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Living in Dark Times: The Seduction of Totalitarian Evil

Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil: Unprecedented Conversations, Bloomsbury,


Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Brücken zum Übernatürlichen: Simone Weil über das Böse, den Krieg und die Religion



Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Simone Weil et Josef Ratzinger, sur la diversité des religions

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2018 : 165-198

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Understanding Simone Weil’s ” Science of the Supernatural” Within the Contect of Rationalism


2016 : 351-365

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Gnadenlos: Simone Weils Kriegsvertändnis im Lichte der “Ilias”

Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift Communio,

2014 : 16-24

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Die Banalität des Bösen aus der Perspektive Simone Weils mit einem Blick auf Hannah Arendt

Jahrbuch Religionsphilosophie,

2012 : 143-183

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Le Mal, est-il mystérieux ou banal?

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2012 : 255-28

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Rev. of Simone Weil, by Palle Yourgrau

French Studies,

2012 : 419-420

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Simone Weil’s Reflections on the Cross

Crisis Magazine: A Voice for the Faithful Catholic Laity,


Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Review of Simone Weil and the Specter of Self-Perpetuating Force, by E. Jane Doering

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2011 : 213-215

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Simone Weil

Encyclopedia of Christian Literature, Scarecrow,

2010 : 634-636

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Simone Weil and René Girard: Violence and the Sacred

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly,

2010 : 565-587

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

The Supernatural as Remedy to Totalitarian Regimes: Simone Weil on Sanctity and the Eucharist

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 38-52

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Simone Weil’s Apologetic Use of Literature : Her Christological Interpretations of Ancient Greek texts

Oxford modern languages and literature monographs, Oxford University Press,


Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Simone Weil’s Critique of the Zeitgeist

Faith and Reason,

2003 : 319-42

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

The Vocation of the Cross: Simone Weil’s Theodicy

Saint Austin Review,

2003 : 8-11

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Mission of the Non-Baptized: Simone Weil: Apologist of the Supernatural

Second Spring: An International Journal of Faith and culture,

2002 : 39-49

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Literature and Apologetics : Simone Weil’s Christological Interpretations of Ancient Greek Texts


2001 : 305

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Why Antigone Was Right After All: Simone Weil’s Mystical Hermeneutics

Shifting Borders: Theory and Identity in French Literature, Peter Lang,

2001 : 123-38

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Mystique et herméneutique: Simone Weil et sa lecture christologique d’Electre et du Promée é Enchainé

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2000 : 51-77

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud