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Showing 50 posts of 5267 posts found.

El trabajo y la muerte como formas reales de consentimiento al amor en Simone Weil

La filosofía y el amor: XXVII Encuentro Internacional (3-5 octubre 2018) [de la] Sociedad Castellano-Leonesa de Filos, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca,

2020 : 167-172

Author(s): Rollán Rollán, María del Sagrario

Elastic Worker: Time‐Sense, Energy and the Paradox of Resilience

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 177-196

Author(s): Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca (Adrian Rebecca)

Faith Envy

HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies,


Author(s): Kroesbergen, Hermen

Falar de Deus como harmonia sobrenatural: um diálogo entre David Traci e Simone Weil

Perspectiva teológica,

2020 : 187-210

Author(s): Lopes, Tiago de Freitas

Filosofia e espiritualidade em Simone Weil à luz da miséria humana

Aufklärung: journal of philosophy,

2020 : 147-160

Author(s): Nogueria, Maria Simone Marinho

Fundamentos de la subsidiariedad en Simone Weil: autoridad y autonomía

Aporía: revista internacional de investigaciones filosóficas,

2020 : 19-35

Author(s): Athié, Rosario , Herrera, José Miguel

God Comes to Her: St. Teresa of Ávila, Simone Weil, and the Kantian Conception of Modern Religious Experience

Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy ,

2020 : 325-346

Author(s): Basevich, Elaine

Going Public: Higher Education and the Democratization of Knowledge

Knowledge Socialism : The Rise of Peer Production: Collegiality, Collaboration, and Collective Intelligence, Springer,

2020 : 197-215

Author(s): Rider, Sharon

Having an Inner Life

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 142-157

Author(s): Springsted, Eric O.

Homo Laborans. Tra Hannah Arendt e Simone Weil

Eunomia: Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionali,

2020 : 101-119

Author(s): Maglie, Alessandra Antonella Rita

How to Write Religious Ritual into Theatre. Gérard Genette’s Palimpsests Applied in Plautus’ Rudens and Simone Weil’s Venise Sauvée

Arys: Antigüedad: Religiones y Sociedades,

2020 : 155-180

Author(s): Sojer, Thomas, Ploj, Blaž

I fuochi della sera. Elsa Morante e Simone Weil


2020 : 57-77

Author(s): Colafranceschi, Sara

Ideology as Idolatry

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,

2020 : 143-160

Author(s): Féret, Alexandra

Il personaggio di Severina: figura Christi e Simone Weil: note al 103 margine

Casa editrice Rocco Carabba,

2020 : 103-120

Author(s): Costa, Silvia Fabrizio

Introduction: Weil, Politics and Ideology

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,

2020 : 1-21

Author(s): Bourgault, Sophie, Daigle, Julie

Josep Otón, una trayectoria intelectual para dar razón de la esperanza cristiana

Razón y Fe,

2020 : 183-192

Author(s): Vicente Algueró, Felipe J. de

Kierkegaard and the Tragic: Aesthetic Entries into the Concepts of Modernity, Self, and Freedom

Publikationer fra Det Teologiske Fakultet, The Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen,


Author(s): Bunkenborg, Kristian

L’arrelament en Weil i les subjectivitats: aliment de l’ànima humana (1/2)

Filosofia, Ara! Revista Per a Pensar,

2020 : 22-23

Author(s): Horneros Prunés, Marc

L’Entraide chez Simone Weil

Cahiers Verbatim,

2020 : 73-81

Author(s): Giugnatico, Ida

L’identité. Une supposition ou une réalité?

Comprendre: Revista Catalana de Filosofia,

2020 : 95-103

Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

La compasión por la fragilidad: un nuevo patriotismo

Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano,

2020 : 94-103

Author(s): Rio Herrmann, Alejandro del

La mística como refugio para el Espíritu de la Verdad. Simone Weil en relación a otros filósofos y místicos

Comprendre: Revista Catalana de Filosofia,

2020 : 7-27

Author(s): Garcia-Carpintero Sanchez-Miguel, Mª Ángeles

La psychè sur la page : l’expérience du carnet chez Simone Weil

Université de Montréal,


Author(s): Tirkawi, Tasnim

La vera grandezza è l’essere umano in quanto tale: Simone Weil

Horeb: Tracce di spiritualità,

2020 : 41-48

Author(s): Battaglia, Gregorio

Labor, Collectivity, and the Nurturance of Attentive Belonging

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,

2020 : 207-226

Author(s): McCullagh, Suzanne

Lanza del Vasto e Simone Weil

Preziose tessitrici di parole : la scrittura di Gabriella Fiori e Margherita Pieracci Harw, Homo scrivens,

2020 : 190-221

Author(s): Fiori, Gabriella

Le sens du travail contemporain, entre oeuvre et désoeuvrement : une approche à partir des dirigeants de start-up du numérique et des incubateurs

L’Universite de Nantes,

2020 : 418

Author(s): Henry, François

Let Them Eat Cake: Articulating a Weilian Critique of Distributive Justice

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,

2020 : 41-59

Author(s): Earl, Kaleb G. M.

Lire la nécessité: obeisance, liberté et décréation chez Simone Weil

University of Ottawa,


Author(s): Daigle, Julie

Lost in Thought: The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life

Princeton University Press,


Author(s): Hitz, Zena

Loving by Instinct: Environmental Ethics in Iris Murdoch’s The Sovereignty of Good and Nuns and Soldiers

Études britanniques contemporaines ,


Author(s): Oulton, Lucy20

Mathematics and the Mystical in the Thought of Simone Weil

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 76-100

Author(s): Kinsey, John

Mathematics for Human Flourishing

Yale University Press,


Author(s): Su, Francis

Milosz and the Moral Authority of Poetry

Reflections on Poetry and the World: Walking along the Hudson, Cambridge Scholars Publishing,

2020 : 18-36

Author(s): Grosholz, Emily R.

Moral Perception Beyond Supervenience: Iris Murdoch’s Radical Perspective

The Journal of Value Inquiry,

2020 : 273-288

Author(s): Panizza, Silvia

Mystical Hunger: Memaknai Lapar dalam Teologi Mistik sebagai Upaya Transformasi Sosial

Indonesian Journal of Theology,

2020 : 28-41

Author(s): Leonard, Leksmana

Mεταξύ: Consideracions per a l’amor contemporani, de Simone Weil a Diotima de Mantinea

Universitat de Barcelona,


Author(s): Pablo Martinez, Amande de

Narco-Accumulation: Of Contemporary Force and Facticity

Infrapolitical Passages: Global Turmoil, Narco-Accumulation, Fordham University Press,

2020 : 107-190

Author(s): Williams, Gareth

Narrating Intensity: History and Emotions in Elsa Morante, Goliarda Sapienza and Elena Ferrante

City University of New York,


Author(s): Porcelli, Stefania

Narrazioni operaie e trasformazione del lavoro in fabbrica: da Simone Weil al romanzo ipercollettivo Meccanoscritto

Il lavoro raccontato: studi su letteratura e cinema italiani dal postmodernismo all'ipermodernismo, Franco Cesati Editore,

2020 : 71-82

Author(s): Lapia, Roberto

Nœuds intertextuels au féminin: lectures de Monique Bosco

Quebec Studies,

2020 : 49-68

Author(s): Khordoc, Catherine

Nombrar el problema: el desarraig

Comprendre: Revista Catalana de Filosofia,

2020 : 5-6

Author(s): Quintana, Oriol

Obligations in the Anthropocene

Law and Critique,

2020 : 309-328

Author(s): Burdon, Peter D.

On Giorgio Agamben’s Theoretical Debt to Simone Weil: Destituent Potential and Decreation

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,

2020 : 83-101

Author(s): Murphy, Michael P.

On the Differences Between Rush Rhees and Simone Weil

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 71-75

Author(s): Mounce, H. O.

Passion: Simone Weil/Michelle Raymond

In an Ideal Business : How the Ideas of 10 Female Philosophers Bring Value into the Workplace, Springer,

2020 : 121-133

Author(s): Iñiguez, Santiago

Per una mistica deontologizzante: Simone Weil lettrice del Miroir

Vivens homo: rivista di teologia e scienze religiose,

2020 : 153-164

Author(s): Chiti, Elisa

Perception and Prejudice: Attention and Moral Progress in Iris Murdoch’s Philosophy and C. S. Lewis’s A Grief Observed

Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas,

2020 : 259-279

Author(s): Forsberg, Niklas

Peter Winch in India 1986 Lecture on Simone Weil

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 40-55

Author(s): Winch, Peter

Poetic Philosophy in Plato and Zhuangzi

University of California,


Author(s): Harte, Ryan