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Showing 36 posts of 86 posts found.

Socrates, Augustine, and Paul Gauguin on the Reciprocity between Speech and Silence in Education

Journal of Philosophy of Education,

2013 : 577-604

Author(s): Caranfa, Angelo

Die Neue Aufmerksamkeit Simone Weils : Religiös-ästhetische Dimensionen auf dem Weg zur Transzendenz : die Frage nach dem Sein

Forum Religionsphilosophie, Lit,

2012 : 240

Author(s): Schülert, Marie

Attention, Asceticism, and Grace: Simone Weil and Higher Education

Arts and Humanities in Higher Education,

2011 : 315-328

Author(s): Roberts, Peter

From the Theoretical to the Practical: Navajo Peacemaking as an Alternative to Punitive School discipline

School of Continuing Studies, Georgetown University,

2011 : 430

Author(s): Lentz, Mary Agnes

Sentire/pensare/essere in Simone Weil: linee per una filosofia dell’educazione

Simone Weil tra mistica e politica, Aracne,

2011 : 53-77

Author(s): Durst, Margarete

“To Make Known This Method”: Simone Weil and the Business of Institutional Education

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 76-90

Author(s): Nelson, Christopher A.P.

Contemplative Instruction and the Gifts of Beauty, Love and Silence

Educational Theory,

2010 : 561-585

Author(s): Caranfa, Angelo

Mystery and Philosophy

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 91-104?

Author(s): Springsted, Eric O.

Simone Weil i l’ensenyament de la història

Temps d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona,

2010 : 255-267

Author(s): Otón Catalán, Josep

The Aesthetic and the Spiritual Attitude in Learning: Lessons From Simone Weil

Journal of Aesthetic Education,

2010 : 63-82

Author(s): Caranfa, Angelo


The Listening Heart: Vocation and the Crisis of Modern Culture, Baylor University Press,

2009 : 114-127

Author(s): Conyers, A. J.

Educating for Love of Wisdom: John Dewey and Simone Weil

Education, Brock University,

2009 : 288

Author(s): Windhorst, H. Dirk

Le Déracinement of Attention: Simone Weil on the Institutionalization of Distractedness

Philosophy Today,

2009 : 100-108

Author(s): Rozelle-Stone, Rebecca

Le Déracinement of Attention: Simone Weil on the Institutionalization of Distractedness

Philosophy Today,

2009 : 100-108

Author(s): Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca (Adrian Rebecca)

Teaching as a Moral Act: Simone Weil’s Liminality as an Addition to the Moral Conversation in Education

Education, University of Central Florida,

2009 : 224

Author(s): Bowden, Mary-Zoe

Critical Pedagogy and Attentive Love

Studies in Philosophy and Education,

2008 : 387-392

Author(s): Liston, Daniel P.

À l’épreuve du monde: L’éducation au sens large

Les études philosophiques,

2007 : 155-167

Author(s): Vorms, Marion

Introduzione: “Come se” fosse vita… Riflessioni intorno alla comunicazione educativa e alle pratiche di formazione.

Il vuoto e il legame. Simon Weil e la pedagogia dell'ascesi., Edizioni Unicopli,

2007 : 11-22

Author(s): Ulivieri Stiozzi, Stefania.

From Paranoia to Metanoia: Education and the Journey of the Soul

PESGB (Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain) Annual Conference,

2006 : 1-11

Author(s): Mackenzie, Rod

Il valore pedgogico del sacrificio in Simone Weil e Olivier Reboul

Ad animum formandum. Itinerari nell’universo formazione: teorie e problemi, offerta universitaria ed opportunità professionali, Edizioni Scientifiche Italian,

2006 : 47-66

Author(s): Farinelli, Giovanna

Simone Weil: pédagogue, philosophe ou prophétess

Travaux et Jours,

2006, 2007 : 41-72

Author(s): Unterner, Patrice

Authority According to Simone Weil

Politics Department, Goldsmiths College, University of London,

2005 : 286

Author(s): Avery, Desmond

Chapter 5 : The Spiritual Teacher

Journal of Philosophy of Education,

2005 : 287-317

Author(s): Tubbs, Nigel

Altering Habits of Attention in Education: Simone Weil and Emmanuel Levinas

Spirituality and Ethics in Education: Philosophical, Theological and Radical Perspectives, Sussex Academic Press,

2004 : 42-53

Author(s): Eppert, Claudia

Pédagogie et psychagogie dans L’enracinement de Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2004 : 87-102

Author(s): Droz, Claude

Jeanne Hersch, Une Education Philosophique

Jeanne Hersch, la dame aux paradoxes, L'Age d'homme,

2003 : 42-59

Author(s): Droz, Claude

Simone Weil 1909-43

Fifty Modern Thinkers on Education from Piaget to the Present, Routledge,

2001 : 69-73

Author(s): Smith, Richard

시몬느 베이유의 영성과 지식교육 Simone Weil’s Spirituality and the intellectual Education

교육철학연구(The Korean Journal of Philosophy of Education),

2000 : 185-203

Author(s): 이은선

Simone Weil: The Way of Justice as Compassion

Twentieth-Century Political Thinkers, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,

1998 : xviii, 259

Author(s): Bell, Richard H.

Notre amie Anne…

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1997 : 81-86

Author(s): Devaux, André A.

Notre amie Anne…

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1997 : 81-86

Author(s): Devaux, André A.

Simone Weil professeur au-delà de sa classe d’après ses lettres à d’anciennes élèves

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1997 : 27-47

Author(s): Devaux, André A.

L’Éducation à la perfection

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1996 : 345-355

Author(s): Broc-Lapeyre, Monique

L’éducation comme attention à la faute

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1996 : 357-371

Author(s): Boitier, Daniel

Simone Weil à Bourges (1935-1936)

Cahiers Simone Weil,


Author(s): Molard, Julien

Simone Weil à Bourges

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1996 : 285-301

Author(s): Molard, Julien