil ou l’expérience de la nécessité
Les précurseurs de la décroissance, Editions le passager clandestin,
Author(s): Azam, Genevieve, Valon, Françoise
Spinozan Realism: The Prophetic Fiction of Jane Bowles
Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenologial Psychology and the Arts,
2016 : 81- 108
Author(s): Adams, Don
프랑스 현대철학자들의 사상에 나타나는 똘레랑스 정신 The Spirit of Tolerance in Modern French Philosophers
인간연구 Journal of Human Studies,
2016 : 83-112
Author(s): 이명곤( Myung, Gon Lee)
Enracinement or the Earth, the Originary Ark, Does not Move: on the Phenomenological (Historical and Ontogenetic) Origin of Common and Scientific Sense and the Genetic Method of Teaching (for) Understanding
Cultural Studies of Science Education,
2015 : 469-494
Author(s): Roth, Wolff-Michael
How Can Science Education Foster Students’ Rooting?
Cultural Studies of Science Education,
2015 : 515-526
Author(s): Østergaard, E
Is EU Cross-border Cooperation Ethical? Reading Cross-border Cooperation Through the ‘Needs for Roots’ by Simone Weil
2015 : 485-512
Author(s): Nadalutti, Elisabetta
Une politique de la kénose
Cahiers Simone Weil,
2015 : 227-239
Author(s): Rio Herrmann, Alejandro del