Showing 50 posts of 5274 posts found.
Free Will: An Historical and Philosophical Introduction, Routledge,
1999 : 206-220
Author(s): Dilman, İlham
Volti del Messia : l Gesù di Nazaret e il dialogo ebraico-cristiano, Eruocomp,
1999 : 159-182
Author(s): Gallinaro, Roberto
Aurora: papeles del "Seminario María Zambrano",
1999 : 94-98
Author(s): Ortega, Isabel
Author(s): Coles, Robert
TemisThémis, Il Segnalibro,
1999 : 238
Author(s): Verna, Anna Maria
Religione del nostro tempo, edizioni e/o,
1999 : 22-38
Author(s): Gaeta, Giancarlo
Vita consacrata,
1999 : 53-65
Author(s): Mancini, Norma
Simone Weil : Ein Leben gibt zu denken, EOS,
1999 : 255-259
Author(s): Abbt, Imelda
Engaged Spirituality : Ten Lives ofCcontemplation and Action, Chalice Press,
1999 : 22-33
Author(s): Parachin, Janet W.
Jen, Agape, Tao with Tu Wei-Ming, Global Publications,
1999 : 168-196
Author(s): Andic, Martin
Divinity School, University of Chicago,
1999 : 367
Author(s): McCullough, Lissa Jean
Cahiers Simone Weil,
1999 : 406-419
Author(s): Chenavier, Robert
Philosophical Writings,
1999 : 69-79
Author(s): Hamblet, Wendy C.
European Journal of Women's Studies,
1999 : 183-200
Author(s): Hermsen, Joke J.
Foreign Languages and Literatures Educational Thought and Sociocultural Studies, University of New Mexico,
1999 : 146
Author(s): Wolf, Mera Jane Triffler
1999 : 79-96
Author(s): Canciani, Domenico
Œuvres, Gallimard,
1999 : 389-392
Author(s): Canciani, Domenico, Weil, Simone
Éditions des Cendres,
1999 : 186
Author(s): Leiris, Michel, Peignot, Jérôme, Roche, Anne
Kvinder, køn og forskning,
1999 : 35-50
Author(s): Holm, Ulla M.
1999 : 135-52
Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel
Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken,
1999 : 999-1003
Author(s): Federmair, Leopold
Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer europaeisches Denken,
Simone Weil ein Leben gibt zu denken, EOS,
1999 : 29-53
Author(s): Karwath, Sophia Bettina
1999 : 181-197
Author(s): Broy, Inge
The Judge and the Spectator: Hannah Arendt on Thought and Action, Peeters,
1999 : 59-78
比較思想研究 (Hikaku shisō kenkyū - Studies in comparative philosophy),
1999 : 73-80
Author(s): 今村, 純子 (Imamura, Junko)
Edith Stein Jahrbuch,
1998 : 531-547
Author(s): Beckmann-Zöller, Beate
Bulletin de l'Association Présence de Gabriel Marcel,
1998 : 31-38
Author(s): Marcel, Anne
1998 : 99-110
Author(s): Courtine-Denamy, Sylvie
1998 : 301-27
Author(s): Devaux, André A.
English, University of Leeds,
1998 : 317
Author(s): Maxwell, Catherine Anne
JC Lattes,
Author(s): Huguenin, François
An Ethnography of Mysticism: The Narratives of Abhishiktananda: a French Monk in India, Indian Institute of Advanced Study,
1998 : 95-109
Author(s): Visvanathan, Susan
1998 : 48-60
Author(s): Vasadi, Péter
1998 : 369-72
Les carnets du gyrovague, Bourges,
Author(s): Bourges, Pierre
Princeton Theological Seminary,
Author(s): Elliott, Bradley James
Université de Bourgogne,
Author(s): Lang, Nadia
Homo politicus. I dilemmi della democrazia, Gregoriana Libreria Editrice,
1998 : 101-136
Author(s): Mangiabene, Massimo
The Unitarian Universalist Christian,
1998 : 53-57
Author(s): Shaw, Marvin C.
Religionspädagogik und Phänomenologie : von der empirischen Wendung zur Lebenswelt, Deutscher Studien Verlag,
1998 : 158-177
Author(s): Rumpf, Horst
Simone Weil, l'expérience de la vie et le travail de la pensée, Sulliver,
1998 : 7-21
Author(s): Jacquier, Charles
Maurice Blondel et la quête du sens, Beauchesne,
1998 : 53-65
Estudos Avançados,
1998 : 187-211
Segno: notiziario di arte contemporanea,
1998 : 39-48
Author(s): Tommasi, Wanda
Editore Tre Luna,
Author(s): Boella, Laura
1998 : 66-76
Author(s): Nava, Alexander
Geist und Leben,
1998 : 26-39
Author(s): Betz, Otto
1998 : 108-144