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Showing 50 posts of 51 posts found.

From Innate Morality Towards a New Political Ethos: Simone Weil With Carol Gilligan and Judith Butler

Ethics, Politics & Society,


Author(s): Heifetz, Aviad

Fundamentos de la subsidiariedad en Simone Weil: autoridad y autonomía

Aporía: revista internacional de investigaciones filosóficas,

2020 : 19-35

Author(s): Athié, Rosario , Herrera, José Miguel

Obligations in the Anthropocene

Law and Critique,

2020 : 309-328

Author(s): Burdon, Peter D.

Re-storying Laws for the Anthropocene: Rights, Obligations and an Ethics of Encounter

Law and Critique,

2020 : 275-292

Author(s): Birrell, Kathleen, Matthews, David

Family Portraits Political Theology of Kinship

The New School,


Author(s): Charen, Hannes

Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty



Author(s): Gibbs, Paul, Jameson, Jill, Elwick, Alex

HIstory, Alterity and Obligation: Toward a Genealogy of the Co-operative

Law, Obligation, Community, Routledge,

2018 : 122-138

Author(s): Mulqueen, Tara

Moral Foundations of Natural Resource Economics for the Ecozoic

Georgetown University,


Author(s): Spethmann, Daniel

Rights and Their Intrusion on Freedom in America

Georgetown University,


Author(s): Lubin, Valerie

Simone Weil: Critique of Rights and Impersonal Justice: A Political Philosophy of Obligation

University of Colorado,


Author(s): Linton, Peter Jesse

Decreation and the Ethical Bind: Simone Weil and the Claim of the Other

Fordham University Press,


Author(s): Cha, Yoon Sook

Democracia como obrigação e participação: dialogando com Simone Weil e Amartya Sen

Paulus: Revista de Comunicação da FAPCOM,

2017 : 77-86

Author(s): Martins, Alexandre Andrade

Vedere il bisogno, tra domanda sociale e domanda etica. Lettura di Simone Weil


2017 : 23-35

Author(s): Vergani, Mario

La primauté de l’obligation sur les droits de l’homme dans L’Enracinement

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2016 : 1-40

Author(s): Simon, Michel

Migration and the Politics of Life

Theory & Event,


Author(s): Chamberlain, James

Overlapping Consensus Thin and Thick: John Rawls and Simone Weil

Philosophical Investigations,

2016 : 362-384

Author(s): Heifetz, Aviad, Minelli, Enrico

Catégories de l’impolitique II

Roberto Esposito: Law, Community and the Political, Routledge,

2015 : 46-67

Author(s): Langford, Peter

Sulle orme del bene: Giustizia e necessità nelle opere di Simone Weil

Università Ca’Foscari,


Author(s): Piol, Davide

Beyond the Saint and the Red Virgin: Simone Weil as Feminist Theorist of Care

Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies,

2014 : 1-17

Author(s): Bourgault, Sophie

How to be an intellectual: essays on criticism, culture, and the university

Fordham University Press,


Author(s): Williams, Jeffrey

Nota di edizione

Senza partito: Obbligo e diritto per una nuova pratica politica, Editore Apogeo,

2013 : 63-69

Author(s): Weil, Simone, Dotti, Marco

Postfazione oltre i partiti. Una speranza

Senza partito: Obbligo e diritto per una nuova pratica politica, Editore Apogeo,

2013 : 71-87

Author(s): Simoncini, Andrea, Weil, Simone


Senza partito : Obbligo e diritto per una nuova pratica politica, Editore Apogeo,

2013 : 9-14

Author(s): Revelli, Marco, Weil, Simone

Social Justice, Spirituality, and Responsibility to Needs: The “Best Interests of the Child” in the Divorce Transition

Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health,

2013 : 94-106

Author(s): Kruk, Edward

The Eclipse of the Good in the Modern Rights Tradition

Communio: International Catholic Review,

2013 : 775-798

Author(s): Shiffman, Mark G.

Can There be a Feminist Philosophy of Religion?

School of Religion, Claremont Graduate University,

2012 : 172

Author(s): Dedrick, Leanne

Rivelazione e Legge: Riconoscimento e corrispondenza all’ordine in Simone Weil.

Per un nuovo umanesimo: Francesco d'Assisi e Simone Weil, CNx,

2012 : 65-80

Author(s): Marianelli, Massimiliano

Dall’angustia del calcolo al calcolo della giustizia: le relazioni tra tempo, lavoro, diritti e obblighi

Quale felicità ? Dal Pil al Bil: donne, lavoro, benessere, Millela,

2011 : 89-98

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

L’obligation dans L’Enracienment

Simone Weil, lectures politiques, Editions Rue d'Ulm,

2011 : 17-33

Author(s): Worms, Frédéric

Obblighi, responsabilità e diritti umani

Simone Weil tra mistica e politica, Aracne,

2011 : 101-122

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

Revolution and the Republic: A History of Political Thought in France Since the Eighteenth Century

Oxford University Press,


Author(s): Jennings, Jeremy

Une interrogation fondamentale dans des écrits de circonstance

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2011 : 195-208

Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

“Habitar la ciudad en estado de vigilia”. Mística y política en Simone Weil

Diálogo Filosófico,

2010 : 441-460

Author(s): Ríos, Alejandro del

Diritto e diritti umani in Simone Weil

Dialegesthai: Rivista telematica di filosofia,


Author(s): Fulco, Rita

Najpierw powinność : prawa i obowiązki człowieka według Simone Weil i Józefa Wrzesińskiego


2010 : 108-114

Author(s): Steffens, Martin, Gawryś, Cezary

Perché mi vien fatto del male? Diritto e giustizia in Simone Weil


2010 : 88-105

Author(s): Greco, Tommaso

Simone Weil: The Mystical Ascetic

European Journal of Mental Health,

2010 : 167-185

Author(s): Nagy, Endre J.

In a Lonely Place

History Today,

2009 : 32-38

Author(s): Lewis, Paul

La nozione di obblio sovrasta quella di diritto

Un granello di senape: Attualità di Simone Weil, Esodo,

2009 : 12-16

Author(s): Fiori, Gabriella

Simone Weil: la “Malheur” y el “Arraigo” dos conceptos para leer el presente

Revista Pléyade,

2009 : 36-67

Author(s): Serratore, Constanza

Mental Non Self-Sufficiency, Sociality and Common Agency

Concepts of Sharedness: Essays on Collective Intentionality, Ontos Verlag,

2008 : 273-284

Author(s): Psarros, Nikos

The Cross, the Flesh, and the Absent God: Finding Justice Through Love and Affliction in Simone Weil’s Writings

The Journal of Religion,

2008 : 53-74

Author(s): Willox, Ashlee Cunsolo

«Concepire l’equilibrio» : la forza, la giustizia, l’obbligo e il loro legame con la corporeità attraverso Simone Weil

Diritto, giustizia e logiche del dominio, Morlacchi Editore,

2007 : 341-388

Author(s): Recchia Luciani, Francesca R.

Rethinking Justice: Restoring our Humanity

Lexington Books,

2007 : 145

Author(s): Bell, Richard H.

The Spiritual Transformation of Social (Justice) Work: A Charter of Social Responsibilities Corresponding to Vital Human Needs

Proceedings 2006 - The Transforming Power of Spirituality: Breaking Barriers and Creating Common Ground. The First North American Conference on Spirituality and Social Work, Canadian Society for Social Work and Spirituality,


Author(s): Kruk, Edward

薇依与弗罗姆的精神旋律 ( Some Issues in Simone Weil’s Political Philosophy)

同济大学学报(社会科学版 Journal of Tongji University(Social Science Section),

2006 : 9-16

Author(s): 徐卫翔 (Xu, Wei-Xiang)

Beyond the Personal: Weil’s Critique of Maritain

Harvard Theological Review,

2005 : 209-218

Author(s): Springsted, Eric O.

Diritto e obbligo tra forza e sacralità in Simone Weil

Behemoth: Trimetrale di cultura politica,

2004 : 28-31

Author(s): Di Iasio, Biagio

The Embers of Antiquity: The Wartime Political Philosophy of Simone Weil

Political Science, Yale University,


Author(s): Emery, Mark Thomas

Irving Babbitt and Simone Weil

Critical Legacy of Irving Babbitt, ISI Books,

1999 : 107-129

Author(s): Panichas, George A.