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Showing 50 posts of 70 posts found.

Dialectic of Disillusionment:The Political Thought of Ex-Communists, c. 1929 – c. 1939

University of Cambridge,


Author(s): Devlin, Nicholas John

Degrowth and Critical Agrarian Studies

Journal of Peasant Studies,

2020 : 235-264

Author(s): Gerber, Julien-François

Simone Weil, Antonio Gramsci e il metodo materialistico


2020 : 82-97

Author(s): Franco, Alesia

Simone Weil’s Heterodox Marxism: Revolutionary Pessimism and the Politics of Resistance

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,

2020 : 185-205

Author(s): Ritner, Scott B.

Dosezi supatnje kod Simone Weil

Crkva u svijetu,

2019 : 487-606

Author(s): Piskač, Lidija , Vučković, Ante

Labor Exploitation and Resistance in Spain: Inoperative Figures of Work (1930- 2014)

University of Michigan,


Author(s): Calatayud-Fernández, Priscila

Labor Exploitation and Resistance in Spain: Inoperative Figures of Work (1930-2014)

University of Michigan,


Author(s): Calatayud-Fernández, Priscilla

(Contra) la compasión y la ética del sometimiento en las culturas capitalistas: Hannah Arendt y Simone Weil

Ambigua: revista de investigaciones sobre género y estudios culturales,

2018 : 26-38

Author(s): Tello Garcia, Edgar

Simone Weil and the Critique of Marxism through her Conception of the Work

Proceedings of the 2013 World Congress of Philosophy, Greek Philosophical Society,

2018 : 45-50

Author(s): Dolby Múgica, María del Carmen

Simone Weil, Interpreter of Today’s World

Age of Secularization, MCGill-Queen's University Press,

2017 : 118-152

Author(s): Del Noce, Augusto

« L’attention fait toute la différence entre l’homme et les animaux »Weil et Rancière sur l’attention, l’éducation et l’émancipation


2016 : 55-76

Author(s): Bourgault, Sophie

Bruno Trentin e “l’utopia sperimentale” di Simone Weil

Lavoro dopo il novecento: da producttori ad attori sociali: La citta del lavoro di Bruno Trentin per un "altra sinistra", Firenze University Press,

2016 : 309-330

Author(s): Veltri, Francesca

Marxism, Religion and Ideology: Themes from David McLellan

Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought, Routledge,


Author(s): Bates, David, MacKenzie, Iain, Sayers, Sean

Simone Weil et le monde moderne

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2016 : 339-354

Author(s): Julliard, Jacques

Simone Weil et Walter Benjamin: analogies et divergences

Walter Benjamin: un itinéraire philosophique, L'Harmattan,

2016 : 91-111

Author(s): Fleury, Philippe

The Class Struggle Poised Between Marxism and Populism

Class Struggle: A Political and Philosophical History, Palgrave Macmillan,

2016 : 309-344

Author(s): Losurdo, Domenico

Catégories de l’impolitique II

Roberto Esposito: Law, Community and the Political, Routledge,

2015 : 46-67

Author(s): Langford, Peter

Trazos de escritura y política en la filosofía de Simone Weil

Pensamiento y Cultura,

2015 : 132-154

Author(s): Galvis, Emilse

Antígona, Electra y Filoctetes: figuras de la opresión en las traducciones weilianas de las tragedias griegas

Pensar la traducción: la filosofía de camino entre las lenguas. Actas del Congreso (Talleres de comunicaciones). Madrid, septiembre de 2012, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,

2014 : 250-61

Author(s): Basili, Cristina

Weil critique du marxisme: Leçons pour repenser l’organisation du travail

Actuel Marx,

2014 : 133-146

Author(s): Noël-Lemaitre, Christine, Di Ruzza, Renato

La lota di classe tra marxismo e populismo

La lotta di classe. Una storia politica e filosofica, Laterza,

2013 : 324-365

Author(s): Losurdo, Domenico

A revolução como Teodicéia: Simone Weil e a persistência da opressão

History, Universidade Federal Fluminense,

2012 : 351

Author(s): Suarez Escobio, Miguel Angel

At the Threshold with Simone Weil: A Political Theory of Migration and Refuge

Political Science, Duke University,

2012 : 293

Author(s): Gonzalez Rice, David Laurence

Human Resource Management and Distress at Work: What Managers Could Learn from the Spirituality of Work in Simone Weil’s Philosophy

Philosophy of Management,

2012 : 63-83

Author(s): Noël-Lemaitre, Christine, Le Loarne-Lemaire, Séverine

Jenseits der Dogmatik: Karl Korsch und Simone Weil

Staat oder Revolution. Aspekte und Probleme linker Bolschewismuskritik, Edition Assemblage,


Author(s): Wallat, Hendrik

Theory and Praxis: Simone Weil and Marx on the Dignity of Labor

The Review of Politics,

2012 : 87-107

Author(s): Sparling, Robert

Travail, emancipation et heteronomie

Capitalisme, Travail et Emancipation chez Marx, Presses Univ. du Septentrion,

2012 : 155-217

Author(s): Sobel, Richard

De la ciencia como trabajó a la ciencia como “Metaxú” en la filosófia de Simone Weil

Philosophy, Universidad de Barcelona,


Author(s): Garcia Garcia, Juan Miguel

Faschismusanalyse und Marxismuskritik bei Simone Weil

Philosophische Gespräche, Helle Panke,

2011 : 45

Author(s): Wallat, Hendrik

Hunting the Devils – Simone Weil and Eric Voegelin: Common Points and Divergences

APSA 2011 Annual Meeting,


Author(s): Courtine-Denamy, Sylvie

Simone Weil et la politique au XXe siècle

Simone Weil, lectures politiques, Editions Rue d'Ulm,

2011 : 71-88

Author(s): Rolland, Patrice

Simone Weil, ou, Le combat del’ange contre la force

Collection Hermann philosophie, Hermann,


Author(s): Ballanfat, Marc

The Simone Weil Factor

Iris Murdoch, Gender and Philosophy, Routledge,

2011 : 28-46

Author(s): Lovibond, Sabina

A Truer Liberty : Simone Weil and Marxism


2010 : 346

Author(s): Blum, Lawrence A., Seidler, Victor Jeleniewski

Affliction and the Option for the Poor: Simone Weil and Latin American Liberation Theology

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 240-255

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

Felice Balbo e Adriano Olivetti,“primi lettori” della Weil


2010 : 122-141

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico

From Utopia to Apocalypse: Science Fiction and the Politics of Catastrophe

University of Minnesota Press,


Author(s): Paik, Peter Y.

Simone Weil face aux États totalitaires

Les Cahiers de Psychologie politique,


Author(s): Leroy, Géraldi

Simone Weil on Modern Disequilibrium

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 3-17

Author(s): Barceló, Bartomeu Estelrich

Simone Weil: ¿La última filósofa del trabajo?

Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza, Trotta,

2010 : 187-206

Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

Simone Weil: ¿La última filósofa del trabajo?

Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza, Trotta,

2010 : 187-206

Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

Simone Weil’s Social Philosophy: Toward a Post-Colonial Ethic

New Topics in Feminist Philosophy of Religion: Contestations and Transcendence Incarnate, Springer,

2010 : 69-83

Author(s): Radzins, Inese

Truly Incarnated: Simone Weil’s Revised Christianity

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 221-239

Author(s): Radzins, Inese

À l’usine on ne travaille pas. Réflexions sur le Journal d’usine de Simone Weil (1934-1935)

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2009 : 497-515

Author(s): Taibi, Nadia


The Listening Heart: Vocation and the Crisis of Modern Culture, Baylor University Press,

2009 : 114-127

Author(s): Conyers, A. J.

Georges Bataille: An Intellectual Biography



Author(s): Surya, Michael

L’importance de Simone Weil (1960)

Simone Weil. Sagesse et grâce violente, Bayard,

2009 : 47-63

Author(s): Milosz, Czeslaw

La philosophie au travail : L’expérience ouvrière de Simone Weil

L'Ouverture philosophique, L'Harmattan,


Author(s): Taïbi, Nadia

Simone Weil: A Social Mystic with a Prophet’s Tongue

Satya Nilayam: Chennai Journal of Intercultural Philosophy,

2009 : 43-64

Author(s): Elampasserry, Jose

Simone Weil : Le Marxisme Hors de Soi

Les études philosophiques,

2007 : 207- 222

Author(s): Dommange, Thomas