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Showing 50 posts of 67 posts found.

In the Middle of Love: At the Fringes of Personhood. An Explorative Essay on the Dialogue of I and Thou and the Poetics of the Impersonal



Author(s): Lysemose, Kasper

The Animality of Simone Weil: I Love Dick and a Nonhuman Politics of the Impersonal

Minnesota Review,

2021 : 77-94

Author(s): Grebowicz, Margret, Reyne, Zacchary Low

Beyond “Christian Human Rights”: Simone Weil on Dignity and the Impersonal

Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society,

2020 : 107-117

Author(s): Amesbury, Richard

Simone Weil. Una pensadora liminar y lo sagrado

Universitat de Barcelona,


Author(s): Fuentes Marcel, Andrea Gabriela

Animal e impersonnel: Sull’umano in Simone Weil

Etica & Politica,

2019 : 155-170

Author(s): Simeoni, Francesca

“Je n’avias pas prévu la possibilité d’un contact réel entre un être humain et Dieu….” Sensation, corps, pensée et monde dans l’expérience mystique selon Simone Weil (1909-1943)

L'expérience de l'éternité : philosophie, mystique, clinique, Hermann,

2018 : 77-98

Author(s): Waterlot, Ghislain

Roberto Esposito: Biopolitics and Philosophy

SUNY Series in Contemporary Italian Philosophy, SUNY Press,


Author(s): Viriasova, Inna, Calcagno, Antonio

Simone Weil: Critique of Rights and Impersonal Justice: A Political Philosophy of Obligation

University of Colorado,


Author(s): Linton, Peter Jesse

Decreation and the Ethical Bind: Simone Weil and the Claim of the Other

Fordham University Press,


Author(s): Cha, Yoon Sook

Embracing the humanistic vision: Recurrent themes in Peter Roberts’ recent writings

Educational Philosophy and Theory,

2017 : 312-321

Author(s): Reveley, James

Soggetto e impersonale negli ultimi scritti di Simone Weil

Pensare il presente con Simone Weil, Effata Editrice,

2017 : 125-166

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

Un’apertura di infinito nel finito : Lettura dell’impersonale di Simone Weil

Filosofie, Mimesis,


Author(s): Zanardo, Gloria

“La persona è sacra?” ” Oltre la trappola del potere. Critica all’idealità disincarnata

Esistenza e storia in Simone Weil, Asterios editore,

2016 : 89-112

Author(s): Negri, Federica

Il particolare della persona tra estetica e politica. un confronto tra Murdoch, Zambrano e Weil

Segni e comprensione,

2016 : 63-89

Author(s): Laurenzi, Elena

Jesus v. Abortion: They Know Not What They Do

Cascade Books,


Author(s): Bellinger, Charles K.

La provocazione dell’umano tra Simone Weil ed Emmanuel Levinas

Esistenza e storia in Simone Weil, Asterios editore,

2016 : 113-128

Author(s): Baccarini, Emilio

Simone Weil e l’Advaita Vedanta

Esistenza e storia in Simone Weil, Asterios editore,

2016 : 129-147

Author(s): Di Salvatore, Graziella

Contre le personnalisme (Mounier et Maritain)?: Les enjeux d’une polemique

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2015 : 1-14

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico

Des-Dobra : re-visão e tradução : a construção da poetisa em Adília Lopes = Des-Pliegue : re-visión y traducción : La construcción de la poetisa en Adília Lopes.

Philosophy, Universitat de Barcelona,


Author(s): Cardoso Melo, Sonia Rita

El concepto juridico de persona y la filosofia del “impersonal”

Persona y Bioética,

2015 : 278-289

Author(s): Fortunat Stagl, Jakob

La persona e il sacro. Per un possibile punto d’incontro tra filosofia e antropologia – The person and the holy: a convergence between philosophy and anthropology

DADA: Rivista di Antropologia post-globale,

2015 : 185-198

Author(s): Pulina, Giuseppe

Political Agape: Christian Love and Liberal Democracy

Emory Studies in Law and Religion, Erdmans,


Author(s): Jackson, Timothy P.

Valenza politica dell’impersonale. Una lettura di Simone Weil

Philosophy, Universita degli Studi di Verona,

2015 : 269

Author(s): Zanardo, Gloria

Fecondita dell’impersonale netl pensiero di Simone Weil

Un altro mondo in questo mondo: Mistica e politica, Moretti &Vitali,

2014 : 50-59

Author(s): Zanardo, Gloria

Personne et impersonnel chez Simone Weil

Simone Weil, Editions de l'Herne,

2014 : 258-263

Author(s): Di Nicola, Giulia Paola, Danese, Attilio

Simone Weil: le masque et la personne

Simone Weil, Editions de l'Herne,

2014 : 301-306

Author(s): Tracy, David

Ce que voit Simone Weil dans le miroir de l’Inde ou la vérité du désir

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2013 : 31-42

Author(s): Ballanfat, Marc

Hacia una filosofía de la persona. un diálogo a distancia entre Iris Murdoch y María Zambrano

Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofia,

2013 : 95-110

Author(s): Laurenzi, Elena

Il “credo” di Simone Weil

Le Lettere,


Author(s): Moser, Sabina

“What Does It Matter? All is Grace” Robert Bresson and Simone Weil

Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities,

2012 : 157-177

Author(s): During, Lsabeth

As aporias da categoria de “pessoa” e o uso do impessoal nas análises de Roberto Esposito

Revista Opinião Filosófica,

2012 : 14-24

Author(s): Junges, José Roque

Les Cahiers de Marseille et l’architecture du je. L’“égoisme sans je” ou l’“annihilant” impersonnel

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2012 : 337-368

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

Persona, terza persona, impersonale. Discussione su un nodo del contemporaneo


2012 : 125-150

Author(s): Sacchi, Osvaldo

The Dispositif of the Person

Law, Culture and the Humanities,

2012 : 17-30

Author(s): Esposito, Roberto

The God Question

Existenz: An International Journal in Philosophy, Religion, Politics, and the Arts,

2012 : 49-51

Author(s): Stenqvist, Catharina

The God Question

Existenz: An International Journal in Philosophy, Religion, Politics, and the Arts,

2012 : 49-51

Author(s): Stenqvist, Catharina

The Law of the Living: Material for Hypothesizing the Biojuridical

Law, Culture and the Humanities,

2012 : 102-118

Author(s): Amendola, Adalgiso

Trilogia della persona. La personne et le sacré ovvero il personalismo inconsapevole di Simone Weil

Notes et Documents,

2012 : 64-70

Author(s): Tedesco, Federico

Personnel et impersonnel chez Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2011 : 299-317

Author(s): Danese, Attilio, Di Nicola, Giulia Paola

An Ethical Account of the Self Who Might Be Otherwise: Simone Weil and Judith Butler

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 193-204

Author(s): Gayman, Cynthia Jane

Del símbolo al amor puro: Itinerario de la comunión interpersonal en Simone Weil

Theology, San Vicente Ferrer,

2010 : 86

Author(s): Alejos Morán, Asunción

For a Philosophy of the Impersonal

CR: New Centennial Review,

2010 : 121-134

Author(s): Esposito, Roberto

Fra “personale” e “impersonale”: l’impervia esplorazione di Simone


2010 : 39-56

Author(s): Danese, Attilio

Simone Weil’s Ethic of the Other: Explicating Fictions through Fiction, or Looking through the Wrong End of the Telescope


2010 : 70-88

Author(s): Johansen, Ruthann Knechel

Der christliche Humanismus Simone Weils


2009 : 489-495

Author(s): Marianelli, Massimiliano

El humanismo cristiano de Simone Weil


2009 : 129-36

Author(s): Marianelli, Massimiliano

From Decreation to Bare Life: Weil, Agamben and the Impolitical


2009 : 75-93

Author(s): Ricciardi, Alessia

L’art de transposer les vérités

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2009 : 161-171

Author(s): Saint-Sernin, Bertrand

L’umanesimo cristiano di Simone Weil


2009 : 148-156

Author(s): Marianelli, Massimiliano

Persona e impersonale in Simone Weil

Persona e impersonale: La questione antropologica in Simone Weil nel centenario della nascita, Centro Richerche Personaliste,

2009 : 21-41

Author(s): Di Nicola, Giulia Paola, Danese, Attilio