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Showing 38 posts of 38 posts found.

Teologija križa u misli Simone Weil ( The theology of the cross in the thoght of Simone Weil )

Catholic Faculty of Theology, Sveučilište u Zagrebu,

2018 : 53

Author(s): Bolčić, Dragan

La croce è la nostra patria: Simone Weil e l’enigma della croce

Diogene Multimedia,


Author(s): Schena, Cosimo

Philosophie et kénose chez Simone Weil: De l’amour du monde à l’Imitatio Christi



Author(s): Hof, Christine


Philosophie et kénose chez Simone Weil: De l'amour du monde à l'Imitatio Christi, L'Harmattan,

2016 : 7-10

Author(s): Hof, Christine, Gabellieri, Emmanuel

From the Cave to the Cross: The Cruciform Theology of George P. Grant and Simone Weil

St. Macrina Press,


Author(s): Jersak, Bradley

Vide, croix et kénose. Simone Weil et Stanislas Breton

Philosophie et mystique chez Stanislas Breton, Cerf,

2015 : 177-194

Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel

The Heart of Love

Discovering Kenarchy: Contemporary Resources for the Politics of Love, Wipf & Stock,

2014 : 18-29

Author(s): Mitchell, Roger Haydon

Simone Weil and the Theo-poetics of Compassion

Modern Theology,

2013 : 203-229

Author(s): Hollingsworth, Andrea

Simone Weil: Ambivalence in Search of God

French Women Authors: The Significance of the Spiritual (1400-2000), University of Delaware Press,

2013 : 131-147

Author(s): François, Anne M.

The Spiritual Theology of Julian of Norwich as a Resource for Issues in Theoretical and Pastoral Theodicy

Theology, University of St. Michael's College,


Author(s): Oh, Kwang-Cheol

A Mystic Impuse: From Apophatics to Decreation in Pseudo-Dionysius, Meister Eckhart and Simone Weil

Medieval Mystical Theology,

2012 : 113-132

Author(s): Robert, William

Dall’Inno ai Filippesi al Cantico di Frate Sole: Simone Weil tra Paolo e Francesco

Per un nuovo umanesimo: Francesco d'Assisi e Simone Weil, CNx,

2012 : 81-94

Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel

Psalm 88: Living with Alzheimer’s

Journal of Religion, Disability and Health,

2012 : 88-101

Author(s): Barclay, Aileen

Simone Weil’s Reflections on the Cross

Crisis Magazine: A Voice for the Faithful Catholic Laity,


Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Religijność sztuki: Simone Weil aesthetica crucis.

Estetyka i Krytyka (The Polish Journal of Aesthetics),

2011 : 105-121

Author(s): Krupinski, Janusz

Simone Weil (1909-1943): Philosophie de la médiation et théologie de la Croix

Philosophie et théologie à l’époque contemporaine, Cerf,

2011 : 207-218

Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel

Divinely Abused : A Philosophical Perspective on Job and His Kin

Continuum International Publishing,

2010 : 162

Author(s): Verbin, Nehama

Expérience spirituelle et loi naturelle : une approche de Simone Weil

Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale, Editions du Cerf,

2010 : 185-200

Author(s): Waterlot, Ghislain

Flannery O’Connor, Simone Weil, Writing, and the Crucifixion

Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture,

2010 : 35-52

Author(s): Desmond, John F.

Forgiveness and its Reason

University of Nottingham,


Author(s): Jesson, Stuart

Fra “personale” e “impersonale”: l’impervia esplorazione di Simone


2010 : 39-56

Author(s): Danese, Attilio

Gravity and Grace: Seamus Heaney and the Force of Light

Studies in Christianity and Literature, Baylor University Press,


Author(s): Desmond, John F.

Simone Weil e la compassione. Il “buon ladrone” nell’arcobaleno

Prospettiva Persona,

2009 : 58-59

Author(s): Dobner, Cristiana

Suffering and Love: Martin Luther, Simone Weil and the Hidden God

The Global Luther: A Theologican for Modern Times, Fortress Press,

2009 : 96-112

Author(s): Duttenhaver, Krista

Edith Stein and Simone Weil: Reflections for a Theology and Spirituality of the Cross

Theology Today,

2008 : 445-457

Author(s): Maskulak, Marian

Simone Weil: la pienezza paradossale della Kenosis

Lo stupore del bello: Lineamenti di una filosofia estetica, Polistampa,

2008 : 137-153

Author(s): Mancinelli, Paola

The Cross: Simone Weil’s Hyperchristianity

Ecce Monstrum: Georges Bataille and the Sacrifice of Form, Fordham UP,

2007 : 95-123

Author(s): Biles, Jeremy

A Political Theology of the Absurd? Albert Camus and Simone Weil on Social Transformation

Literature and Theology,

2006 : 286-300

Author(s): Skrimshire, Stefan

Crossing: Simone Weil, Mystics, Politics

Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara,

2005 : 287

Author(s): Robert, William

Mystique du Masochisme

Cahiers Jungiens de Pschanalyse,

2005 : 13=23

Author(s): Thibaudier, Viviane

Ecce Monstrum: Georges Bataille and the Sacrifice of Form

Emery University,


Author(s): Biles, Jeremy

シモーヌ・ヴェイユのキリスト教――十字架の普遍性と現代的意義 (Le christianisme chez Simone Weil ― l’universalité et la signification moderne de la Croix)

宗教哲学研究 (Studies in the Philosophy of Religion),

2003 : 41-52

Author(s): 松原詩乃 (Matsubara, Shino)

Evil, Death, Suffering

Discussions of Simone Weil, State University of New York Press,

2000 : 169-183

Author(s): Rhees, Rush

Simone Weil and “the Supernatural Use of Suffering”

Epworth Review,

1999 : 23-35

Author(s): Plant, Stephen

Simone Weil et René Guénon

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1997 : 265-297

Author(s): Sourisse, Michel

The Love of God and Man’s Suffering: Simone Weil and Georges Bernanos

The Beauty That Saves: Essays on Aesthetics and Language in Simone Weil, Mercer University Press,

1996 : 185-196

Author(s): Bush, William S.

The Tragic Poetics of Simone Weil

The Beauty That Saves: Essays on Aesthetics and Language in Simone Weil, Mercer University Press,

1996 : 109-21

Author(s): Brueck, Katherine T.

Simone Weil: l’attesa di Dio

Horeb: Tracce di spiritualità,

1995 : 76-81

Author(s): Ricci Sindoni, Paola