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Showing 50 posts of 333 posts found.

Attention as a Contested Ethical and Political Resource: Simone Weil and Hannah Arendt on the Inner Origins of Freedom

Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil: Unprecedented Conversations, Bloomsbury,

2024 : 141-153

Author(s): Monti, Paolo

A Negative Effort: Simone Weil and the Ethics of Attention in Palliative Care

Palliative & Supportive Care,


Author(s): Petriceks, Aldis H

A Study of Character: Simone Weil’s Psychological and Ethical Attention

TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology,

2022 : 1-20

Author(s): Casewell, Deborah

Becoming Stewards of Attention: A Theological Appeal

Abeline Christian University,

2022 : 102

Author(s): Gorenflo, Joshua

Spiritual Practice and the Patterns of Experience: Rethinking the Form of Moral Education

Columbia University,

2022 : 98

Author(s): Longa, Rachel

Truth, Attention and Higher Education

Education in an Age of Lies and Fake New, Routledge,

2022 : 52-76

Author(s): Roberts, Peter

“A Certain Way of Thinking”: Derrida, Weil and the Philippi Hymn

Eidos: A Journal for the Philosophy of Culture,

2021 : 7-22

Author(s): Jesson, Stuart

«To Turn with All One’s Soul» : On Some Aspects of the Platonic Legacy according to Simone Weil



Author(s): Simeoni, Francesca

Attention and Meaning in the Democratic Group Life

Contemporary Pragmatism,

2021 : 287-298

Author(s): Yeoman, Ruth

Cultura de la atención en Simone Weil

Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos,

2021 : 110-135

Author(s): Arnau, Juan , Gallardo, Alejandro Martinez

La fraternità tra Gaya e Zambrano: autenticità nella creazione

Monteagudo: Revista de literatura española, hispanoamericana y teoría de la literatura26,

2021 : 161-174

Author(s): Laurenzi, Elena

Life Uprooted. Social and Moral Challenges of Woe

Revista portuguesa de filosofía,

2021 : 959-973

Author(s): Bueno Gómez, Noelia

Of Colonialism and Corpses: Simone Weil on Force

Women’s International Thought: A New History, Cambridge University Press,

2021 : 72-92

Author(s): Kinsella, Helen M.

Simone Weil – Malheur

Liminality and the Philosophy of Presence: A New Direction in Political Theory, Routledge,

2021 : 115-149

Author(s): Hoppen, Franziska

Simone Weil: la atención y la acción como reconocimiento de la existencia

Cuadernos salmantinos de filosofía,

2021 : 471-489

Author(s): Romano, Maria del Sol

The Growing of Roots in Times of Turmoil and Uncertainty: Simone Weil’s Legacy


2021 : 55-71

Author(s): Eugenio, Paula Nicole C.

The Intelligence of Attention

University of Chicago,


Author(s): Mueller, Julia Laurel

The Subversive Simone Weil: A Life in Five Ideas

University of Chicago Press,


Author(s): Zaretsky, Robert

Attention: Simone Weils Philosophie der “Aufmerksamkeit” und die digitale “Bewusstseinskultur”

Trierer theologische Zeitschrift,

2020 : 117-143

Author(s): Röbel, Marc

Cultivating Attention to Deepen Teacher Relationships with Immigrant Students

Philosophy of Education Society Yearbook 2019,

2020 : 705-717

Author(s): Saavedra, David R. M.

L’Entraide chez Simone Weil

Cahiers Verbatim,

2020 : 73-81

Author(s): Giugnatico, Ida

Let Them Eat Cake: Articulating a Weilian Critique of Distributive Justice

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,

2020 : 41-59

Author(s): Earl, Kaleb G. M.

Moral Perception Beyond Supervenience: Iris Murdoch’s Radical Perspective

The Journal of Value Inquiry,

2020 : 273-288

Author(s): Panizza, Silvia

Recycling God, or Synonymity Celebrated

Philosophy of Education Society Yearbook 2019,

2020 : 718-722

Author(s): Sidorkin, Alexander M.

Retrouver la réceptivité : écoute, attention et résonance pour débattre dans un monde polarisé

Éthique publique,


Author(s): Devette, Pascale, Folco, Jonathan Durand

Rozumienie miłości w myśli Simone Weil

Jagiellonian University,


Author(s): Mikucka, Monika

Simone Weil’s ‘Reflections on the Right Use of School Studies with a View to the Love of God’: A Comment

RUDN Journal of Philosophy,

2020 : 398-409

Author(s): Morgan, William J.

Stylizations of Being: Attention as an Existential Hub in Heidegger and Christian Mysticism

Open Theology,

2020 : 206-220

Author(s): Palmeirim, Bernardo Manzoni

Theosemiotic: Religion, Reading and the Gift of Meaning

Fordham University Press,


Author(s): Raposa, Michael L.

To Send a Kite: Simone Weil’s Lessons in Ethical Attention for the Curator



Author(s): Sava, Maggie

Toward an Ethics of Receptivity

California State University,


Author(s): Shahriar, Sakib Ibne

Writing about the Ungraspable: Silence as the Spatiality of Corporeality

Research in Arts and Education,

2020 : 56-73

Author(s): Heimonen, Kirsi

“Better Than a Great Many Good Works”: Jenny Erpenbeck’s Go, Went, Gone and the Primacy of Attention in Human Rights Practice

Journal of Human Rights Practice,

2019 : 406-421

Author(s): Phillips, Brian

“passionate/reverence, active love” : Levertov and Weil in the Communion of Struggle

"This Need to Dance / This Need to Kneel": Denise Levertov and the Poetics of Faith, Wipf and Stock,

2019 : 127-139

Author(s): Wallace, Cynthia

“Pay Attention to What You Hear”: Vision for Global Voices

Proceedings of the 2019 Global Voices Symposium, University of Dayton,

2019 : 29-40

Author(s): Fine David

Animal e impersonnel: Sull’umano in Simone Weil

Etica & Politica,

2019 : 155-170

Author(s): Simeoni, Francesca

Another Kind of Light: A Loving Attention in Modern British and Irish Fiction

Durham University,


Author(s): Lee, Cheryl Julia Wei Ling

Attention, Literature and Education

University of Canterbury,


Author(s): Catton, Judith Oakley

Attention, Representation and Unsettlement in Katherena Vermette’s The Break, or Teaching and (Re) Learning the Ethics of Reading


2019 : 1-15

Author(s): Wallace, Cynthia

Attention: Thomas A. Clark and Simone Weil

Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry,

2019 : 1-16

Author(s): Kotva, Simone

Confronting Suffering with Narrative Theory, Constructed Selfhood and Control: Critical Perspectives by Simone Weil and Buddhist Metaphysics

Journal of Disability and Religion,


Author(s): Aaltola, Elisa

De la bildung hegeliana a l’ attention weiliana: dos conceptos para reflexionar en torno a la formación actual de los seres humanos

Lecturas de nuestro tiempo,

2019 : 69-78

Author(s): Pérez Morales, Amanda R.

Dosezi supatnje kod Simone Weil

Crkva u svijetu,

2019 : 487-606

Author(s): Piskač, Lidija , Vučković, Ante

L’attention et le souci des autres dans un monde indifférent : geste moral ou conditionnement social ? À propos de La fragilité du souci des autres. Adorno et le care, par Estelle Ferrarese


2019 : 229-242

Author(s): Devette, Pascale

La atención, corazón de la educación, en Simone Weil

Quién: revista de filosofía personalista,

2019 : 103-117

Author(s): Herrando, Carmen

La dignité du travail, fondation d’une communauté politique dans le Mouvement des sans-terre au Brésil

Journal des anthropologues,

2019 : 249-273

Author(s): Furukawa Marques, Dan , Devette, Pascale

Lavoro e attenzione: Aspetti della mediazione nel pensiero di Simone Weil


2019 : 89-112

Author(s): Simeoni, Francesca

Liberté et passivité chez Emmanuel Levinas et Simone Weil Peut-on être un soignant levinassien?

Éthique, politique, religions,

2019 : 57-74

Author(s): Meyer, Pierre Yves

Religious Education and the Public Sphere



Author(s): Hannam, Patricia M.

Simone Weil and a Critical Will to Serve

Servant Leadership, Social Entrepreneurship and the Will to Serve: Spiritual Foundation and Business Applications, Palgrave Macmillan,

2019 : 87-101

Author(s): Thate, Michael J.