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Showing 50 posts of 85 posts found.

Living in Dark Times: The Seduction of Totalitarian Evil

Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil: Unprecedented Conversations, Bloomsbury,


Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

God Comes to Her: St. Teresa of Ávila, Simone Weil, and the Kantian Conception of Modern Religious Experience

Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy ,

2020 : 325-346

Author(s): Basevich, Elaine

The Problem of Evil and the Fiction and Philosophy of Iris Murdoch.

Kingston University,


Author(s): Read, Daniel

Job Redux: A Poetically Exposed Theodicean Ideal

Theodicy Beyond the Death of 'God’: The Persisting Problem of Evil, Routledge,

2018 : 173-217

Author(s): Shanks, Andrew

Life’s Perennial Problems

Journal of Philosophy of Life,

2018 : 1-19

Author(s): Takaki, Kyle

Simone Weil y la idolatría como dimensión socio-política del mal

Horizontes Filosóficos : Revista de Filosofía, Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales,

2018 : 81-95

Author(s): Alonso, Luis

El ascenso a Dios a través del mal y la belleza, la propuesta de Simone Weil

El Mirador,

2017 : 69-83

Author(s): González Alonso, Mateo

Levinas and Weil: Ethics after Auschwitz

Simone Weil and Continental Philosophy, Rowman & Littlefield,

2017 : 105-120

Author(s): Reed, Robert

Playful Falls in Milieu of Contagion

The Techne of Giving: Cinema and the Generous Form of Life, Fordham University Press,

2017 : 91-116

Author(s): Campbell, Timothy C.

Evil and Human Dignity: Simone Weil on Power and Violence: A Philosophical Discourse

History as a Challenge to Buddhism and Christianity, EOS,

2016 : 225-244

Author(s): Stenqvist, Catharina

Rencontre de Dieu et résistance spirituelle : Etty Hillesum et Simone Weil

Science et Esprit,

2015 : 239-254

Author(s): Poulet, Frédérique

Sulle orme del bene: Giustizia e necessità nelle opere di Simone Weil

Università Ca’Foscari,


Author(s): Piol, Davide

Simone Weil : un pensiero accogliente

Ethos, Levante editori,


Author(s): Di Iasio, Biagio

Simone Weil : l’universo come bevanda di immortalità


2013 : 75-80

Author(s): Floris, Luciana

Simone Weil and Theology



Author(s): Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca (Adrian Rebecca), Stone, Lucian

Simone Weil e il male dello sradicamento sociale, interventoi

DEP: Deportate, Esuli e Profughe,

2013 : 228-237

Author(s): Farina, Paolo

Die Banalität des Bösen aus der Perspektive Simone Weils mit einem Blick auf Hannah Arendt

Jahrbuch Religionsphilosophie,

2012 : 143-183

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Le Mal, est-il mystérieux ou banal?

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2012 : 255-28

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Por um Cristianismo Encarnado: sobre o pensamento de Simone Weil



Author(s): Candiotto, Jaci de Fátima Souza

Evil and Elder Abuse: Intersections of Paul Ricoeur’s and Simone Weil’s Perspectives on Evil with One Abused Older Woman’s Narrative

Nursing Philosophy, Blackwell Publishers Ltd,

2011 : 248-261

Author(s): Erlingsson, Christen L.

Forza e dolore in Simone Weil

Dopo la shoah : un nuovo inizio per il pensiero, Carocci,

2011 : 261-273

Author(s): Regina, Umberto

The Goodness of God and the Reality of Evil

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly,

2011 : 623-638

Author(s): Kinsey, John

Zu den Quellen von Gut und Böse – Eine anthropologische Spurensuche mit Immanuel Kant und Simone Weil

Darwin und die Bioethik : Eve-Marie Engels zum 60. Geburtstag, Alber,

2011 : 73-92

Author(s): Wimmer, Reiner

“You Will Be Like God”: Fascination of Force and Social Conformism in Two War Episodes

Journal of Humanistic Psychology,

2010 : 6-37

Author(s): Rossi Monti, Martino

Dio e il male in Simone Weil

Collana di teologia, Città Nuova,


Author(s): Farina, Paolo

Forgiveness and its Reason

University of Nottingham,


Author(s): Jesson, Stuart

Il potere e la città. Riflessioni su “Venezia Salva”


2010 : 142-150

Author(s): Di Nicola, Giulia Paola

Il problema del male in Simone Weil

Rassegna di Ascetica e Mistica,

2010 : 507-517

Author(s): Moser, Sabina

Miracles and Supernatural Physics: Simone Weil on the Relationship of Science and Religion

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 107-122

Author(s): Morgan, Vance G.

Simone Weil and René Girard: Violence and the Sacred

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly,

2010 : 565-587

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Simone Weil. Amare Dio attraverso il male che si odia


2010 : 103-120

Author(s): Farina, Paolo

Una ética en la desdicha. la persona y lo sagrado a través del pensamiento de Simone Weil

Philosophy, Universidad Pontifica de Salamanca,

2010 : 305

Author(s): Rodriguez Pérez, Luisa Antonia

シモーヌ・ヴェイユの思想における力の概念と悪の問題 (The Concept of Power and the Problem of Evil in Simone Weil’s Thought)

University of Kyoto,


Author(s): 辻村 暁子 (Tsujimura, Satoko)

Miracles et physique supernaturelle. Les relations entre la science et la religion selon Simone Weil.

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2009 : 291-307

Author(s): Morgan, Vance G.

Uno sguardo nuovo. Il problema del male in Etty Hillesum e Simone Wei

Edizioni San Paolo,

2009 : 240

Author(s): Iacopinni, Beatrice, Moser, Sabina

Simone Weil: An Ethic for Esthetics

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2008 : 45-80

Author(s): Cabaud, Jacques

Escaping the Shadows

George Grant : a guide to his thought, University of Toronto Press,

2007 : 191-206

Author(s): Forbes, Hugh Donald

O mal e a necessidade: reflexão sobre Venise sauvée

Testemunhas do século XX : Mounier, Weil e Silone, Uapê,

2007 : 95-111

Author(s): Di Nicola, Giulia Paola

Fiction and the growth of moral consciousness: attention and evil

Analecta Husserliana,

2006 : 235-257

Author(s): Painter, Rebecca M.

La notion du mal chez Simone Weil et Albert Camus

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2006 : 265-280

Author(s): Lupo, Virginie

A Politica como busca do bem possível

Simone Weil : ação e contemplação, EDUSC,

2005 : 51-92

Author(s): Danese, Attilio

La non violenza e la sofferenze del Cristo

Simone Weil: Azione e contemplazione, Effatà,

2005 : 27-55

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

La politica come ricerca del dene possible

Simone Weil: Azione e contemplazione, Effatà,

2005 : 56-79

Author(s): Danese, Attilio

Resistir ao mal: Simone Weil e Etty Hillesum

Simone Weil : ação e contemplação, EDUSC,

2005 : 215-236

Author(s): Villela-Petit, Maria da Penha

“Gott” die Gewalt, das Böse und das Leiden: Ein Versuch mit Simone Weil

Umgang mit Leid. Cusanische Perspektiven., Roderer,

2004 : 129-152

Author(s): Scheuer, Manfred

Countermimesis and Simone Weil’s Christian Platonism

The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,

2004 : 181-207

Author(s): O'Regan, Cyril

God, Evil, and theThought of Simone Weil

Christian Faith and the Problem of Evil, W.B. Eerdmans,

2004 : 207-225

Author(s): Stanley, Robert

Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception



Author(s): Gaita, Raimond

La banalite du mal


2004 : 335-345

Author(s): Delsol, Chantal

Tre modelli di resistenza al femminile: Simone Weil, Edith Stein, Etty Hillesum

Rivista di teologia dell’evangelizzazione,

2004 : 123-136

Author(s): Boschini, Paolo