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Showing 47 posts of 97 posts found.
Una refexión sobre la justícia en Simone Weil
Revista del Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats en Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya,
2010 : 36-52
Author(s): Bea Pérez, Emilia
Compassion, Caring and Justice: Teachers’ Strategies to Maintain Moral Integrity in the Face of National Hostility to the “Non-citizen”
Educational Review,
2009 : 249-264
Author(s): Arnot, Madeleine, Pinson, Halleli, Candappa, Mano
Forza e giustizia
Un granello di senape: Attualità di Simone Weil, Esodo,
2009 : 36-41
Author(s): Tommasi, Wanda
La justice : une vertu supernaturelle : « l’esprit de justice : la fleur suprême et parfaite de la folie d’amour »
Cahiers Simone Weil,
2009 : 27-40
Author(s): Doering, E. Jane
Simone Weil and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road : Conditions for the Possibility of Beauty, Justice, and Faith in God.
The Presence and Absence of God: Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, Conference 2008., Mohr Siebeck,
2009 : 187-199
Author(s): Horn, Patrick
Otherness as Path Toward Overcoming Violence : A Comparative Study of Emmanuel Levinas and Simone Weil
Levinas Studies: An Annual Review, Duquesne University Press,
2008 : 143-170
Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.
Power, Punishment and Reconciliation in the Political and Social Thought of Simone Weil
European Journal of Social Theory,
2008 : 315-330
Author(s): Hamilton, Christopher
Remarks on Simone Weil’s Mysticism
"Roots of Christian Mysticism - The Modern Mystics" lecture series at World Community for Christian Meditation,
Author(s): Cooper, Carla M.
The Cross, the Flesh, and the Absent God: Finding Justice Through Love and Affliction in Simone Weil’s Writings
The Journal of Religion,
2008 : 53-74
Author(s): Willox, Ashlee Cunsolo
«Concepire l’equilibrio» : la forza, la giustizia, l’obbligo e il loro legame con la corporeità attraverso Simone Weil
Diritto, giustizia e logiche del dominio, Morlacchi Editore,
2007 : 341-388
Author(s): Recchia Luciani, Francesca R.
Faith and the Multiversity
George Grant : a guide to his thought, University of Toronto Press,
2007 : 207-222
Author(s): Forbes, Hugh Donald
Simone Weil ou l’appel de la justice
Essais: Le Temps, les idées et les hommes, Éditons de Fallois,
2007 : 503-507
Author(s): Berl, Emmanuel
Towards a Sociology of Global Morals With an ‘Emancipatory Intent’
Review of International Studies,
2007 : 135-150
Author(s): Linklater, Andrew
Two Slices from the Same Loaf? : Weil and Levinas on the Demand of Social Justice
Ethical Perspectives : Journal of the European Ethics Network,
2007 : 117-138
Author(s): Loughead, Tanya
Living Speech: Resisting the Empire of Force
Princeton University Press,
Author(s): White, James Boyd
Authority According to Simone Weil
Politics Department, Goldsmiths College, University of London,
2005 : 286
Author(s): Avery, Desmond
Commentary: Compassion at the Core of Forensic Ethics
Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law,
2005 : 386-389
Author(s): Norko, Michael A.
Dal dolore alla giustizia. Strategie di risposta tra carità e diritto
Diritto in trasformazione. Questiono di filosofia giuridica, Editoriale Scientifica,
2005 : 407-440
Author(s): Greco, Tommaso
A Supernatural Use: Religion and Emancipation in the Thought of Simone Weil
Religion, The Claremont Graduate University,
2004 : 343
Author(s): Law, Jerry
The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,
2004 : 159 -179
Author(s): Andic, Martin
Simone Weil : The Impossible
The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,
2004 : 229-41
Author(s): Tracy, David
Simone Weil and the Divine Poetry of Mathematics
The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,
2004 : 95-114
Author(s): Morgan, Vance G.
Humility and the Transcendent
Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers,
2001 : 306-322
Author(s): Morgan, Vance G.
Injustice and Animals
Slow Cures and Bad Philosophers: Essays on Wittgenstein, Medicine and Bioethics, Duke University Press,
2001 : 118-48
Author(s): Diamond, Cora
Le choix du neutre chez deux femmes de pensée
Les catégories de l’universel: Simone Weil et Hannah Arendt, L'Harmattan,
2001 : 13-28
Author(s): Fraisse, Geneviève
The experience of affliction and the possibility of love in the life and thought of Simone Weil
Religious Studies, McGill University,
Author(s): Athanasiadis, Nicholas
Why Antigone Was Right After All: Simone Weil’s Mystical Hermeneutics
Shifting Borders: Theory and Identity in French Literature, Peter Lang,
2001 : 123-38
Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud
Common Humanity: Thinking about Love and Truth and Justice
Author(s): Gaita, Raimond
Justice and the Betrayal of Freedom: On Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil and Emmanuel Levinas
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,
Author(s): Gayman, Cynthia Jane
Justice as Structure and Strategy of Peace
Peacemaking: Lessons from the Past, Visions for the Future, Rodofi,
2000 : 51-73
Author(s): Peter-Raoul, Mar
Method and Liberty
Discussions of Simone Weil, State University of New York Press,
2000 : 3-15
Author(s): Rhees, Rush
Politics and ‘The Fragility of the Ethico-Cultural’
History of the Human Sciences,
2000 : 125-139
Author(s): Lassman, Peter
The Embers of Antiquity: The Wartime Political Philosophy of Simone Weil
Political Science, Yale University,
Author(s): Emery, Mark Thomas
The Measure of Justice: The Language of Limit as Key to Simone Weil’s Political Philosophy
ARC: The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University,
2000 : 53-66
Author(s): Schmidt, Lawrence E., Marratto, Scott McLoughlin
“The Interval of Hesitation”: Peter Winch’s Simone Weil
Peter Winch, Acumen,
1999 : 155-180
Author(s): Lyas, Colin
Simone Weil et Rousseau : Volonté générale, partis politiques, république
Cahiers Simone Weil,
1999 : 299-314
Author(s): Chenavier, Robert
Force et justice chez Simone Weil et François Mauriac
Nouveaux cahiers François Mauriac ,
1998 : 58-71
Author(s): Olivier, Sophie
Love’s Justice: The Political Thought of Simone Weil
Political Science, Fordham University,
1998 : 421
Author(s): Brown, Anna Jean
Simone Weil: The Way of Justice as Compassion
Twentieth-Century Political Thinkers, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
1998 : xviii, 259
Author(s): Bell, Richard H.
Simone Weil in Feminist War Resistance
Krieg/War: eine philosophische Auseinandersetzung aus feministischer Sicht, Wilhelm Fink Verlag,
1997 : 105-115
Author(s): Holm, Ulla M.
The Composition of Politics: Creativity in the Political Thought of Simone Weil and Albert Camus
Political Science, Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College,
Author(s): LeBlanc, John Randolph
Punishment and Community: the Reintegrative Theory of Punishment
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, University of Calgary,
1996 : 57-81
Author(s): Reitan, Eric
The Tragic Poetics of Simone Weil
The Beauty That Saves: Essays on Aesthetics and Language in Simone Weil, Mercer University Press,
1996 : 109-21
Author(s): Brueck, Katherine T.
La mystique du nouveau monde
Encyclopédie des mystiques, Payot,
1995 : 528-553
Author(s): Davy, Marie-Madeleine