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Showing 50 posts of 69 posts found.

Sacrifice Between West and East: René Girard, Simone Weil and Mahatma Gandhi on Violence and Non-Violence


2020 : 51-63

Author(s): Palaver, Wolfgang

Sleeping Soldiers: On Sleep and War

Security Dialogue,

2020 : 119-136

Author(s): Kinsella, Helen M.

Vulnerabilidad y violencia en el «Prologue» de Simone Weil

Aurora: papeles del "Seminario María Zambrano",

2020 : 104-116

Author(s): Otón, Josep

Simone Weil: o sofrimento como pathos da filosofia

Revista de filosofia aurora,

2019 : 574-603

Author(s): Valle, Bortolo

The Problem of Force: Simone Weil

The Peace Discourse in Europe, 1900-1945, Routledge,

2019 : 168-190

Author(s): Castelli, Alberto

Baroque Sarabande

Philippe Rey,


Author(s): Taubira, Christine

Creative Renunciation of the Will to Violence

Bogoslovni vestnik,

2018 : 473-481

Author(s): Ekpunobi, Anthony

Exploring Agency in the Mahabharata: Ethical and Political Dimensions of Dharma



Author(s): Bhattacharya, Sibesh Chandra, Dlamiya, Vrinda, Mukherji, Gangeya

La sociedad impune como distopia postdictatorial


2018 : 302-314

Author(s): Rossel, Gabriel A. Saldias

Memory in Warfare: History as a Destituent Narrative

European Review of History,

2018 : 671-685

Author(s): Vinale, Adriano

The Critical Spirit: The Pessimistic Heterodoxy of Simone Weil

New School for Social Research, The New School,


Author(s): Ritner, Scott B.

The Experience and the Idea of War in the Writings of Simone Weil and Marguerite Duras

European Review of History,

2018 : 818-830

Author(s): Dini, Tristana

Violenza senza fine e “azione perfetta”. Sulle tracce di Simone Weil

Spiritualità e politica, Vita e Pensiero,

2018 : 139-167

Author(s): Lizzola, Ivo

Walled Lives: Images and Violence

Quadranti - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Contemporanea,

2018 : 125-134

Author(s): Fornari, Emmanuella

Mysticism, Girard and Simone Weil

Palgrave Handbook of Mimetic Theory and Religion, Palgrave Macmillan,

2017 : 249-255

Author(s): Astell, Ann W.

Una rara inocencia: El debilitamiento de la metáfora en Dalton, Alegria, Ledesma Vázquez y Watanabe

School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh,


Author(s): Balladares Uquillas, Maria Auxiliadora

Violence, Mysticism and René Girard

Theological Studies,

2017 : 389-411

Author(s): Astell, Ann W.

Violenza costituente e mito destituente. Una lettura di Simone Weil e René Girard

Democrazia e Diritto,

2017 : 294-306

Author(s): Vinale, Adriano

Violenza senza fine, attestazione e azione perfetta: in dialogo con Simone Weil

Pensare il presente con Simone Weil, Effata Editrice,

2017 : 289-320

Author(s): Lizzola, Ivo

Evil and Human Dignity: Simone Weil on Power and Violence: A Philosophical Discourse

History as a Challenge to Buddhism and Christianity, EOS,

2016 : 225-244

Author(s): Stenqvist, Catharina

Political Ethic, Violence and Defeat

Political Responsibility: Responding to Predicaments of Power., Columbia University Press,

2016 : 212-316

Author(s): Vásquez-Arroyo, Antonio Y.

Silence, Sympathy and Violence: A Meditation

Comparative Literature Studies,

2016 : 225-245

Author(s): Bhalla, Alok

Critica della violenza: politica, rivoluzione e religione

Il discorso sulla pace in Europa, FrancoAngeli,

2015 : 167-258

Author(s): Castelli, Alberto

Curriculum as Conversation: Vulnerability, Violence, and Pedagogy in Prison

Educational Theory,

2015 : 475-90

Author(s): O'Donnell, Aislinn

Le pacifisme à l’épreuve

La philosophie face à la violence, Éditions des Équateurs,

2015 : 87-101

Author(s): Crépon, Marc

Simone Weil : un pensiero accogliente

Ethos, Levante editori,


Author(s): Di Iasio, Biagio

The Pitfalls of National Reconstruction: History, Pedagogy and Politics in Rwanda’s Post-Genocide Education Institutions

Comparative Literature, The University at Buffalo, State University of New York,

2014 : 247

Author(s): Haumschild, Daniel T.

Um retrato da guerra e do estado de exceção no romance Um Homem: Klaus Klump


2014 : 65-75

Author(s): Bordini, Maria Isabel

Hebräische und europäische Tradition nach Simone Weil: Wirkungsgeschichte der historischen Gewalt im Lichte der Offenbarung des „Übernatürlich-Guten“

Art, Intellect and Politics: A Diachronistic Perspective, Brill,

2013 : 89-166

Author(s): Kühn, Rolf

Sacrificial Cults as ‘the Mysterious Centre of every Religion’: A Girardian Assessment of Aby Warburg’s Theory of Religion

Sacrifice and Modern Thought, Oxford University Press,

2013 : 83-99

Author(s): Palaver, Wolfgang

The Mouth of a Labyrinth: Beauty’s Invitation to a New Violence

Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture,

2013 : 164-178

Author(s): Daigle, Jennifer Lynn

At the Violet Hour: Modernism and Violence in England and Ireland

Oxford University Press,


Author(s): Cole, Sarah

Enter the Man

Florida State University,


Author(s): Thomas, Aaron C.

Reconsiderando la violencia machista. Patriarcado, relaciones de pareja y sadismo”

Revista Andaluza de Antropología,

2012 : 183-207

Author(s): Válquez, Felix Talego, Florido Del Corral, David, Sabuco I Cantó, Assumpta

Simone Weil e il poema della forza

Donne e violenza: Filosofia e guerra nel pensiero del '900, Mimesis Edizioni,

2012 : 93-143

Author(s): Sanò, Laura

Simone Weil: Dall’analisi della forza ad una pedagogia del miglioramento interiore

Collana Ospiti, Sensibili alle foglie,

2012 : 128

Author(s): Ghirardelli, Luca

A alteridade como caminho de superação da violência: um estudo comparativo entre o pensamento de Simone Weil e Emmanuel Lévinas

Simone Weil e la filosofia, PUC-Rio,

2011 : 131-166

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

Espagne 1936-37, guerre ou révolution ? Comment penser la conjoncture ?

Cahiers du GRM,

2011 : 370-401

Author(s): Marcolini, Patrick

Laulu ja amor mundi : tutkimus laulusta eräänä maailmasta huolehtimisen perusaktiviteettina

Social Sciences, University of Jyväskylä,,

2011 : 193

Author(s): Pietikäinen, Maija

“You Will Be Like God”: Fascination of Force and Social Conformism in Two War Episodes

Journal of Humanistic Psychology,

2010 : 6-37

Author(s): Rossi Monti, Martino

Contra todo tipo de violencia

Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza, Trotta,

2010 : 129-135

Author(s): Ballesteros, Jesús

Contra todo tipo de violencia

Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza, Trotta,

2010 : 129-135

Author(s): Ballesteros, Jesús

Despair is the Handmaiden of War

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 159-175

Author(s): Doering, E. Jane

Die Frage des Opfers im Spannungsfeld von West und Ost : René Girard, Simone Weil und Mahatma Gandhi über Gewalt und Gewaltfreiheit

Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie,

2010 : 462-481

Author(s): Palaver, Wolfgang

Epistemologies of Discomfort: What Military-Family Anti-War Activists Can Teach Us about Knowledge of Violence

Studies in Social Justice,

2010 : 25-45

Author(s): Stone-Mediatore, Shari

Simone Weil and René Girard: Violence and the Sacred

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly,

2010 : 565-587

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Living with War, Fanaticism and the Pragmatic: The ‘Pacifist’, the ‘Theological’ and the ‘Secular’ in the Thought of Simone Weil and Franz Rosenzweig


2009 : 24-32

Author(s): Wilkes, George R.

Una riflessione di Simone Weil sulla “barbarie” del nostro tempo

Azione Nonviolenta,

2009 : 17

Author(s): Manara, Fulvio Cesare Pietro

A fora e a palavra: a violencia segundo Simone Weil e Hannah Arendt

Candido Mendes : a aventura da consciência : ensaios em homenagem aos seus 80 anos, Educam,

2008 : 286-313

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

L’« Iliade » poema della forza ? : a proposito di Simone Weil


2008 : 117-137

Author(s): Andò, Valeria