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Primal Screams: The Infantile Cry in Simone Weil

Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics,

2023 : 93-110

Author(s): Darzi, Elinore

“A Certain Way of Thinking”: Derrida, Weil and the Philippi Hymn

Eidos: A Journal for the Philosophy of Culture,

2021 : 7-22

Author(s): Jesson, Stuart

« Expliquer le bien par une image ». Simone Weil et l’image platonicienne du Bien dans la République

Revista portuguesa de filosofía,

2021 : 341-356

Author(s): Simeoni, Francesca

Rozumienie miłości w myśli Simone Weil

Jagiellonian University,


Author(s): Mikucka, Monika

Simone Weil. Una respuesta a la lejanía de Dios

Comprendre: Revista Catalana de Filosofia,

2020 : 29-47

Author(s): Herrando, Carmen

Proteus and the Expropriation of Time in Simone Weil


2017 : 113-132

Author(s): Ruiz Jiménez, Juan Manuel

Simone Weil: atención y oración

Cauriensia: revista anual de Ciencias Eclesiásticas,

2016 : 697-712

Author(s): Romano, Maria del Sol

Le désir du bien dans la pensée de Simone Weil

De Whitehead à Marion : éclats de philosophie contemporaine, L'Harmattan,

2015 : 183-209

Author(s): Veto, Miklos

Ce que voit Simone Weil dans le miroir de l’Inde ou la vérité du désir

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2013 : 31-42

Author(s): Ballanfat, Marc

Misers or Lovers? : How a reflection on Christian mysticism caused a shift in Jacques Lacan’s object theory

Continental Philosophy Review,

2013 : 189-208

Author(s): De Kesel, Marc

‘Love-Runes we Cannot Speak’: Sacred and Profane Love in The Pentecost Castle

Literature and Theology,

2012 : 199-213

Author(s): Freer, Alexander

L’attention dans la pensée de Simone Weil

Political Science, Institut d'études politiques de Lille,

2011 : 85

Author(s): Moussanang, Marie-Yemta

Decreation, Art, and a Passage of Diasporic Soul: Reading Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Pomegranate Offering with Simone Weil

Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Religion,


Author(s): Cho, Min-Ah

Simone Weil and René Girard: Violence and the Sacred

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly,

2010 : 565-587

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Simone Weil and the Ethic of (Im)moderation

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 18-37

Author(s): Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca (Adrian Rebecca)

Simone Weil e a grandeza da infelicidade humana

Razão e Liberdade : Homenagem a Manuel José do Carmo Ferreira, Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa,

2010 : 1531-1549

Author(s): Luz, José Luís Brandão da

Le désir du bien dans la pensée de Simone Weil

Simone Weil, Éditions du Cerf,

2009 : 181-209

Author(s): Vetö, Miklos

Crossing: Simone Weil, Mystics, Politics

Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara,

2005 : 287

Author(s): Robert, William

“Gravity” in the Thought of Simone Weil

Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,

1997 : 73-93

Author(s): Pirruccello, Ann

Grace and the Experience of the Impossible: Blanchot’s “Impossible Relation” as a Prolegomenon to a Theology of Grace

Philosophy and Theology,

1997 : 421-448

Author(s): Purcell, Michael

Simone Weil on Death


1997 : 63-72

Author(s): Cockburn, David

The Examination of Certain Theories of Human Perfection in Relation to Their Authors’ Valuation of Human Materiality

University of Ottawa,


Author(s): Khatib, Michael

The Love of God and Neighbor in Simone Weil’s Philosophy

Journal of Philosophical Research,

1997 : 461-476

Author(s): Stephenson, Wendell

Blanchot’s Neutral Space: A Negative Theology?

Pacifica: Australasian Theological Studies,

1996 : 175-184

Author(s): Madder, Clive

The Character of Don Giovanni in Mozart’s Opera

The Beauty that Saves: Essays on Aesthetics and Language in Simone Weil, Mercer University Press,

1996 : 173-183

Author(s): Allen, Diogenes

Spiritualisation de la maladie: Simone Weil (1909-1943)

Gestions religieuses de la sante: colloque de l'association francaise de sociolige religieuse, Paris 29-30 mars 1993, L'Harmattan,

1995 : 149-166

Author(s): Raimbault, Ginette