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Showing 32 posts of 232 posts found.

The Impersonal and the Other: on Simone Weil (1907-43)

European Journal of Women's Studies,

1999 : 183-200

Author(s): Hermsen, Joke J.

A Comparative Study of Form and Theology in the Works of Flannery O’Connor and Simone Weil

English, University of Leeds,

1998 : 317

Author(s): Maxwell, Catherine Anne

An Inquiry into Genuine Mystery as a Transcendent, Uplifting and Illuminating Presence, with Particular Attention to the Life and Thought of Simone Weil

Princeton Theological Seminary,


Author(s): Elliott, Bradley James


Simone Weil, Orbis,

1998 : 11-29

Author(s): Springsted, Eric O., Weil, Simone

Love’s Justice: The Political Thought of Simone Weil

Political Science, Fordham University,

1998 : 421

Author(s): Brown, Anna Jean

Mystery of Evil and the Hiddenness of God: Some Thoughts on Simone Weil

The Fascination of Evil, SCM,

1998 : 74-84

Author(s): Nava, Alexander

Simone Weil and Abhishiktananda: The Mystical Journeys

An Ethnography of Mysticism: The Narratives of Abhishiktananda: a French Monk in India, Indian Institute of Advanced Study,

1998 : 40 - 54

Author(s): Visvanathan, Susan

The Meaning of Suffering

Hastings Center Report,

1998 : 13-19

Author(s): Hooft, Stan Van

George Grant and the Theology of the Cross: the Christian Foundations of his Thought

Religious Studies, McGill,


Author(s): Athanasiadis, Harris

Simone Weil and Post-Holocaust Judaism

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1997 : 48-63

Author(s): Bell, Richard H.

The Examination of Certain Theories of Human Perfection in Relation to Their Authors’ Valuation of Human Materiality

University of Ottawa,


Author(s): Khatib, Michael

The Love of God and Neighbor in Simone Weil’s Philosophy

Journal of Philosophical Research,

1997 : 461-476

Author(s): Stephenson, Wendell

Writing as Resistance: Four Women Confronting the Holocaust: Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Anne Frank, Etty Hillesum

Pennsylvania State University Press,

1997 : vii, 216

Author(s): Brenner, Rachel Feldhay

“La nuit du don: Origine et décréation du mal chez Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1996 : 19-65

Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel

Blanchot’s Neutral Space: A Negative Theology?

Pacifica: Australasian Theological Studies,

1996 : 175-184

Author(s): Madder, Clive

Contradiction, Mystery and the Use of Words in Simone Weil

The Beauty That Saves: Essays on Aesthetics and Language in Simone Weil, Mercer University Press,

1996 : 13-29

Author(s): Springsted, Eric O.

Iris Murdoch’s The Green Knight and Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1996 : 225-38

Author(s): Purcell, Donald

L’ascedie de saint Jean Cassien a Simone Weil

De la fatigue, Les Editions de Minuit,

1996 : 92-102

Author(s): Chrétien, Jean-Louis

Self, Identity and Gender in the Life and Work of Simone Weil


1996 : 69-82

Author(s): Jensen, Debra Joanne

Simone Weil and the Limits of Language

The Beauty That Saves: Essays on Aesthetics and Language in Simone Weil, Mercer University Press,

1996 : 39-54

Author(s): Little, J.P. (Janet Patricia)

Simone Weil and Wallace Stevens: The Notion of Decreation as Subtext in “An Ordinary Evening in New Haven”

The Beauty That Saves: Essays on Aesthetics and Language in Simone Weil, Mercer University Press,

1996 : 151-171

Author(s): Lindroth, James R.

Simone Weil’s Violent Grace

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1996 : 397-412

Author(s): Pirruccello, Ann

The Love of God and Man’s Suffering: Simone Weil and Georges Bernanos

The Beauty That Saves: Essays on Aesthetics and Language in Simone Weil, Mercer University Press,

1996 : 185-196

Author(s): Bush, William S.

The Spiritual Uses of Pain in Spanish Mysticism

Journal of the American Academy of Religion,

1996 : 257-278

Author(s): Flynn, Maureen

The Tragic Poetics of Simone Weil

The Beauty That Saves: Essays on Aesthetics and Language in Simone Weil, Mercer University Press,

1996 : 109-21

Author(s): Brueck, Katherine T.

Interpreting Simone Weil: Presence and Absence in Attention

Philosophy East and West,

1995 : 61-72

Author(s): Pirruccello, Ann

Le problème du mal chez Simone Weil et Dostoevski

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1995 : 367-387

Author(s): Ollivier, Sophie

Modern Women Mystics: Etty Hillesum and Simone Weil

New Blackfriars,

1995 : 175-187

Author(s): Bowie, Fiona

Simone Weil et le malheur: une chrétienne de Vendredi-Saint

La quête du bonheur et l'expression de la douleur dans la littérature et la pensée françaises : Mélanges offerts à Corrado Rosso, Droz,

1995 : 381-395

Author(s): Tricaud, François

Simone Weil’s “Affliction” : Two Contemporary Spiritualities

Studies in Spirituality,

1995 : 208-219

Author(s): Astell, Ann W.

Suffering’s Sacred Cost : The Life of Simone Weil

Mars Hill Review,

1995 : 113-118

Author(s): Webb, Heather

The Smile of Accomplishment: Sylvia Plath’s Ambition

Iowa Review,

1995 : 1-28

Author(s): Hampl, Patricia