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Il pensiero poetante di Simone Weil

Bollettino Filosofico,

2017 : 312-333

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

Una rara inocencia: El debilitamiento de la metáfora en Dalton, Alegria, Ledesma Vázquez y Watanabe

School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh,


Author(s): Balladares Uquillas, Maria Auxiliadora

Criticism and Contemplation: Steps Toward an Agapeic Criticism

Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture,

2016 : 41-56

Author(s): Martin, Michael

Watchwords: Romanticism and the Poetics of Attention

Stanford University Press,


Author(s): Gurton-Wachter, Lily

Decir la belleza del mundo. Simone Weil y la responsabilidad de la literatura

Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat,

2015 : 111-127

Author(s): Bea Pérez, Emilia

“She said plain, burned things”: A Feminist Poetics of the Unsayable in Twentieth Century Literary & Visual Culture

English, City University of New York,


Author(s): Souffrant, Leah

Antonia Pozzi: “La poesia dell’anima”

Cuadernos de Filología Italiana,

2014 : 213-234

Author(s): Ricciotti, Adele

O voo solitário da dramaturgia de Hilda Hilst

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,

2014 : 570

Author(s): Cunha, Rubens da

Simone Weil: Reader of the Dionysiaca

Nonnus of Panopolis in Context: Poetry and Cultural Milieu in Late Antiquity, de Gruyter,

2014 : 461-486

Author(s): Accorinti, Domenico

Some Reflections Around the Concept of Value: On Valéry’s Claim that Philosophy is Poetry

Philosophical Investigations,

2014 : 105-112

Author(s): Springsted, Eric O., Weil, Simone

‘Overlord’ vs. the Din: Writing Poetry to Promote Peace Now

Arts of War and Peace Review,


Author(s): Kilgore-Caradec, Jennifer

A poetics of consenting attention: Simone Weil’s prayer and the poetry of Denise Levertov

Christianity & Literature,

2013 : 369-392

Author(s): Wright- Bushman, Katy

An Apprentice in Affliction: Waiting with Simone Weil

Image: Art, Faith, Mystery,

2013 : 81-89

Author(s): Rosenthal, Peggy

Crossing Readings on Mysticism: Alejandra Pizarnik, Antonin Artaud, Miguel de Molinos, Simone Weil and Georges Bataille

Revue de littérature comparée,

2013 : 283-303

Author(s): Depetris, Carolina

La dimension spirituelle dans l’oeuvre poétique de Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2013 : 167-179

Author(s): Schweizer, Erika


Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture,

2013 : 5-16

Author(s): Jordan, Michael C.

The Sacred Object: Anne Carson and Simone Weil

Acta Poetica,


Author(s): Coles, Elizabeth

El saber de la experiencia: mujer y filosofía: La gracia en Simone Weil: La comunidad en María Zambrano

Estudios Filosoficos,

2012 : 117-126

Author(s): Sánchez-Gey Venegas, Juana

Gott ist der höchste Dichter. Zur spirituellen Bedeutung der Poesie bei Simone Weil

Spiritualität und innovative Unternehmensführung, Kolhammer,

2012 : 418-429

Author(s): Schweizer, Erika

L'”improvviso” nelle ultime poesie di Simone Weil

Simone Weil e l'amore per la città. Venezia terrena e celeste, Il Poligrafo,

2011 : 123-135

Author(s): Sterlocchi, Grazia

Poetry on Screen: Poetry in Transition, Lingering in Cyberspace

Praque Social Science Studies : - Mediální rada, Raha,


Author(s): Kohutova, Radka, Cebe, Jan

Emploi de la critique génétique sur les variantes du poème A un jour de Simone Weil

Verbum: Analecta Neolatina,

2010 : 296-308

Author(s): Gutbrod, Gizella

Hunger, History, and the “Shape of Awkward Questions”: Reading Sarah Klassen’s Simone Weil as Mennonite Text

Journal of Mennonite Studies,

2010 : 87-102

Author(s): MacDonald, Tanis

Simone Weil: Poetica attenta. Con una scelta di testi

Liguori Editore,

2010 : 243

Author(s): Marchetti, Adriano

The Glass Enclosure: Transparency and Glitter in the Poetry of George Oppen

Critical Inquiry,


Author(s): Wilkinson, John

シモーヌ・ヴェイユの詩学 Simone Weil’s Poetics

Keio University Press,


Author(s): 今村 純子(Imamura, Junko)

Poétique des Cahiers écriture brève et discontinue

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2008 : 175-185

Author(s): Marchetti, Adriano

Poetry, Attentiveness and Prayer: One Poet’s Lesson

New Blackfriars,

2008 : 162-176

Author(s): Block, Ed

Simone Weil Among the Poets

Ecstasy and Understanding: Religious Awareness in English Poetry from the Late Victorian to the Modern Period, Continuun,

2008 : 161-171

Author(s): Grafe, Adrian

Théorie et pratique de la poésie chez Simone Weil

Eötvös Loránd University,


Author(s): Gutbrod, Gizella

Théorie et pratique de la poésie chez Simone Weil

Eötvös Loránd University,

2008 : 329

Author(s): Gutbrod, Gizella

‘Between the Blank Page and the Poem’: Reading Simone Weil in Contemporary American Poets

Cambridge Quarterly,

2007 : 129-54

Author(s): Fan, Kit

Simone Weil: una “vocazione rimossa per la poesia”

Scitture di passaggio, Anterem,

2007 : 109-118

Author(s): Marchetti, Adriano

Praying to an Absent God: The Poetic Revealing of Simone Weil

Culture, Theory & Critique, Routledge,

2006 : 133-147

Author(s): Baker, Timothy C.

“Les Notes Intimes à la lumière de Simone Weil

Les cahiers Marie Noël,

2003 : 57-74

Author(s): Sarocchi, Jean

Gerard Manley Hopkins : La profusion ténébreuse : création et décréation dans l’oeuvre poétique de G.M. Hopkins. Une approche à partir de la pensée de Simone Weil

Domaines anglophones, Presses Universitaires du Septrentrion,

2003 : 269

Author(s): Grafe, Adrian

Anna Maria Ortese o dell’indipendenza poetica

Bollati Boringhieri,


Author(s): Fiori, Gabriella

Die Welt unter den Augen Gottes zu betrachten, mit menschlichen Mitteln : Simone Weil und die Dichtung

Theologie der Gegenwart,

2002 : 242-253

Author(s): Müller, Wolfgang W.

L’approche acroamatique de la poésie de Simone Weil

Verbum: Analecta Neolatina,

2001 : 427-439

Author(s): Gutbrod, Gizella

Le dialogue Joë Bousquet-Simone Weil et la question : « Comment vivre en poésie? »

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2001 : 299-314

Author(s): Barnaud, Jean-Marie

Poésie et désir de pureté chez Simone Weil et Joë Bousquet

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2001 : 286-298

Author(s): Droz, Claude

Simone Weil et Joë Bousquet : Affinités et concordances?

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2001 : 267-285

Author(s): Marchetti, Adriano

La poesia in Simone Weil

La poesia di Simone Weil, Editrice C.R.T.,

2000 : 7-11

Author(s): Del Serra, Maura

Poésie et musique des sphères chez Simone Weil et Rainer-Maria Rilke

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1997 : 194-205

Author(s): Plagnol, J.

Poésie et prophétie chez Simone Weil et chez Joe Bousquet

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1997 : 177-193

Author(s): Marchetti, Adriano

Simone Weil et George Herbert

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1997 : 161-176

Author(s): Mambrino, Jean

Weil and Tsvetaeva on Poetics

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1997 : 206-213

Author(s): Dargan, Joan

モーヌ・ヴェイユにおける表現の問題 : そのmetaphoreとneologieをめぐって (Le probleme de l’expression et Simone Weil : essai sur la metaphore et la poesie chez Simone Weil)

神戸学院大学人文学部紀要 (Faculty bulletin humanities and science),

1995 : 67-84

Author(s): 川口 光治 (Kawaguchi, Koji)