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Showing 50 posts of 169 posts found.

Blessed are the Consumers: Climate Change and the Practice of Restraint



Author(s): McFague, Sallie

Disorienting Dharma: Ethics and the Aesthetics of Suffering in the Mahābhārata

Oxford University Press,


Author(s): Hudson, Emily T.

Human Suffering and the Quest for Cosmopolitan Solidarity: A Buddhist Perspective

Journal of International Political Theory,

2013 : 136-154

Author(s): Ward, Eilis

Interpretations of Suffering in Phenomenology of Life and Today’s Life-World

Phenomenology and the Human Positioning in the Cosmos, Springer,

2013 : 69-80

Author(s): Kūle, Maija

Simone Weil et la mystique de l’excès et de l’absence

L'action : penser la vie, « agir » la pensée. Actes du XXXIIIe Congrès International de l'Association des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française (ASPLF), Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin,

2013 : 645-648

Author(s): Luz, José Luís Brandão da

The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours

Belknap Press,


Author(s): Nagy, Gregory

The Spiritual Theology of Julian of Norwich as a Resource for Issues in Theoretical and Pastoral Theodicy

Theology, University of St. Michael's College,


Author(s): Oh, Kwang-Cheol

Thinking in Images is Legal Theory

The Anxiety of the Jurist: Legality, Exchange and Judgment, Ashgate,

2013 : 43-67

Author(s): Del Mar, Maksymilian

Troubled Bodies: Metaxu, Suffering and the Encounter With the Divine

Feminist Theology,

2013 : 88-97

Author(s): Hamilton, Charity K.M.

What’s Love Got to Do with Development?

The Anxiety of the Jurist: Legality, Exchange and Judgment, Ashgate,

2013 : 225-237

Author(s): Onazi, Oche

Where Can I Find Consolation? A Theoretical Analysis of the Meaning of Consolation as Experienced by Job in the Book of Job in the Hebrew Bible

Journal of Religion and Health,

2013 : 114-227

Author(s): Roxberg, Åsa, Brunt, David, Rask, Mikael, Silva, António Barbosa

A Mystic Impuse: From Apophatics to Decreation in Pseudo-Dionysius, Meister Eckhart and Simone Weil

Medieval Mystical Theology,

2012 : 113-132

Author(s): Robert, William

A Mysticism of Open Eyes: Compassion for a Suffering World and the Askesis of Contemplative Prayer

Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality,

2012 : 43-62

Author(s): Eggemeier, Matthew T.

Martyrdom: A Philosophical Perspective

Philosophical Investigations, Blackwell Publishers Ltd,

2012 : 68-87

Author(s): Verbin, Nehama

Morality, Self-knowledge, and Human Suffering: An Essay on the Loss of Confidence in the World

Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy, Routledge,


Author(s): Corbi, Josep E.

Piercing the Soul : Beauty, Affliction, and the Love of God in Simone Weil

Union Theological Seminary,

2012 : 69

Author(s): Holsberg, Lisa Radakovich

Por um Cristianismo Encarnado: sobre o pensamento de Simone Weil



Author(s): Candiotto, Jaci de Fátima Souza

Re-Membering Redemption: Bearing Witness to the Transformation of Suffering

Divinity School, Duke University,


Author(s): Makant, Mindy G.

Roots of Sorrow: A Pastoral Theology of Suffering

Baylor University Press,


Author(s): Zylla, Phil C

Forza e dolore in Simone Weil

Dopo la shoah : un nuovo inizio per il pensiero, Carocci,

2011 : 261-273

Author(s): Regina, Umberto

From the Theoretical to the Practical: Navajo Peacemaking as an Alternative to Punitive School discipline

School of Continuing Studies, Georgetown University,

2011 : 430

Author(s): Lentz, Mary Agnes

La ferita inflitta sul corpo dalla Storia. Elsa Morante fra spiritualità occidentale e orientale /The body wounded by History: Elsa Morante, between western and oriental spirituality.


2011 : 1-11

Author(s): Dell'Aia, Lucia

Maurice Blanchot: Suffering and Affliction as Epiphany

Culture, Theory & Critique,

2011 : 199-211

Author(s): Tolliday, Phillip

On Loss of Confidence: Dissymmetry, Doubt, Deprivation in the Power to Act and (The Power) to Suffer

Moral Powers, Fragile Beliefs: Essays in Moral and Religious Philosophy, Continuum,

2011 : 83-108

Author(s): Anderson, Pamela Sue

Religijność sztuki: Simone Weil aesthetica crucis.

Estetyka i Krytyka (The Polish Journal of Aesthetics),

2011 : 105-121

Author(s): Krupinski, Janusz

The Body Wounded by History: Elsa Morante, Between Western and Oriental Spirituality / La ferita inflitta sul corpo dalla Storia: Elsa Morante fra spiritualità occidentale e orientale



Author(s): Dell'Aia, Lucia

The Destructive Nature of Suffering and the Liturgical Refashioning of the Person

Theology, Loyola University Chicago,

2011 : 220

Author(s): Perillo, Jesse

The Luminous Darkness of Silence in the Poetics of Simone Weil and Georges Rouault

Philosophy and Theology,

2011 : 53-72

Author(s): Caranfa, Angelo

Affliction and the Option for the Poor: Simone Weil and Latin American Liberation Theology

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 240-255

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

Búsqueda de la verdad y compasión. La interlocución de simone weil con el sufrimiento del otro

Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza, Trotta,

2010 : 35-50

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

Búsqueda de la verdad y compasión. La interlocución de simone weil con el sufrimiento del otro

Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza, Trotta,

2010 : 35-50

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

Divinely Abused : A Philosophical Perspective on Job and His Kin

Continuum International Publishing,

2010 : 162

Author(s): Verbin, Nehama

Forgiveness and its Reason

University of Nottingham,


Author(s): Jesson, Stuart

La sventura nel dolore: La lezione di Simone Weil

La felicita e il dolore: Verso un'etica della cura, Aracne,

2010 : 77-91

Author(s): Boella, Laura

Le sacrement du malheur chez Simone Weil

Comparative Literature, Université de Montréal,

2010 : 94

Author(s): Poulin, Marie-Ève

Simone Weil and the Specter of Self-Perpetuating Force

University of Notre Dame Press,


Author(s): Doering, E. Jane

Simone Weil e a grandeza da infelicidade humana

Razão e Liberdade : Homenagem a Manuel José do Carmo Ferreira, Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa,

2010 : 1531-1549

Author(s): Luz, José Luís Brandão da

Simone Weil. Amare Dio attraverso il male che si odia


2010 : 103-120

Author(s): Farina, Paolo

Suffering and Contentment

Iris Murdoch and the Moral Imagination : Essays, McFarland,

2010 : 168-189

Author(s): Milligan, Tony

Amare Dio attraverso la sofferenza: l’esperienza del malheur in Simone Weil

Rivista di Scienze religiose,

2009 : 407-423

Author(s): Farina, Paolo

Antigone in Modernism: Classicism, Feminism and Theatres of Protest

English, Princeton University,

2009 : 210

Author(s): Walsh, Keri

Kinesis, Kenosis, and the Weakness of Poetry

Revue LISA/LISA e-journal,

2009 : 35-49

Author(s): Kilgore-Caradec, Jennifer

O sofrimento e a desgraca em Simone Weil: algumas ideias introductorias

Religiao e Cultura,

2009 : 71-80

Author(s): Martins, Alexandre Andrade

Simone Weil et l’impossible: une pensée radicale de la religion et de la culture

Simone Weil. Sagesse et grâce violente, Bayard,

2009 : 273-295

Author(s): Tracy, David

Simone Weil’s Passion Mysticism: The Paradox of Chronic Pain and the Transformation of the Cross

Pastoral Psychology,

2009 : 55-63

Author(s): Helsel, Philip Browning

Suffering and Love: Martin Luther, Simone Weil and the Hidden God

The Global Luther: A Theologican for Modern Times, Fortress Press,

2009 : 96-112

Author(s): Duttenhaver, Krista

Edith Stein and Simone Weil: Reflections for a Theology and Spirituality of the Cross

Theology Today,

2008 : 445-457

Author(s): Maskulak, Marian

Métamorphoses de la douleur. Du dolorisme à l’algophobie = Metamorphoses of pain. From dolorism to algophobia

Medecine Palliative,

2008 : 195-8

Author(s): Fondras, Jean-Claude

Otherness as Path Toward Overcoming Violence : A Comparative Study of Emmanuel Levinas and Simone Weil

Levinas Studies: An Annual Review, Duquesne University Press,

2008 : 143-170

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

Towards a Poetics of Hope: Simone Weil, Fanny Howe and Alice Walker

University of Wollongong,

2008 : 189

Author(s): Howe, Christine