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Showing 50 posts of 54 posts found.

Ethical Humans: Life, Love, Labour, Learning and Loss



Author(s): Seidler, Victor Jeleniewski

From Innate Morality Towards a New Political Ethos: Simone Weil With Carol Gilligan and Judith Butler

Ethics, Politics & Society,


Author(s): Heifetz, Aviad

Deber, Responsabilidad y justica en el pensamiento filosofico de Simone Weil


2020 : 5-33

Author(s): Gómez Campos, Rubí de María

Let Them Eat Cake: Articulating a Weilian Critique of Distributive Justice

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,

2020 : 41-59

Author(s): Earl, Kaleb G. M.

Re-storying Laws for the Anthropocene: Rights, Obligations and an Ethics of Encounter

Law and Critique,

2020 : 275-292

Author(s): Birrell, Kathleen, Matthews, David

Family Portraits Political Theology of Kinship

The New School,


Author(s): Charen, Hannes

Les droits font-ils obstacle à la justice ?

Mondialisation ou globalisation ? : Les leçons de Simone Weil, Collège de France,

2019 : 183-199

Author(s): Pizzolato, Filippo

Moral Foundations of Natural Resource Economics for the Ecozoic

Georgetown University,


Author(s): Spethmann, Daniel

Rights and Their Intrusion on Freedom in America

Georgetown University,


Author(s): Lubin, Valerie

Roberto Esposito: Biopolitics and Philosophy

SUNY Series in Contemporary Italian Philosophy, SUNY Press,


Author(s): Viriasova, Inna, Calcagno, Antonio

What are the “Ethical Values’ That Underpin Border Cooperation in Europe and South-East Asia?: A Reading of the Upper Adriatic Region and the Iskandar-Malaysia Border Cases

Region-Making and Cross-Border Cooperation: New Evidence from Four Continents, Routledge,

2018 : 148-169

Author(s): Nadalutti, Elisabetta

A Limitation of Multicultural Education from Simone Weil’s Understanding of Justice

OMNES: The Journal of Multicultural Society,

2017 : 41-59

Author(s): Yoda, Kazuaki

I diritti: un impedimento per la giustizia? La lexione di Simone Weil

Pensare il presente con Simone Weil, Effata Editrice.,

2017 : 235-288

Author(s): Pizzolato, Filippo

Migration and the Politics of Life

Theory & Event,


Author(s): Chamberlain, James

Overlapping Consensus Thin and Thick: John Rawls and Simone Weil

Philosophical Investigations,

2016 : 362-384

Author(s): Heifetz, Aviad, Minelli, Enrico

How to Think Theologically About Rights

The Work of Theology, Eerdmans,

2015 : 191-207

Author(s): Hauerwas, Stanley

How to Think Theologically About Rights

Journal of Law and Religion,

2015 : 402-413

Author(s): Hauerwas, Stanley

Oltre la ricerca del Graal, il divenire del mito

Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals,

2014 : 37-50

Author(s): Castaldini, Alberto

Nota di edizione

Senza partito: Obbligo e diritto per una nuova pratica politica, Editore Apogeo,

2013 : 63-69

Author(s): Weil, Simone, Dotti, Marco

Postfazione oltre i partiti. Una speranza

Senza partito: Obbligo e diritto per una nuova pratica politica, Editore Apogeo,

2013 : 71-87

Author(s): Simoncini, Andrea, Weil, Simone


Senza partito : Obbligo e diritto per una nuova pratica politica, Editore Apogeo,

2013 : 9-14

Author(s): Revelli, Marco, Weil, Simone

Simone Weil. Il male dell’Occidente: lo sradicamento

DEP: Deportate, Esuli e Profughe,

2013 : 64-77

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico

Soggetto, diritto, lavoro, nel pensiero di Simone Weil (1909-1943)

Jurisprudence, University of Trento,

2013 : 241

Author(s): Ziccardi, Maria Giovanna

Sulla soglia del diritto: i diritti ripensati da Simone Weil

Prospettiva Persona,

2013 : 18-25

Author(s): Ziccardi, Maria Giovanna

Terms of the Political: Community, Immunity, Biopolitics

Fordham University Press,


Author(s): Esposito, Roberto

The Eclipse of the Good in the Modern Rights Tradition

Communio: International Catholic Review,

2013 : 775-798

Author(s): Shiffman, Mark G.

The Nexus Between Rights and Restorative Justice: Using a Case Example of an Organization “C: – the Right – or Moral and Sprirtual Claim – to Recognition

Reconstructing Restorative Justice Philosophy, Ashgate,

2013 : 107-130

Author(s): Mackay, Robert E.

Simone Weil: L’enracinement d’appartenance et le partis politiques

Simone Weil: Philosophie, mystique, esthétique, L'Harmattan,

2012 : 53-63

Author(s): Delsol, Chantal

Dall’angustia del calcolo al calcolo della giustizia: le relazioni tra tempo, lavoro, diritti e obblighi

Quale felicità ? Dal Pil al Bil: donne, lavoro, benessere, Millela,

2011 : 89-98

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

Droits de l’homme et a-venir de la responsabilité (Simone Weil)

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2011 : 7-31

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

La pensée juridique de Simone Weil

Mélanges à la mémoire de Yota Kravaritou: A trilingual tribute, ETUI,

2011 : 551-575

Author(s): Supiot, Alain

Non credere di avere dei diritti

Simone Weil e l'amore per la città. Venezia terrena e celeste, Il Poligrafo,

2011 : 169-176

Author(s): Lucchesi, Nadia

Pensare la forza: Simone Weil dalla guerra di Spagna alla Resistenza

DEP: Deportate, Esuli e Profughe,

2010 : 189 - 203

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico

Pensiero e azione in Simone Weil

DEP: Deportate, Esuli e Profughe,

2010 : 189-203

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico

Simone Weil: The Mystical Ascetic

European Journal of Mental Health,

2010 : 167-185

Author(s): Nagy, Endre J.

Vulnerabilita, diritti responsabilita

La vita, il limite e le leggi. Tutela, controllo, fiducia, Milella,

2010 : 185-194

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

‘Angry angels’ as Guides to Ethics and Faith: Reflections on Simone Weil and Gillian Rose


2009 : 14-23

Author(s): Rowlands, Anna

Las necesidades del alma, según Simone Weil

Persona: revista iberoamericana de personalismo comunitario,

2009 : 43-47

Author(s): Herrando, Carmen

Rape and Silence in J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace

Philosophical Papers,

2009 : 347-362

Author(s): Stott, Graham St. John

Margins of Religion: Between Kierkegaard and Derrida

Indiana University Press,


Author(s): Llewlyn, John

Otherness as Path Toward Overcoming Violence : A Comparative Study of Emmanuel Levinas and Simone Weil

Levinas Studies: An Annual Review, Duquesne University Press,

2008 : 143-170

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

The Cross, the Flesh, and the Absent God: Finding Justice Through Love and Affliction in Simone Weil’s Writings

The Journal of Religion,

2008 : 53-74

Author(s): Willox, Ashlee Cunsolo

Weil on Power, Oppression and Capital Globalism

Parceling the Globe: Philosophical Explorations in Globalization, Global Behavior, and Peace, Rodopi,

2008 : 125-150

Author(s): Presler, Judith

Droits et devoirs de l’homme chez Simone Weil et Joseph Wresinski

Quart Monde,

2007 : 25-30

Author(s): Steffens, Martin

Rethinking Justice: Restoring our Humanity

Lexington Books,

2007 : 145

Author(s): Bell, Richard H.

The Spiritual Transformation of Social (Justice) Work: A Charter of Social Responsibilities Corresponding to Vital Human Needs

Proceedings 2006 - The Transforming Power of Spirituality: Breaking Barriers and Creating Common Ground. The First North American Conference on Spirituality and Social Work, Canadian Society for Social Work and Spirituality,


Author(s): Kruk, Edward

Beyond the Personal: Weil’s Critique of Maritain

Harvard Theological Review,

2005 : 209-218

Author(s): Springsted, Eric O.

Diritto e obbligo tra forza e sacralità in Simone Weil

Behemoth: Trimetrale di cultura politica,

2004 : 28-31

Author(s): Di Iasio, Biagio

L’enracinement et la société démocratique

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2003 : 249-264

Author(s): Rolland, Patrice

Military Obedience: Does the Answer Lie in Professionalism?

Professional Ethics: A Multidisciplinary Journal,

2002 : 207-230

Author(s): Giddy, Patrick