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Showing 50 posts of 223 posts found.

«Militanti di alta classe»: filosofia, politica e «vita interiore» in Simone Weil e Rosa Luxemburg

Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica,

2024 : 5-22

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

Compartir el amor: las Antígonas de Simone Weil y María Zambrano

Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano,

2024 : 6-19

Author(s): Basili, Cristiana

We Come and Go, The World is Here to Stay: Hannah Arendt’s Political Thought in Action

Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil: Unprecedented Conversations,

2024 : 97-112

Author(s): Roncalli, Elvira

Présentation. Patrice Rolland, juriste et philosophe

Revue française d'histoire des idées politiques,


Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

Recherches sur la philosophie politique de Simone Weil

Revue française d'histoire des idées politiques,

2023 : 25-27

Author(s): Rolland, Patrice

A Political Ontology for Europe: Roberto Esposito’s Instituent Paradigm

Continental Philosophy Review,

2021 : 367-386

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

Of Colonialism and Corpses: Simone Weil on Force

Women’s International Thought: A New History, Cambridge University Press,

2021 : 72-92

Author(s): Kinsella, Helen M.

Simone Weil – Malheur

Liminality and the Philosophy of Presence: A New Direction in Political Theory, Routledge,

2021 : 115-149

Author(s): Hoppen, Franziska

Simone Weil for the Twenty-First Century

Notre Dame University Press,


Author(s): Springsted, Eric O.

An Ethic of Refusal: Simone Weil and the Choice of the Lesser ‘Lesser Evil’

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 165-176

Author(s): Stone, Lucian

Elastic Worker: Time‐Sense, Energy and the Paradox of Resilience

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 177-196

Author(s): Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca (Adrian Rebecca)

Going Public: Higher Education and the Democratization of Knowledge

Knowledge Socialism : The Rise of Peer Production: Collegiality, Collaboration, and Collective Intelligence, Springer,

2020 : 197-215

Author(s): Rider, Sharon

Homo Laborans. Tra Hannah Arendt e Simone Weil

Eunomia: Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionali,

2020 : 101-119

Author(s): Maglie, Alessandra Antonella Rita

Introduction: Weil, Politics and Ideology

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,

2020 : 1-21

Author(s): Bourgault, Sophie, Daigle, Julie

L’identité. Une supposition ou une réalité?

Comprendre: Revista Catalana de Filosofia,

2020 : 95-103

Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

La compasión por la fragilidad: un nuevo patriotismo

Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano,

2020 : 94-103

Author(s): Rio Herrmann, Alejandro del

Labor, Collectivity, and the Nurturance of Attentive Belonging

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,

2020 : 207-226

Author(s): McCullagh, Suzanne

On Giorgio Agamben’s Theoretical Debt to Simone Weil: Destituent Potential and Decreation

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,

2020 : 83-101

Author(s): Murphy, Michael P.

Simone Weil en de (on) vermijdelijkheid van de persoon

Rechtvaardigheid, persoon en creativiteit: personalisme in recht en politiek, Gompel&Svacina,

2020 : 259-283

Author(s): Houben, Laetitia, Slootweg, Timo

Simone Weil, discípula de Alain

Comprendre: Revista Catalana de Filosofia,

2020 : 49-67

Author(s): Revilla, Carmen

Simone Weil: un goût pour l’hérésie?

Dissidences en Occident des débuts du christianisme au XXe siècle : Le religieux et le politique, Presses universitaires du Midi,

2020 : 155-166

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de

El pensament polític de Simone Weil

Filosofia, ara! Revista per a pensar,

2019 : 24-25

Author(s): Ribera, Pau Matheu

Enracinement et détachement : pour une « écounomie»

Mondialisation ou globalisation ? : Les leçons de Simone Weil, Collège de France,

2019 : 39-58

Author(s): Renouard, Cécile

Filosofía de la resistencia: Simone Weil y el compromiso ético de la palabra

Universidad Veracruzana,


Author(s): Natividad Zacarias, Cecilia

Simone Weil Contra els partits politics

Filosofia, ara!,

2019 : 18-19

Author(s): Gel, Enric Fernández

Simone Weil et la justice d’après-guerre

Simone Weil, réception et transposition, Classiques Garnier,

2019 : 321-332

Author(s): Evans, Christine Ann

Simone Weil, il fardello della libertà

Il pensiero ribelle: controstoria della filosofia politica, Idrovolante edizioni,

2019 : 210-218

Author(s): Iannone, Luigi

Spirituality and Politics

The Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality in Society and the Professions, Routledge,

2019 : 268-295

Author(s): Palaver, Wolfgang

The Leftist Political Parties in Light of Simone Weil’s Criticism: The Workers’ Party

Síntese: Revista de Filosofia,

2019 : 283-300

Author(s): Martins, Alexandre Andrade

Theatre as Creative Failure: Simone Weil’s Venise Sauvée Revisited


2019 : 17-30

Author(s): Sojer, Thomas

Una aproximació a la filosofia política de Simone Weil

Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia ,

2019/2020 : 471-478

Author(s): Ribera, Pau Matheu

Zaangażowanie totalne

Dziennik Trybuna,

2019 : 25-26

Author(s): Pironet, Olivier

Apartar la mirada del origen: la crítica a lafenomenología política de Hannah Arendt desdeel pensamiento impolítico de Roberto Esposito

Isegoría: Revista de Filosofia moral y politica,

2018 : 185-204

Author(s): Palomar Torralbo, Agustin

La circularité de l’expérience esthétique et extatique chez Simone Weil

Émotions et démocratie. I : Les moments où "l'Histoire sort de ses gonds" (Michelet) : Cycle de conférences A-2018, Presses de Université Laval,

2018 : 77-91

Author(s): Giugnatico, Ida

Memory in Warfare: History as a Destituent Narrative

European Review of History,

2018 : 671-685

Author(s): Vinale, Adriano

Mistiniai politikos elementai. Simone ʼos Weil požiūris


2018 : 29-48

Author(s): Tamošaitytė, Rūta

Pensar la història europea amb Simone Weil

Lectora: Revista de Dones i Textualitat,

2018 : 45-60

Author(s): Ribera, Pau Matheu

Prospettive per una metafisica pubblica: John Rawls e Simone Weil a confronto

Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele,


Author(s): De Martino, Chiara

Réflexions sur la vulgarisation politique de Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2018 : 85-90

Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

Simone Weil e l’immaginario bio-pneumo-politico de L’Enracinement

Im@go: A Journal of the Social Imaginary,

2018 : 114-135

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

Simone Weil, la rebelion del espiritu

España, entre la rabia y la idea, Alianza Editorial,

2018 : 256-259

Author(s): García de Cortázar, Fernando

Simone Weil: Critique of Rights and Impersonal Justice: A Political Philosophy of Obligation

University of Colorado,


Author(s): Linton, Peter Jesse

Simone Weil: Escritura de la gracia, política y Condición obrera

Universidad de los Andes,


Author(s): Galvis, Emilse

Simone Weil’s Uprooted

Placeless People: Writings, Rights and Refugees, Oxford University Press,

2018 : 96-118

Author(s): Stonebridge, Lyndsey

Syndicalism, Work and Science in Simone Weil’s Philosophy of Modernity

University of Oxford,


Author(s): Holt, Alice

The Critical Spirit: The Pessimistic Heterodoxy of Simone Weil

New School for Social Research, The New School,


Author(s): Ritner, Scott B.

The Experience and the Idea of War in the Writings of Simone Weil and Marguerite Duras

European Review of History,

2018 : 818-830

Author(s): Dini, Tristana

“To Love Human Beings Insofar as They are Nothing”: Deracination and Pessimism in Weil

Simone Weil and Continental Philosophy, Rowman & Littlefield,

2017 : 205-221

Author(s): Smith, Anthony Paul

El arraigo. Civilización y barbarie en el pensamiento de Simone Weil

Acontecimiento: órgano de expresión del Instituto Emmanuel Mounier,

2017 : 48-54

Author(s): Herrando, Carmen

Frankreich gegen Frankreich : Die Schriftsteller zwischen Literatur und Ideologie

Wallstein Verlag,


Author(s): Matz, Wolfgang