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Showing 50 posts of 62 posts found.

Philosophie: Les cours du Puy 1931-1932

Éditions de l'éclat,


Author(s): Weil, Simone

Simone Weil, un art de vivre par temps de catastrophe transformer nos manières de penser et de vivre

Peuple Libre,


Author(s): David, Pascal, Weil, Simone

Venice Saved

Bloomsbury Academic,


Author(s): Weil, Simone, Wilson, Philip, Panizza, Silvia


Love in the Void: Where God Finds Us, Plough Publishing House,

2018 : vii-xxiv

Author(s): Gagne, Laurie, Weil, Simone

Simone Weil, What is a Jew?

Brandeis University Press,

2018 : 63-65

Author(s): Weil, Simone, Hammerschlag, Sarah

Postface: Pacifisme pour temps de guerre

Désarroi de notre temps : et autres fragments sur la guerre, Editions Peuple Libre,

2016 : 193-206

Author(s): Colrat, Paul, Weil, Simone

Préface: Le diagnostic du présent

Désarroi de notre temps : et autres fragments sur la guerre, Editions Peuple Libre,

2016 : 5-24

Author(s): David, Pascal, Weil, Simone

Simone Weil, la confrontation au réel

Désarroi de notre temps : et autres fragments sur la guerre, Editions Peuple Libre,

2016 : 171-191

Author(s): David, Pascal, Weil, Simone


Il fardello dell'identità : le radici ebraiche, Medusa Edizioni,

2014 : 5-21

Author(s): Weil, Simone, Peverelli, Roberto

Nota sui testi

La rivelazione greca, Adelphi Edizioni,

2014 : 449-454

Author(s): Sala, Maria Concetta, Weil, Simone

Some Reflections Around the Concept of Value: On Valéry’s Claim that Philosophy is Poetry

Philosophical Investigations,

2014 : 105-112

Author(s): Springsted, Eric O., Weil, Simone

In the Light of Simone Weil: Milosz and the Friendship of Camus

On the Abolition of All Political Parties, Black Inc,

2013 : 61-71

Author(s): Leys, Simon, Weil, Simone


Sulla guerra. Scritti 1933-1943, Il Saggiatore Tascabili,

2013 : 9-26

Author(s): Zazzi, Donatella, Weil, Simone


Una costituente per l’Europa. Scritti londinesi, Castelvecchi,

2013 : 11-54

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico, Vito, Maria Antonietta, Weil, Simone

Nota di edizione

Senza partito: Obbligo e diritto per una nuova pratica politica, Editore Apogeo,

2013 : 63-69

Author(s): Weil, Simone, Dotti, Marco

Postfazione oltre i partiti. Una speranza

Senza partito: Obbligo e diritto per una nuova pratica politica, Editore Apogeo,

2013 : 71-87

Author(s): Simoncini, Andrea, Weil, Simone


Senza partito : Obbligo e diritto per una nuova pratica politica, Editore Apogeo,

2013 : 9-14

Author(s): Revelli, Marco, Weil, Simone

La volontà di comprendere

Pagine scelte, Marietti,

2009 : 11-73

Author(s): Gaeta, Giancarlo, Weil, Simone


Anmerkung zur generellen Abschaffung der politischen Parteien, Diaphanes,

2009 : 37-48

Author(s): Macho, Thomas, Thein, Helen, Weil, Simone

God in His Mercy: A Letter to Father J.M. Perrin, May 15, 1942


2008 : 48-56

Author(s): Weil, Simone, Springsted, Eric O.

Un Infinitamente Piccolo

Attesa di Dio, Adelphi Edizioni,

2008 : 335-350

Author(s): Gaeta, Giancarlo, Weil, Simone

“Wenecja we krwi skąpana”

Wenecja ocalona : tragedia w trzech aktach, Wydawnictwo Austeria,

2007 : 125-139

Author(s): Zieliński, Jan, Weil, Simone

Les besoins de l’âme: extrait de L’enracinement

Folioplus philosophie, Gallimard,


Author(s): Weil, Simone, Steffens, Martin, Leclair, Bertrand


Escritos históricos y políticos, Trotta,

2007 : 11-31

Author(s): Fernández Buey, Francisco, Weil, Simone

Wenecja ocalona

Wenecja ocalona : tragedia w trzech aktach, Wydawnictwo Austeria,

2007 : 1-27

Author(s): Herling-Grudziński, Gustaw, Weil, Simone

Wenecja uratowana

Wenecja ocalona : tragedia w trzech aktach, Wydawnictwo Austeria,

2007 : 143-151

Author(s): Kuryluk, Eva, Weil, Simone

Il promontorio dell’anima

Attesa di Dio, Adelphi Edizioni,

2006 : xi-xxxvi

Author(s): Sala, Maria Concetta, Weil, Simone

Simone Weil

Note sur la suppression générale des partis politiques, Climats,

2006 : 71-83

Author(s): Alain, Weil, Simone

Simone Weil o la visión del desarraigo moderno

Echar raices, Trotta,

2006 : 9-23

Author(s): Capella Hernandez, Juan Ramón, Weil, Simone


Espera de Deus, Assirio and Alvim,

2005 : 23-31

Author(s): Perrin, Joseph-Marie, Weil, Simone

Elettra: “Questa lettura mi consolerà sepre…”

Elettre. Letture di un mito greco, Medusa,

2004 : 81-122

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico, Vito, Maria Antonietta, Weil, Simone


Dzieła, Brama - Książnica Włóczęgów i Uczonych,

2004 : 5-25

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de, Weil, Simone

Dalla dominazione coloniale all’incontro tra Occidente e Oriente

Sul colonialismo. Verso un incontro tra Occidente e Oriente, Medusa,

2003 : 7-23

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico, Weil, Simone

Simone Weil’s The Iliad or the Poem of Force: a critical edition

Peter Lang,

2003 : 130

Author(s): Holoka, James P., Weil, Simone


Gravity and Grace, Routledge Classics,


Author(s): Thibon, Gustave, Weil, Simone


La Condition ouvriere, Gallimard,

2002 : 11-47

Author(s): Chenavier, Robert, Weil, Simone

Incontri libertari



Author(s): Weil, Simone, Zani, Maurizio


La Gravedad y la gracia, Trotta,

2001 : 6-30

Author(s): Ortega, Carlos, Weil, Simone


Escritos esenciales, Sal Terre,

2000 : 14-40

Author(s): Springsted, Eric O., Weil, Simone


Œuvres, Gallimard,

1999 : 11-33

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de, Weil, Simone

L’Amour de la Grèce

Œuvres, Gallimard,

1999 : 633-635

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de, Weil, Simone

L’antijudaïsme de Simone Weil: Introduction

Œuvres, Gallimard,

1999 : 959-963

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de, Weil, Simone

L’expérience du monde du travail : Introduction

Œuvres, Gallimard,

1999 : 129-134

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico, Weil, Simone

La guerre de la notion de force: Introduction

Œuvres, Gallimard,

1999 : 443-448

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico, Weil, Simone

La marque d’Alain: Introduction

Œuvres, Gallimard,

1999 : 97-101

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de, Weil, Simone

La vérité est malhereuse: Introduction

Œuvres, Gallimard,

1999 : 1221-1224

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de, Weil, Simone

Le Détour Indien

Œuvres, Gallimard,

1999 : 636-638

Author(s): Degrâces, Alyette, Weil, Simone

Les Cathares en pays d’Oc

Œuvres, Gallimard,

1999 : 638-639

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de, Weil, Simone

Les enjeux de la science. Retour à la Grèce

Œuvres, Gallimard,

1999 : 555-562

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de, Weil, Simone

Les totalitarismes du siècle: Introduction

Œuvres, Gallimard,

1999 : 213-217

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico, Weil, Simone