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Showing 33 posts of 33 posts found.

Of Colonialism and Corpses: Simone Weil on Force

Women’s International Thought: A New History, Cambridge University Press,

2021 : 72-92

Author(s): Kinsella, Helen M.

The Colonial Frame: Judith Butler and Simone Weil on Force and Grief

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? ,

2020 : 125-142

Author(s): Davis, Benjamin P.

Penser depuis la colonie

Mondialisation ou globalisation ? : Les leçons de Simone Weil, Collège de France,

2019 : 61-68

Author(s): Diagne, Souleymane Bachir

Pensar la història europea amb Simone Weil

Lectora: Revista de Dones i Textualitat,

2018 : 45-60

Author(s): Ribera, Pau Matheu

Sotto l’impero della forza

Pensare il presente con Simone Weil, Effata Editrice,

2017 : 55-88

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico

We are the World? Anthropocene Cultural Production Between Geopoetics and Geopolitics

Theory, Culture & Society,

2017 : 1-22

Author(s): Last, Angela

A literatura pós-colonial moçambicana: “Ninguém matou Suhura”, de Lília Momplé

Cadernos Literários,

2016 : 29-34

Author(s): Peres Alós, Anselmo , Loureiro Andreta, Bárbara, Saldanha Dalcol, Mônica,

Simone Weil de l’Afrique à L’Inde: « eadem sed aliter »


2016 : 80-95

Author(s): Mégevand, Martin

The Class Struggle Poised Between Marxism and Populism

Class Struggle: A Political and Philosophical History, Palgrave Macmillan,

2016 : 309-344

Author(s): Losurdo, Domenico

Perspectives sur le colonialisme à travers L’Enracinement de Simone Weil


Author(s): Little, J.P. (Janet Patricia)

Perspectives sur le colonialisme à travers L’Enracinement

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2015 : 265-281

Author(s): Little, J. P. (Janet Patricia)

Perspectives sur le colonialisme à travers L’Enracinement de Simone Weil


Author(s): Little, J. P. (Janet Patricia)

« J’allais à l’expo coloniale, j’y trouvais une foule béate, inconsciente, admirative »

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2014 : 11-25

Author(s): Boitier, Daniel

Réflexions sur l’anticolonialisme de Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2014 : 1-26

Author(s): Manceron, Gilles

La lota di classe tra marxismo e populismo

La lotta di classe. Una storia politica e filosofica, Laterza,

2013 : 324-365

Author(s): Losurdo, Domenico

Simone Weil, L’enracinement, la décolonization


2012 : 52-68

Author(s): Gérard, Valérie

Christianity and the Errors of our Time: Simone Weil on Atheism and Idolatry

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 53-75

Author(s): Von der Ruhr, Mario

Simone Weil’s Ethic of the Other: Explicating Fictions through Fiction, or Looking through the Wrong End of the Telescope


2010 : 70-88

Author(s): Johansen, Ruthann Knechel

Simone Weil’s Social Philosophy: Toward a Post-Colonial Ethic

New Topics in Feminist Philosophy of Religion: Contestations and Transcendence Incarnate, Springer,

2010 : 69-83

Author(s): Radzins, Inese

Readings of Emmanuel Lévinas, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Simone Weil: Abstract Universalism and Details about the African World

Forum for Modern Language Studies,

2009 : 188-199

Author(s): Bidima, Jean-Godefroy

The Threshold Patriotism of Simone Weil

Midwest Political Science Association 67th Annual National Conference,


Author(s): Gonzalez Rice, David Laurence

Misreading Simone Weil: Psychobiography, Pathos, and Politics

2008 APSA (American Political Science Association ) Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association,


Author(s): Gonzalez Rice, David Laurence


Escritos históricos y políticos, Trotta,

2007 : 11-31

Author(s): Fernández Buey, Francisco, Weil, Simone

Rethinking Justice: Restoring our Humanity

Lexington Books,

2007 : 145

Author(s): Bell, Richard H.

Simone Weil

Empire and the Christian Tradition: New Readings of Classical Theologians, Fortress,

2007 : 405-422

Author(s): Radzins, Inese

Simone Weil et Jean el-Mouhouv Amrouche: un dialogue posthume

Awal: Cahiers d’études berbères,

2004 : 97-108

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico

Przemoc w narracji i etyce Simone Weil

Nowa Krytyka,

2002 : 65-80

Author(s): Sapkowska, Agata

Simone Weil, anticolonialisme et rencontre entre orient et occident

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2001 : 21-34

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico

Simone Weil, le colonialisme et « l’exigence de bien absolu »

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 367-388

Author(s): Little, J. P. (Janet Patricia)

Mystery of Evil and the Hiddenness of God: Some Thoughts on Simone Weil

The Fascination of Evil, SCM,

1998 : 74-84

Author(s): Nava, Alexander

A Study of War and Peace in the Writings of Simone Weil

Krieg/War: eine philosophische Auseinandersetzung aus feministischer Sicht, Wilhelm Fink Verlag,

1997 : 249-257

Author(s): McLane-Iles, Betty L.


Modernité, Démocratie et Totalitarisme: Simone Weil et Hannah Arendt, Klincksieck,

1996 : 7-41

Author(s): Cedronio, Marina

De Simone Weil à Aimé Césaire: hitlérisme et enterprise coloniale

Présence Africaine, Société africaine de culture,

1995 : 238-250

Author(s): Cailler, Bernadette