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Showing 50 posts of 232 posts found.
‘Dancer in the Dark’: Affliction and the aesthetic of attention
Studies in Religion-Sciences Religieuses,
2006 : 85-106
Author(s): Faber, Alyda
‘No One to Receive It’: Simone Weil’s Unforeseen Legacy
Common Knowledge, Duke University Press,
2006 : 252-260
Author(s): Bok, Sissela
Emmanuel Levinas’s Ethic of the Other, Kenosis and the Theodicy Questions
Religious Studies and Theology, Boston University,
2006 : 309
Author(s): Park, Wonbin
Simone Weil: A Sense of God
Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture,
2006 : 127-144
Author(s): Hermida, J. Ranilo B.
Simone Weil: An Apprenticeship in Attention
Outstanding Christian Thinkers, Continuum,
Author(s): Von der Ruhr, Mario
Spiritual Wounding and Affliction: Facilitating Spiritual Transformation in Social Justice Work
Critical Social Work,
Author(s): Kruk, Edward
The Spiritual Transformation of Social (Justice) Work: A Charter of Social Responsibilities Corresponding to Vital Human Needs
Proceedings 2006 - The Transforming Power of Spirituality: Breaking Barriers and Creating Common Ground. The First North American Conference on Spirituality and Social Work, Canadian Society for Social Work and Spirituality,
Author(s): Kruk, Edward
Albert Camus, Simone Weil and the Absurd
Irish Theological Quarterly,
2005 : 343-354
Author(s): Van Nieuwenhove, Rik
Crossing: Simone Weil, Mystics, Politics
Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara,
2005 : 287
Author(s): Robert, William
Horizons of Grace: Marilynne Robinson and Simone Weil
Philosophy and Literature,
2005 : 349-364
Author(s): Ryan, Katy
Simone Weil and Iris Murdoch: The Possibility of Dialogue
Gender Issues,
2005 : 71-78
Author(s): Bok, Sissela
Simone Weil’s “Human Personality”: Between the Personal and the Impersonal
Harvard Theological Review,
2005 : 187-207
Author(s): Hamilton, Christopher
The Problem of Evil and the Problem of God
Author(s): Phillips, D. Z. (Dewi Zephaniah)
La réception au Japon des textes weiliens sur le malheur
Cahiers Simone Weil,
2004 : 305-23
Author(s): Shibata, Mimiko
Saintly Mimesis, Contagion, and Empathy in the Thought of René Girard, Edith Stein, and Simone Weil
Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, Purdue University Press,
2004 : 116-131
Author(s): Astell, Ann W.
Simone Weil: Completing Platonism through a Consistent Materialism
The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,
2004 : 61-76
Author(s): Chenavier, Robert
The Body of Christ, Broken: Child Sexual Abuse Trauma and the Communion of Compassion
Religion, Emery University,
2004 : 188
Author(s): Webb, Elizabeth Ann
Weil, Simone
Encyclopedia of Modern French Thought, Fitzroy Dearborn,
2004 : 647-653
Author(s): LeBlanc, John Randolph
Falling to pieces, emerging whole: Suffering illness and healing renunciation in the Dge slong ma Dpal mo tradition
Faculty of Arts and Sciences - Committee on the Study of Religion, Harvard University,
2003 : 237
Author(s): Vargas, Ivette Maria
Mathematics and the Love of God: An Introduction to the Thought of Simone Weil
Fourteenth conference of the Association of Christians in the mathematical sciences, Point Loma Nazarene Univ.,
2003 : 89-97
Author(s): Taylor, Scott
Simone Weil and the Impossible: a Radical View of Religion and Culture
Critical Spirit :Theology at the Crossroads of Faith and Culture: Essays in Honour of Gabriel Daly, Columbia Press,
2003 : 208-222
Author(s): Tracy, David
Simone Weil: A Study in Moral Psychology and Observations on Religious Life
Philosophy, Concordia University,
2003 : 116
Author(s): Kerkhoven, John
Simone Weil: Awaiting God
Divine Therapy: Love, Mysticism, and Psychoanalysis, Oxford University Press,
2003 : 93-104
Author(s): Sayers, Janet
The Practice of Attention: Simone Weil’s Performance of Impersonality
Critical Inquiry,
2003 : 216-252
Author(s): Cameron, Sharon
The Vocation of the Cross: Simone Weil’s Theodicy
Saint Austin Review,
2003 : 8-11
Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud
La reconnaissance de la subordination comme réponse au malheur
Cahiers Simone Weil,
2002 : 184-203
Author(s): Boitier, Daniel
Anorexie mentale et conduite sacrificielle. Réflexion sur l’itinéraire de Simone Weil
Annales médico-psychologiques,
2001 : 615-621
Author(s): Pewzner-Apeloig, E.
Attention or Destruction : Simone Weil and the Paradox of the Eucharist
The Journal of Religion,
2001 : 359-376
Author(s): Wolfteich, Claire
Discerning Architectures of Meaning Through an Ethics and Aesthetics of Sense
Graduate Theological Union,
2001 : 80
Author(s): Guthrie, Catherine
George Grant and the Theology of the Cross: the Christian Foundations of his Thought
University of Toronto Press,
Author(s): Athanasiadis, Harris
Philosophy in the Mass Age
George Grant and the Theology of the Cross : The Christian Foundations of his Thought, University of Toronto Press,
2001 : 55-120
Author(s): Athanasiadis, Harris
Simone Weil et Hannah Arendt: la politique entre bonheur et malheur
Les catégories de l’universel: Simone Weil et Hannah Arendt, L'Harmattan,
2001 : 211-253
Author(s): Rolland, Patrice
The experience of affliction and the possibility of love in the life and thought of Simone Weil
Religious Studies, McGill University,
Author(s): Athanasiadis, Nicholas
Conscience du mal(heur) et charité de l’écriture
Cahiers Simone Weil,
2000 : 129-144
Author(s): Marchetti, Adriano
Evil, Death, Suffering
Discussions of Simone Weil, State University of New York Press,
2000 : 169-183
Author(s): Rhees, Rush
Escritos esenciales, Sal Terre,
2000 : 14-40
Author(s): Springsted, Eric O., Weil, Simone
Justice and the Betrayal of Freedom: On Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil and Emmanuel Levinas
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,
Author(s): Gayman, Cynthia Jane
Simone Weil e il concetto di decreazione
La Società degli Individui: Quadrimestrale di teoria sociale e storia delle idee,
2000 : 91-102
Author(s): Soncini, Elettra
The Embers of Antiquity: The Wartime Political Philosophy of Simone Weil
Political Science, Yale University,
Author(s): Emery, Mark Thomas
L’attention au malheur dans la pensée politique de Simone Weil à Londres
Cahiers Simone Weil,
1999 : 67-78
Author(s): Shibata, Mimiko
Le chrétien comestible. Nourriture et transformation spirituelle chez Simone Weil
Autres Temps. Cahiers d'éthique sociale et politique,
1999 : 40-50
Author(s): Irwin, Alec
Realism and Faith in Transformation through the Creativeness of a Conscious Life : Simone Weil (1909-1943)
Life: The Outburst of Life in the Human Sphere: Scientific Philosophy/Phenomenology of Life and the Sciences of Life, Springer,
1999 : 473-503
Author(s): Fiori, Gabriella
Simone Weil and “the Supernatural Use of Suffering”
Epworth Review,
1999 : 23-35
Author(s): Plant, Stephen
Simone Weil on Greece’s Desire for the Ultimate Bridge to God: The Passion
Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers,
1999 : 352-367
Author(s): Cullen, Helen E.
Simone Weil’s Taoism
Jen, Agape, Tao with Tu Wei-Ming, Global Publications,
1999 : 168-196
Author(s): Andic, Martin
Simone Weil’s God: A Radical Christianity for the Secular World
Divinity School, University of Chicago,
1999 : 367
Author(s): McCullough, Lissa Jean
Suffering in the Cosmos: The Redemption of Evil in Levinas and Weil
Philosophical Writings,
1999 : 69-79
Author(s): Hamblet, Wendy C.