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Showing 50 posts of 5274 posts found.

«Militanti di alta classe»: filosofia, politica e «vita interiore» in Simone Weil e Rosa Luxemburg

Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica,

2024 : 5-22

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

Attention as a Contested Ethical and Political Resource: Simone Weil and Hannah Arendt on the Inner Origins of Freedom

Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil: Unprecedented Conversations, Bloomsbury,

2024 : 141-153

Author(s): Monti, Paolo

Compartir el amor: las Antígonas de Simone Weil y María Zambrano

Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano,

2024 : 6-19

Author(s): Basili, Cristiana

De Simone Weil a Giorgio Agamben: considerações sobre o esfacelamento do humano diante da escravização nas relações de trabalho no Brasil

Muiraquitã: Revista de Letras e Humanidades,

2024 : 297-310

Author(s): Cruz, Maria Lucia Rodrigues da

La fabrique de l’épuisement : oppression affective et déracinement dans le Journal d’usine de Simone Weil



Author(s): Néel, Julien

Living in Dark Times: The Seduction of Totalitarian Evil

Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil: Unprecedented Conversations, Bloomsbury,


Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Marx e o processo revolucionário em Hannah Arendt e em Simone Weil


2024 : 139-150

Author(s): Rodrigues, Eduardo Lucas Alves

On the Power of Words

Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil: Unprecedented Conversations, Bloomsbury,


Author(s): Rhoad, Ian

Philosophie: Les cours du Puy 1931-1932

Éditions de l'éclat,


Author(s): Weil, Simone

Rerooting “We Refugees”: Considerations on Conditions of Displacement from Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil

Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil: Unprecedented Conversations, Bloomsbury,

2024 : 127-139

Author(s): Ritner, Scott B.

Simone Weil: a Very Short Introduction

Oxford University Press,


Author(s): Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca

We Come and Go, The World is Here to Stay: Hannah Arendt’s Political Thought in Action

Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil: Unprecedented Conversations,

2024 : 97-112

Author(s): Roncalli, Elvira

Présentation. Patrice Rolland, juriste et philosophe

Revue française d'histoire des idées politiques,


Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

Primal Screams: The Infantile Cry in Simone Weil

Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics,

2023 : 93-110

Author(s): Darzi, Elinore

Recherches sur la philosophie politique de Simone Weil

Revue française d'histoire des idées politiques,

2023 : 25-27

Author(s): Rolland, Patrice

A Negative Effort: Simone Weil and the Ethics of Attention in Palliative Care

Palliative & Supportive Care,


Author(s): Petriceks, Aldis H

A Study of Character: Simone Weil’s Psychological and Ethical Attention

TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology,

2022 : 1-20

Author(s): Casewell, Deborah

Becoming Stewards of Attention: A Theological Appeal

Abeline Christian University,

2022 : 102

Author(s): Gorenflo, Joshua

Ethical Humans: Life, Love, Labour, Learning and Loss



Author(s): Seidler, Victor Jeleniewski

Impossible Rhyme in Geoffrey Hill

Essays in Criticism,

2022 : 77-93

Author(s): Docherty, Tom

Is Ageism an Oppression?

Journal of Aging Studies,

2022 : 1-6

Author(s): Higgs, Paul, Gilleard, Chris

Rootedness and National Identity in the Twenty-First Century

Polis, Nation, Global Community: The Philosophic Foundations of Citizenship, Routledge,

2022 : 135-138

Author(s): Simms, Luma

Spiritual Practice and the Patterns of Experience: Rethinking the Form of Moral Education

Columbia University,

2022 : 98

Author(s): Longa, Rachel

The Void and the Passion: A Dialogue with Simone Weil

Iris Murdoch and the Others: A Writer in Dialogue with Theology, Bloomsbury,


Author(s): Fiddes, Paul S.

Transcendent Rebellion: The Influence of Simone Weil on Albert Camus’ Esthetics

Perspectives on Political Science,

2022 : 33-43

Author(s): Bunn, Philip D.

Truth, Attention and Higher Education

Education in an Age of Lies and Fake New, Routledge,

2022 : 52-76

Author(s): Roberts, Peter

What is Fascism Without a State?: Countering Claims of Bataille’s Left Fascism

Critical Horizons: A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory,

2022 : 361-372

Author(s): Miller, Patrick

“The Long Experience of Love”: Meditations on Breath and Beauty amidst a Pandemic

Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality,

2021 : 128-147

Author(s): Burrows, Mark S.

“The Worker as Co-Creator with God”: The Theology of Dorothy Day’s Unionism

St. Catherine University,


Author(s): Kruse, Joe

“A Certain Way of Thinking”: Derrida, Weil and the Philippi Hymn

Eidos: A Journal for the Philosophy of Culture,

2021 : 7-22

Author(s): Jesson, Stuart

« Expliquer le bien par une image ». Simone Weil et l’image platonicienne du Bien dans la République

Revista portuguesa de filosofía,

2021 : 341-356

Author(s): Simeoni, Francesca

«To Turn with All One’s Soul» : On Some Aspects of the Platonic Legacy according to Simone Weil



Author(s): Simeoni, Francesca

A Degrading Division: Hands and Minds in Simone Weil

Egalitarian Strangeness: On Class Disturbance and Levelling in Modern and Contemporary French Narrative, University of Liverpool Press,

2021 : 131-156

Author(s): Hughes, Edward

A Political Ontology for Europe: Roberto Esposito’s Instituent Paradigm

Continental Philosophy Review,

2021 : 367-386

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

A vivente que gera vida: analogia entre o corpo feminino e os mistérios da criação

Perspectiva Teológica,

2021 : 553-578

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

Attention and Meaning in the Democratic Group Life

Contemporary Pragmatism,

2021 : 287-298

Author(s): Yeoman, Ruth

Bodily Negations: Time, Incarnation, and Social Critique in the Late Notebooks of Simone Weil

The Meaning and Power of Negativity: Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, Conference 2017, Mohr Siebeck,

2021 : 284-304

Author(s): Block, Mara G.

Comprender el dolor del mundo: conversaciones en torno a Simone Weil

Duoda: Revista d'estudis feministes,

2021 : 26-42

Author(s): Ramirez, Gloria Inés

Conclusion: The Empty Throne: From Theocracy to Anarchy

Living Law: Jewish Political Theology from Hermann Cohen to Hannah Arendt, Oxford University Press,

2021 : 285-294

Author(s): Vatter, Miguel

Cristina Campo’s Commentarial Reflection on Her Literary Translations


2021 : 85-98

Author(s): Bandalo, Višnja

Cultura de la atención en Simone Weil

Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos,

2021 : 110-135

Author(s): Arnau, Juan , Gallardo, Alejandro Martinez

Dialectic of Disillusionment:The Political Thought of Ex-Communists, c. 1929 – c. 1939

University of Cambridge,


Author(s): Devlin, Nicholas John

Die Seele als ,Zwischen“. Simone Weils Lesarten der Upanishaden

Mystique et psychisme: une approche interculturelle = Mystik und Psyche in interkultureller Perspektive, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg,

2021 : 123-136

Author(s): Bengert, Martina

El Sacrificio como clave de unidad en la obra de Simone Weil (Sacrifice as the key of unity in the work of Simone Weil)

Open Insight,

2021 : 33-64

Author(s): Novoa Echaurren, Alejandra

From Innate Morality Towards a New Political Ethos: Simone Weil With Carol Gilligan and Judith Butler

Ethics, Politics & Society,


Author(s): Heifetz, Aviad

In the Beginning was the Deed

Wittgenstein, Human Beings and Conversation, Bristol University Press,

2021 : 123-35

Author(s): Cockburn, David

In the Middle of Love: At the Fringes of Personhood. An Explorative Essay on the Dialogue of I and Thou and the Poetics of the Impersonal



Author(s): Lysemose, Kasper

Intentionalism and God’s Fiction

Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory,

2021 : 302-317

Author(s): Boulting, Noel E.

La belleza del mundo según Simone Weil. Prolegómenos para una estética religiosa

Deus semper maior. Teología en el horizonte de su verdad: Miscelánea homenaje al Prof. Santiago del Cura Elena , Secretariado Trinitario,

2021 : 89-108

Author(s): Tejerina Arias, Gonzalo

La fraternità tra Gaya e Zambrano: autenticità nella creazione

Monteagudo: Revista de literatura española, hispanoamericana y teoría de la literatura26,

2021 : 161-174

Author(s): Laurenzi, Elena