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Showing 50 posts of 197 posts found.

Deep Incarnation and Kenosis: In, With, Under, and As: A Response to Ted Peters

Dialog: A Journal of Theology,

2013 : 251-262

Author(s): Gregersen, Niels Henrik

Il “credo” di Simone Weil

Le Lettere,


Author(s): Moser, Sabina

Joined at the Hip: Simone Weil, Quentin Meillassoux

Religion & Literature,

2013 : 277-236

Author(s): Strickland, Stephanie

Kontestasi Ideologi Dalam Sastra Prancis Masa Perang Dunia Kedua

Litera: Jurnal Peneutian Bahasa Sastra Dan Pengajarannya,


Author(s): Udasmoro, Wening

L’éternal dans le fini: Rencontre de Maître Eckhart et de Simone Weil



Author(s): Riviale, Philippe

La salvezza in uno sguardo: il problema di dio in Simone Weil

Il prezzo della fede : itinerari spirituali del Novecento , Glossa,


Author(s): Trabucco, Giovanni

My Bright Abyss: Meditation of a Modern Believer

Farrar. Straus amd Giroux,


Author(s): Wiman, Christian

Providence Interiorized: Maimonides, Kierkegaard and Weil on Divine Providence

Knowledge, Action Pluralism: Contemporary Perspectives in Philosophy of Religion, Peter Lang,

2013 : 225-247

Author(s): Verbin, Nehama


The Oxford Handbook of Theology and Modern European Thought, Oxford University Press,

2013 : 345-360

Author(s): Hedley, Douglas

Simone Weil: Fedeltà all’uomo, fedeltà a Dio

Prospettiva Persona,

2013 : 24-29

Author(s): Zagaria, Giovanna

The Space of Transcendence: Simone Weil and her Art of Mystical Paradoxes

MASKA: Magazyn antropologiczno-społeczno-kulturowy,

2013 : 93-110

Author(s): Kuchta, Anna

Translations of the Self: A.E. Housman and Anne Carson, Between Scholarship and Creativity

Classics and Ancient History, Durham University,

2013 : 200

Author(s): Hannaway, Craig Brian

Troubled Bodies: Metaxu, Suffering and the Encounter With the Divine

Feminist Theology,

2013 : 88-97

Author(s): Hamilton, Charity K.M.

‘Love-Runes we Cannot Speak’: Sacred and Profane Love in The Pentecost Castle

Literature and Theology,

2012 : 199-213

Author(s): Freer, Alexander

Apophasis in Par Lagerkvist, Simone Weil and Samuel Beckett

Lancaster University,


Author(s): Zebialowicz, Anna

Coltivare l’attenzione: Simone Weil e la filosofia come stile di vita

Simone Weil: Tra filosofia ed esistenza, Pensa MultiMedia,

2012 : 183-216

Author(s): Recchia Luciani, Francesca R.

Cuerpo y alma son una sola cosa”. La experiencia religiosa de Etty Hillesum

DUODA : estudis de la diferència sexual,

2012 : 92-102

Author(s): Tommasi, Wanda

Désarmer les Dieux avec Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2012 : 279-297

Author(s): Muller, Jean-Marie

Eine wirklichere Gegenwart – Simone Weil unerwartete Beuhrüngen mit Gott

Und plötzlich ist Klarheit: Christliche Erleuchtungserlebnisse von Paulus bis heute, Claudius Verlag,

2012 : 107-114

Author(s): Reschika, Richard

Francesco d’Assisi e Simone Weil: Umanesimo cristiano e mistica della povertà.

Per un nuovo umanesimo: Francesco d'Assisi e Simone Weil, CNx,

2012 : 39-63

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

Human Perfection: Overcoming Oneself: A Discussion of Kierkegaard’s Four Upbuilding Discourses from 1844 with reference to Luther, Heidegger, and Simone Weil

Kierkegaard in Lisbon : Contemporary Readings of Repetition, Fear and Trembling, Philosophical Fragments and the 1843 and 1844 Upbuilding Discourses, Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa,

2012 : 97-115

Author(s): Welz, Claudia

Le Sexe ni la mort: Trois essais sur l’amour et la sexualité

Albin Michel,


Author(s): Comte-Sponville, André

Piercing the Soul : Beauty, Affliction, and the Love of God in Simone Weil

Union Theological Seminary,

2012 : 69

Author(s): Holsberg, Lisa Radakovich

Por um Cristianismo Encarnado: sobre o pensamento de Simone Weil



Author(s): Candiotto, Jaci de Fátima Souza

Simone Weil. Dalla parte dell’uomo, dalla parte di Dio


2012 : 199-200

Author(s): Farina, Paolo

Simone Weil. Kenosi di Dio, ascesa dell’uomo. Attualita di un pensiero


2012 : 115-129

Author(s): Farina, Paolo

The God Question

Existenz: An International Journal in Philosophy, Religion, Politics, and the Arts,

2012 : 49-51

Author(s): Stenqvist, Catharina

The God Question

Existenz: An International Journal in Philosophy, Religion, Politics, and the Arts,

2012 : 49-51

Author(s): Stenqvist, Catharina

The God Who Lives: An Examination of the Emergence of Life and the Doctrine of God

Graduate Theological Union,

2012 : 416

Author(s): Pryor, Adam

Theology as an Intellectual Vocation: Some Thoughts on the Theo-logical Vision of Simone Weil

International Journal of Public Theology,

2012 : 37-55

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

Dio, dentro e fuori della Chiesa: Appunti per un’analisi teologico-filosofica del concetto weiliano di Dio

Simone Weil: Dentro e fuori la Chiesa?, Rotas,

2011 : 69-89

Author(s): Barceló, Bartomeu Estelrich

Dios se retira, Dios desciende. Rasgos del rostro de Dios a partir del ensayo “Formas del amor implícito a Dios” de Simone Weil

Estudios eclesiásticos,

2011 : 151-171

Author(s): Caum, Núria

Faith Beyond Optimism: Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt, and Gillian Rose

Philosophy and Theology,

2011 : 257-266

Author(s): MacMillen, Sarah L.

L’attention dans la pensée de Simone Weil

Political Science, Institut d'études politiques de Lille,

2011 : 85

Author(s): Moussanang, Marie-Yemta

La fede adulta: misurare la distanza

Esperienza e teologia,

2011 : 75-85

Author(s): Vantini, Lucia

Le provocazioni di Simone Weil nel dialogo tra credenti e non credenti

Simone Weil: Dentro e fuori la Chiesa?, Rotas,

2011 : 195-277

Author(s): Danese, Attilio, Di Nicola, Giulia Paola

Nihilism and Transcendence in Samuel Beckett and Simone Weil

Teresian Journal of English Studies,

2011 : 21-27

Author(s): Shah, Mohammad Maroof

Quali religioni nella città: osservazioni a partire da Simone Weil

Simone Weil e l'amore per la città. Venezia terrena e celeste, Il Poligrafo,

2011 : 177-202

Author(s): Goisis, Giuseppe

Simone Weil (1909-1943): Philosophie de la médiation et théologie de la Croix

Philosophie et théologie à l’époque contemporaine, Cerf,

2011 : 207-218

Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel

Stepping Around the Self

Agents of Uncertainty : Mysticism, Scepticism, Buddhism, Art and Poetry, Editions Rodopi,

2011 : 85-87

Author(s): Danvers, John

The Condition of Human Existence in the Thought of Simone Weil: Necessity, affliction and Distance

Theology and the World,

2011 : 7-34

Author(s): Kim, Jeong-Sook

The Goodness of God and the Reality of Evil

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly,

2011 : 623-638

Author(s): Kinsey, John

Verso l’immenso mare del bello

Simone Weil e l'amore per la città. Venezia terrena e celeste, Il Poligrafo,

2011 : 23-35

Author(s): Guadagnin, Laura

大谷大学哲学科 優秀賞受賞卒業論文 シモーヌ・ヴェイユにおける必然性と神の概念 : 「神への愛と不幸」を中心に (Necessity and God in Simone Weil : With Regard to “The Love of God and Affliction” )

宗教学会報 (Shūkyōgaku kaihō),

2011 : 49-71

Author(s): 齋藤 明純

“Habitar la ciudad en estado de vigilia”. Mística y política en Simone Weil

Diálogo Filosófico,

2010 : 441-460

Author(s): Ríos, Alejandro del

Beyond Reach of Language: Kevin Hart and Christian Mysticism

Literature and Theology,

2010 : 271-284

Author(s): Davidson, Toby

Décréation et attention : rapports entre Dieu et l’homme chez Simone Weil

L'Institut supérieur de philosophie, Université Catholique de Louvain,

2010 : 260

Author(s): Gisamonyo Ntawihaye Twose, Gonzalve

Del símbolo al amor puro: Itinerario de la comunión interpersonal en Simone Weil

Theology, San Vicente Ferrer,

2010 : 86

Author(s): Alejos Morán, Asunción

Doubts about Prayer

Christian Century,

2010 : 10-11

Author(s): Wiman, Christian

Encontros e desencontros de dois filosofos “judeus” – Simone Weil e Espinosa

Simone Weil, marginalidade e alternativa, Centro Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa,

2010 : 87-118

Author(s): Ribeiro Ferreira, Maria Luísa