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Showing 50 posts of 333 posts found.

‘Between the Blank Page and the Poem’: Reading Simone Weil in Contemporary American Poets

Cambridge Quarterly,

2007 : 129-54

Author(s): Fan, Kit

Dalla gratuità alla grazia: esperienza del vuoto e mistica del dono in Simone Weil

Lettere e Filosofia, Universita degli Studi Roma Tre,

2007 : 83

Author(s): Brauzzi, Maria Livia

Desire, Decreation and Unknowing in the God-relationship: Mystical Theology and its Transformation in Kierkegaard, Simone Weil and Dostoevsky

Subjectivity and Transcendence, Mohr Siebeck,

2007 : 193-211

Author(s): Pattison, George

Ethics of Attention

Analecta Husserliana,

2007 : 175-187

Author(s): Mardas, Nancy

Imagination Versus Attention: Simone Weil Translating the Iliad

Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics,

2007 : 29-36

Author(s): Rybakova, Maria

L’attention comme méthode dé-créative

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2007 : 51-88

Author(s): Kühn, Rolf

The Cross: Simone Weil’s Hyperchristianity

Ecce Monstrum: Georges Bataille and the Sacrifice of Form, Fordham UP,

2007 : 95-123

Author(s): Biles, Jeremy

ヴェイユにおける恩寵と人間 : 「注意力」概念の重要性についての考察 (La grace et I’humanite chez Simone Weil : Considerations sur I’importance de I’<>)

哲学会誌. (Tetsugaku zasshi),

2007 : 147-162

Author(s): 中島 和歌子 (Wakako, Nakajima)

‘Dancer in the Dark’: Affliction and the aesthetic of attention

Studies in Religion-Sciences Religieuses,

2006 : 85-106

Author(s): Faber, Alyda

A Political Theology of the Absurd? Albert Camus and Simone Weil on Social Transformation

Literature and Theology,

2006 : 286-300

Author(s): Skrimshire, Stefan

Dignidade humana e pessoa. A disciplina da atenção no pensamento antopológico de Simone Weil

Communio: Revista Internacional Católica,

2006 : 305-322

Author(s): Pinto, Maria José Vaz

Fiction and the growth of moral consciousness: attention and evil

Analecta Husserliana,

2006 : 235-257

Author(s): Painter, Rebecca M.

From Paranoia to Metanoia: Education and the Journey of the Soul

PESGB (Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain) Annual Conference,

2006 : 1-11

Author(s): Mackenzie, Rod

L’attention selon Simone Weil

Philosophie et religion: essais et études, L'Harmattan,

2006 : 15-22

Author(s): Vetö, Miklos

Praying to an Absent God: The Poetic Revealing of Simone Weil

Culture, Theory & Critique, Routledge,

2006 : 133-147

Author(s): Baker, Timothy C.

Simone Weil: A Sense of God

Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture,

2006 : 127-144

Author(s): Hermida, J. Ranilo B.

Simone Weil: An Apprenticeship in Attention

Outstanding Christian Thinkers, Continuum,


Author(s): Von der Ruhr, Mario

Simone Weil. L’attention comme exercice spirituel. ‘Boire de la lumière’


2006 : 13-21

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de

The Trace of the Other: An Ethnography of Grief

Sociology, University of Notre Dame,

2006 : 197

Author(s): MacMillen, Sarah L.

Chapter 5 : The Spiritual Teacher

Journal of Philosophy of Education,

2005 : 287-317

Author(s): Tubbs, Nigel

La force et le bien: La purification du “désir du bien” chez Simone Weil

仏文研究 (Etudes de Langue et Littérature Francaises),

2005 : 99-119

Author(s): 辻村 暁子 (Tsujimura, Satoko)

The Experience of the Kingdom of God

Experience of God: A Postmodern Response, Fordham University Press,


Author(s): Hart, Kevin, Wall, Barbara

無力における責任:「人権」の手前 へ / Responsabilité impuissante : en-deçà des «droits de l’homme

哲学 (Tetsugaku),

2005 : 82-97

Author(s): 杉村 靖彦 (Sugimura, Yasuhiko)

Altering Habits of Attention in Education: Simone Weil and Emmanuel Levinas

Spirituality and Ethics in Education: Philosophical, Theological and Radical Perspectives, Sussex Academic Press,

2004 : 42-53

Author(s): Eppert, Claudia

Promesses furtives

Paradoxe, Minuit,


Author(s): Chrétien, Jean-Louis

Quelques propos sur l’attention chez Simone Weil

Kephas: Revue catholique trimentrielle,


Author(s): Henri-Rousseau, Nicolas

The Body of Christ, Broken: Child Sexual Abuse Trauma and the Communion of Compassion

Religion, Emery University,

2004 : 188

Author(s): Webb, Elizabeth Ann

The Ethics of Self

Nursing Ethics,

2004 : 434-443

Author(s): Haegert, Sandra

The Religious and the Aesthetic Attitude

Literature and Theology,

2004 : 174-186

Author(s): Van Nieuwenhove, Rik

To Revolt Against Present Sex and Gender Images :Feminist Theory, Feminist Ethics and a Literary Reference

Stellenbosch Law Review,

2004 : 247-246

Author(s): Van Marle, Karin

Transcendence, Immanence, and Practical Deliberation in Simone Weil’s Early and Middle Years

The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,

2004 : 43-60

Author(s): Ross, Michael D.

아이리스 머독의 『종』 읽기: 시몬느 베이유의 사상을 중심으로 = A Reading of Iris Murdoch`s The Bell: In the Light of Simone Weil`s Ideas

(현대영미소설 Studies in Modern Fiction,

2004 : 1-24

Author(s): 이혜리 ( Her Rie Lee )

A atencao em Simone Weil

Psicologia USP,

2003 : 11-20

Author(s): Bosi, Ecléa

Attention As Prayer: Simone Weil

Literature and Aesthetics: The Journal of the Sydney Society of Literature and Aesthetics,

2003 : 19-27

Author(s): Delaruelle, Jacques

Mathematics and the Love of God: An Introduction to the Thought of Simone Weil

Fourteenth conference of the Association of Christians in the mathematical sciences, Point Loma Nazarene Univ.,

2003 : 89-97

Author(s): Taylor, Scott

Qu’est-ce que le beau?: Les aventures de l’esthétique:



Author(s): Lacoste, Jean

Simone Weil: Awaiting God

Divine Therapy: Love, Mysticism, and Psychoanalysis, Oxford University Press,

2003 : 93-104

Author(s): Sayers, Janet

The Practice of Attention: Simone Weil’s Performance of Impersonality

Critical Inquiry,

2003 : 216-252

Author(s): Cameron, Sharon

The Unity of Spiritual and Political Exercises in Simone Weil’s Call for a New Saintliness: Being, Thinking and Doing in the Quest for the Good

Theology, The Catholic University of America,

2003 : 676

Author(s): Ross, Michael D.

지행합일의 도덕정신을 통한 시몬느 베이유의 「기독교적 소크라테스 주의」에 대한 조명 = L`eclaircissement sur le “Socratisme Chretien” de Simone Weil par l`esprit d`ethique comme unite de la connaissance et de l`action


2003 : 69-92

Author(s): 이명곤 ( Lee Myeong Gon )

Making the World My Body: Simone Weil and Somatic Practice

Philosophy East and West, University of Hawaii Press,

2002 : 479-497

Author(s): Pirruccello, Ann

Simone Weil’s Unfinished Shirt

PN Review (Poetry Nation Review),

2002 : 28-33

Author(s): Avery, Desmond

Spiritual Apprenticeship

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2002 : 325-44

Author(s): Springsted, Eric O.

Attention or Destruction : Simone Weil and the Paradox of the Eucharist

The Journal of Religion,

2001 : 359-376

Author(s): Wolfteich, Claire

De l’attention Edith Stein et Simone Weil en dialogue

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2001 : 182-199

Author(s): De Monticelli, Roberta

Discerning Architectures of Meaning Through an Ethics and Aesthetics of Sense

Graduate Theological Union,

2001 : 80

Author(s): Guthrie, Catherine

Humility and Attention: The Contemplative Psychology of Simone Weil

Journal of Psychology and Christianity,

2001 : 360-369

Author(s): Sandage, Steven J., Wiens, Tina Watson, Dahl, Carla M.

Humility and the Transcendent

Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers,

2001 : 306-322

Author(s): Morgan, Vance G.

Nothingness, Politics and Pychoanalysis: Simone Weil and Marion Milner

Psychoanalytic Studies,

2001 : 209-221

Author(s): Avery, Desmond, Sayers, Janet

Simone Weil 1909-43

Fifty Modern Thinkers on Education from Piaget to the Present, Routledge,

2001 : 69-73

Author(s): Smith, Richard