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Showing 50 posts of 5274 posts found.

Rev. of Simone Weil: On Politics, Religion and Society, by Christopher Frost and Rebecca Bell-Metereau

Women's History Review,

1999 : 552-553

Author(s): Tumblety, Joan

Rev. of Simone Weil: The Way of Justice as Compassion by Richard H. Bell

American Political Science Review,

1999 : 697-698

Author(s): Dietz, Mary G.

Rev. of Simone Weil: The Way of Justice as Compassion, by Richard H. Bell

International Philosophical Quarterly,

1999 : 368-369

Author(s): Mounce, H. O.

Rev. of The Beauty that Saves: Essays on Aesthetics and Language in Simone Weil, by John M. Dunaway and Eric O. Springsted

Literature and Theology,

1999 : 359-360

Author(s): Loades, Ann

Rev. of Writing as Resistance: Four Women Confronting the Holocaust: Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Anne Frank, Etty Hillesum, by Rachel Feldhay

Literature and Theology,

1999 : 178-179

Author(s): Wollaston, Isabel

Review of Looking for Heroes in PostWar France: Albert Camus, Max Jacob, Simone Weil, by Neal Oxenhandler

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 201-205

Author(s): Cabaud, Jacques

Review of Luare. Une rupture 1934, compiled by Jérôme Peignot and Anne Roche

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 323-325

Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

Review of Œuvres, by Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 420-422

Author(s): L'Yvonnet, François

Review of Simone Weil, The Way of Justice as Compassion, by Richard Bell

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 423-427

Author(s): Little, J. P. (Janet Patricia)

Review of Simone Weil: l’expérience de la vie et le travail de la pensée, texts by Weil presented by Charles Jacquier

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 97-99

Author(s): Devaux, André A.

Review of Simone Weil. La provocazione dell’intelligenza, by Anna Maria Verna

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 428-430

Author(s): Narcy, Michel

Review of Audience, Intention, and Rhetoric in Pascal and Simone Weil,by Thomas Stokes

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 204-205

Author(s): Dargan, Joan

Riconsiderando Simone Weil : a proposito di “Poetica soprannaturale”

Vita monastica,

1999 : 41-51

Author(s): Cacciari, Massimo

Rozum a Tajemnica, Czyli Simone Weil Logika Absurdu

Kwartalnik Filozoficzny,

1999 : 113-124

Author(s): Budkowska, Anna

Sanningens rike i Simone Weils Liv


1999 : 4-6

Author(s): Stenqvist, Catharina

Simone Weil

Sefyll yn y Bwlch: Cymru a'r mudiad gwrth-fodern: Astudiaeth o waith R.S. Thomas, Saunders Lewis, T.S. Eliot, a Simone Weil, Gwasg Prifysgol Cymr (University of Wales Press),

1999 : 97-134

Author(s): Davies, Grahame

Simone Weil

Il volto del Dio nascosto : l'esperienza mistica dall'Iliade a Simone Weil, Arnoldo Mondadori,

1999 : 335-339

Author(s): Vannini, Marco

Simone Weil

Universita degli studi di Bari,


Author(s): Farina, Paolo

Simone Weil – Christin ohne Taufschein

Revolutionäre - Mystiker - Gelehrte. Religiöse Gestalten im Frankreich des 20. Jahrhunderts, Shaker Verlag,

1999 : 63-77

Author(s): Repges, Walter

Simone Weil – ein Leben gibt zu denken. Bemerkungen zur Verhältnisbestimmung von Theology und Mystik

Simone Weil ein Leben gibt zu denken, EOS,

1999 : 199-216

Author(s): Müller, Wolfgang W.

Simone Weil – Kämpferin, Mystikerin, Christin ohne Taufschein

Renovatio: Zeitschrift fuer das interdisziplinaere Gespraech,

1999 : 168-176

Author(s): Repges, Walter

Simone Weil – Love and Language

Paradigms And Contentions,

1999 : 1-11

Author(s): Graczyk, Piotr

Simone Weil : eine Skizze ihrer Pädagogik der Aufmerksamkeit (Teil 2)

Katholische Bildung,

1999 : 305-11

Author(s): Klink, Cornelia

Simone Weil : Songs of Hunger and Love

Wolsak and Wynn,

1999 : 82

Author(s): Klassen, Sarah

Simone Weil : Thinking Poetically

SUNY series, Simone Weil studies, State University of New York Press,

1999 : xi, 148

Author(s): Dargan, Joan

Simone Weil : War sie eine Heiliege? Kampferin Mystikerin, Christin ohne Taufschein

Thomas Morus Jahrbuch,

1999 : 117-125

Author(s): Repges, Walter

Simone Weil 1909 – 1943

Peripheral Press,

1999 : 20

Author(s): Brennan, Paul

Simone Weil and “the Supernatural Use of Suffering”

Epworth Review,

1999 : 23-35

Author(s): Plant, Stephen

Simone Weil and the Enigma of Suffering and Affliction

Regent College,

1999 : 90

Author(s): Klenner, Peter

Simone Weil anticolonialiste: Introduction

Œuvres, Gallimard,

1999 : 413-416

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico, Weil, Simone

Simone Weil e il “soprannaturale”

Vita monastica,

1999 : 32-36

Author(s): Remondi, Giordano

Simone Weil et la critique des idoles

La Vie Spirituelle,

1999 : 455-464

Author(s): Cadrin, Daniel

Simone Weil et la philosophie politique liberale contemporaine

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 125-33

Author(s): McLellan, David

Simone Weil et le désire de vérité

Encyclopaedia Universalis 2010, Encyclopedia Universalis,

1999 : 253-254

Author(s): Courtine-Denamy, Sylvie

Simone Weil et le Taoisme

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 165-196

Author(s): Sourisse, Michel

Simone Weil et Rousseau : Volonté générale, partis politiques, république

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 299-314

Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

Simone Weil lesen

Information Philosophie,

1999 : 54-60

Author(s): Wimmer, Reiner

Simone Weil on Greece’s Desire for the Ultimate Bridge to God: The Passion

Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers,

1999 : 352-367

Author(s): Cullen, Helen E.

Simone Weil tra moderno e postmoderno : invito alla lettura di “Poetica soprannaturale”

Vita monastica,

1999 : 37-41

Author(s): Bertuletti, Angelo

Simone Weil und das Problem der Magersucht

Simone Weil: Ein Leben gibt zu denken, EOS,


Author(s): Bauersfeld, Karl-Heinz

Simone Weil y el Judaísmo


1999 : 362

Author(s): Giniewski, Paul

Simone Weil, critique littéraire

Verbum: Analecta Neolatina,

1999 : 135-140

Author(s): Gutbrod, Gizella

Simone Weil, l’abitudine quotidiana alla paura e alla morte


1999 : 2

Author(s): Rella, Franco

Simone Weil, le colonialisme et « l’exigence de bien absolu »

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 367-388

Author(s): Little, J. P. (Janet Patricia)

Simone Weil, Sprache und Schwierigkeiten bei der Übversetzung ins Deutsche

Simone Weil ein Leben gibt zu denken, EOS,

1999 : 77-123

Author(s): Fischer, Ellen D.

Simone Weil: affidarsi al lievito, non alla massa

Guerre che ho visto, Liberaria delle donne,


Author(s): Zamboni, Chiara

Simone Weil: amor y amargura

Cuadernos de pensamiento,

1999 : 267-276

Author(s): Domingo Centeno, Miguela

Simone Weil: An Instructive Paradox

清泉女学院短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Seisenjogakuin Junior College,

1999 : 143-165

Author(s): Dalton, Colleen H.

Simone Weil: Dalla teologia della follia di Dio: una antroplogia del consenso

Oltre la Riconoscenza: Studi in onore S.E. Mons. C. Cassati, 'Istituto di Scienze Religiose,

1999 : 133-148

Author(s): Farina, Paolo

Simone Weil: ein Leben gibt zu denken


1999 : 261

Author(s): Abbt, Imelda, Müller, Wolfgang W.