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Showing 50 posts of 91 posts found.

The Value of the Surface: Reappreciating Embodiment, Labor, and Necessity in Arendt’s Political Thought

Critical Times,

2021 : 263-283

Author(s): Hyvönen, Ari-Elmeri

Fundamentos de la subsidiariedad en Simone Weil: autoridad y autonomía

Aporía: revista internacional de investigaciones filosóficas,

2020 : 19-35

Author(s): Athié, Rosario , Herrera, José Miguel

Lire la nécessité: obeisance, liberté et décréation chez Simone Weil

University of Ottawa,


Author(s): Daigle, Julie

What is ‘la force’ in Simone Weil’s Iliad?

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 19-39

Author(s): Levy, D. K.

Tingens lydnad och människans väntan Nödvändighet, nåd, handling och tänkande Simone Weils filosofi

Södertörns högskola | Institutionen för Kultur och lärande,

2017 : 39

Author(s): Christola, Victor

Compassion, Necessity and the Pharmakon of the Health Humanities

Journal of Applied Hermeneutics,


Author(s): McCaffrey, Graham

Convenance et ontologie de la médiation: Simone Weil entre tradition platonicienne et aristotélicienne

Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica,

2016 : 135-55

Author(s): Marianelli, Massimiliano

La connaissance qui sauve; Simone Weil et la révélation gréco-chrétienne

Cahiers de littérature française,

2016 : 13-47

Author(s): Adinolfi, Isabella

Peut-on parler de Dieu aujourd’hui ? : De Wittgenstein à simone weil

Philosophy, Université Jean Moulin (Lyon 3),

2016 : 234

Author(s): Sekino, Tetsuya

Simone Weil ou l’expérience de la nécessité

Les précurseurs de la décroissance, Editions le passager clandestin,


Author(s): Azam, Genevieve, Valon, Françoise

Simone Weil, en la estela de San Juan de la Cruz

Teología espiritual,

2016 : 211-235

Author(s): Herrando, Carmen

Catégories de l’impolitique II

Roberto Esposito: Law, Community and the Political, Routledge,

2015 : 46-67

Author(s): Langford, Peter

L’expérience de la nécessité (Cavaillès, Canguilhem, Simone Weil)

La philosophie face à la violence, Éditions des Équateurs,

2015 : 101-111

Author(s): Worms, Frédéric

Religion, Forgiveness and Humanity

Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement,

2015 : 185-205

Author(s): Hamilton, Christopher

‘Negative Faith: The Moment of God’s Absence’: Simone Weil on affliction

Theology and Religious Studies, Sain Mary's Unicersity,


Author(s): Abdullah, Sarwar Ahmed

Necessita, sventura e liberta in Simone Weil

Libero arbitrio: Teorie e prassi della liberta , LIguori,

2014 : 337-362

Author(s): Fornari, Giuseppe

Nécessité, “choix originel” et obéissance chez Simone Weil

Versants : revue suisse des littératures romanes = Rivista svizzera delle letterature romanze = Revista suiza de literaturas románicas,

2014 : 79-92

Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

Religious Philosophy of Simone Weil: An Introduction

I. B. Tauris & Co.,

2014 : 264

Author(s): McCullough, Lissa Jean

The White Line: Rowan Williams on Time and Tragedy

Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology, Stellenbosch University,


Author(s): Delport, Khegan Marcel

A Mystical Response to Absurdity: A Study of Simone Weil’s Notebooks

Thirdfront: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences,

2013 : 128-145

Author(s): Shah, Mohammad Maroof

Joined at the Hip: Simone Weil, Quentin Meillassoux

Religion & Literature,

2013 : 277-236

Author(s): Strickland, Stephanie

Libertad y determinismo: libertad y determinismo en Simone Weil

Bioética, neuroética, libertad y justicia, Universitat Valencia,


Author(s): Amela Rueda, Rafael

Losing Oneself (in a Good Way): On the Value of Full Attention

European Journal of Philosophy,

2013 : 1174-1191

Author(s): Debus, Dorothea

Simone Weil et l’analyse de la “force” sociale comme “opinion”. La “physique universelle” du mécanisme social et l’idéologie européenne

Revue des Sciences Religieuses,

2013 : 315-325

Author(s): Kühn, Rolf

Morality, Self-knowledge, and Human Suffering: An Essay on the Loss of Confidence in the World

Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy, Routledge,


Author(s): Corbi, Josep E.

Piercing the Soul : Beauty, Affliction, and the Love of God in Simone Weil

Union Theological Seminary,

2012 : 69

Author(s): Holsberg, Lisa Radakovich

Tough Magical Nuts to Crack: Cristina Campo’s Reflections on Fairy Tales

Marvels & Tales,

2012 : 240-58

Author(s): Mazzoni, Cristina

Simonen Weil a szükségszerűségről

Simone Weil - filozòfia, misztika, esztétika :A budapesti magyar-francia-olasz Simone Weil-centenárium előadásai, Gondolat,

2011 : 15-34

Author(s): Miklós, Vető

The Condition of Human Existence in the Thought of Simone Weil: Necessity, affliction and Distance

Theology and the World,

2011 : 7-34

Author(s): Kim, Jeong-Sook

大谷大学哲学科 優秀賞受賞卒業論文 シモーヌ・ヴェイユにおける必然性と神の概念 : 「神への愛と不幸」を中心に (Necessity and God in Simone Weil : With Regard to “The Love of God and Affliction” )

宗教学会報 (Shūkyōgaku kaihō),

2011 : 49-71

Author(s): 齋藤 明純

“God May Strike you Thisaway”: Flannery O’Connor and Simone Weil on Affliction and Joy

Flannery O'Connor in the Age of Terrorism: Essays on Violence and Grace, University of Tennessee Press,

2010 : 41-57

Author(s): Wood, Ralph C.

La espiritualidad del trabajo en Simone Weil

Diálogo Filosófico,

2010 : 390-422

Author(s): Herrando, Carmen

La necessità et il bene. L’etica militante di Simone Weil

Simone Weil, marginalidade e alternativa, Centro Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa,

2010 : 119-143

Author(s): Sorrentino, Sergio

Le sacrement du malheur chez Simone Weil

Comparative Literature, Université de Montréal,

2010 : 94

Author(s): Poulin, Marie-Ève

Love’s Labor: The Relational Self in Simone Weil’s Mystical-Political

Theology, University of Notre Dame,


Author(s): Duttenhaver, Krista

Miracles and Supernatural Physics: Simone Weil on the Relationship of Science and Religion

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 107-122

Author(s): Morgan, Vance G.

Power, Subjectivity and Resistance in the Thought of Simone Weil and Michel Foucault

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 176-192

Author(s): Duttenhaver, Krista, Jones, Coy D.

Simone Weil’s Analysis of Modern Science as the Basis of her Critique of the Technological Society

The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Continuum,

2010 : 123-138

Author(s): Schmidt, Lawrence E.

The Aesthetic and the Spiritual Attitude in Learning: Lessons From Simone Weil

Journal of Aesthetic Education,

2010 : 63-82

Author(s): Caranfa, Angelo

Love for God’s Necessity : the Ambiguity of Simone Weil’s hupomone

Universiteit van Tilburg,

2009 : 78

Author(s): Lowtoo, Bharatee

Miracles et physique supernaturelle. Les relations entre la science et la religion selon Simone Weil.

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2009 : 291-307

Author(s): Morgan, Vance G.

Rape and Silence in J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace

Philosophical Papers,

2009 : 347-362

Author(s): Stott, Graham St. John

Simone Weil and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road : Conditions for the Possibility of Beauty, Justice, and Faith in God.

The Presence and Absence of God: Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, Conference 2008., Mohr Siebeck,

2009 : 187-199

Author(s): Horn, Patrick

Simone Weil ou les effets de la nécessité sur l’âme humaine

La philosophie en France au XXe siècle, Gallimard,

2009 : 370-393

Author(s): Worms, Frédéric

Simone Weil: la “Malheur” y el “Arraigo” dos conceptos para leer el presente

Revista Pléyade,

2009 : 36-67

Author(s): Serratore, Constanza

Power, Punishment and Reconciliation in the Political and Social Thought of Simone Weil

European Journal of Social Theory,

2008 : 315-330

Author(s): Hamilton, Christopher

Simone Weil and Gerard Manley Hopkins on God, Affliction, Necessity and Sacrifice

Forum Philosophicum: International Journal of Philosophy,

2008 : 1-16

Author(s): McDade, John

Simone Weil’s Spiritual Critique of Modern Science: An Historical-Critical Assessment


2008 : 353-370

Author(s): Cosgrove, Joseph K.

The Haste of Sin, the Slowness of Salvation : Waiting in the Theological Anthropology of Irenaeus, Gregory of Nyssa and Simone Weil

Religious Studies, University of Virginia,

2008 : 222

Author(s): Vogel, Jeffrey Allan

“God May Strike you Thisaway”: Flannery O’Connor and Simone Weil on Affliction and Joy

Renascence, Marquette University,

2007 : 181-195

Author(s): Wood, Ralph C.