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Showing 39 posts of 89 posts found.


The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,

2004 : 159 -179

Author(s): Andic, Martin

Simone Weil : The Impossible

The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,

2004 : 229-41

Author(s): Tracy, David

Simone Weil and Platonism: An Introductory Reading

The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame,

2004 : 9 -22

Author(s): Dupré, Louis

Simone Weil and the Divine Poetry of Mathematics

The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,

2004 : 95-114

Author(s): Morgan, Vance G.

Simone Weil: Completing Platonism through a Consistent Materialism

The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,

2004 : 61-76

Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

The Christian Materialism of Simone Weil

The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,

2004 : 77-93

Author(s): Patterson, Patrick, Schmidt, Lawrence E.

The Limits and Significance of Simone Weil’s Platonism

The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,

2004 : 23-41

Author(s): Narcy, Michel

To On: A Nameless Something Over which the Mind Stumbles

The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,

2004 : 115-132

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de

Transcendence, Immanence, and Practical Deliberation in Simone Weil’s Early and Middle Years

The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, University of Notre Dame Press,

2004 : 43-60

Author(s): Ross, Michael D.

Le juif inauthentique

Regards sur la condition juive, Presses universitaires de France,

2003 : 141-176

Author(s): Zenou, Gilles

Simone Weil and the Impossible: a Radical View of Religion and Culture

Critical Spirit :Theology at the Crossroads of Faith and Culture: Essays in Honour of Gabriel Daly, Columbia Press,

2003 : 208-222

Author(s): Tracy, David

Simone Weil entre le paganisme et la Bible: un dialogue herméneutique avec Ricoeur, Lévinas, Schelling et Pascal

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2003 : 27-49

Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel

Simone Weil: Awaiting God

Divine Therapy: Love, Mysticism, and Psychoanalysis, Oxford University Press,

2003 : 93-104

Author(s): Sayers, Janet

Joseph-Marie Perrin (30 juillet 1905-13 avril 2002): fils de Saint Dominique et guide spirituel de Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2002 : 255-266

Author(s): Devaux, André A.

Mission of the Non-Baptized: Simone Weil: Apologist of the Supernatural

Second Spring: An International Journal of Faith and culture,

2002 : 39-49

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Rejet identitaire et quête de «spiritualité» : Raïssa Maritain, Edith Stein, Simone Weil

L’Europe et les Juifs, Labor et Fides,

2002 : 141-165

Author(s): Courtine-Denamy, Sylvie

Simone Weil Between Paganism and the Bible : A Hermeneutic Dialogue with Ricoeur, Levinas, Schelling and Pascal

Between the Human and the Divine: Philosophical and Theological Hermeneutics, The Hermeneutic Press,

2002 : 456-470

Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel

The Importance of Simone Weil

To begin where I am : selected essays, Farrar, Straus and Giroux,

2002 : 246-259

Author(s): Milosz, Czeslaw

Reinhold Schneider et Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2001 : 217-231

Author(s): Seelhöfer, Dorothee

The Hands of Simone Weil

Critical Inquiry,

2001 : 611-628

Author(s): Meltzer, Françoise

Simone Weil: Patron Saint of Outsiders

New Blackfriars,

2000 : 177-183

Author(s): Calvert, Timothy John

Towards a Liberal Catholicism: Psychology and Four Women

SCM Press,


Author(s): Morea, Peter

Necessity, Transparency, and Fragility in Simone Weil’s Conception of Ultimate Reality and Meaning

Ultimate Reality and Meaning: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Philosophy of Understanding,

1999 : 223-246

Author(s): Boulting, Noel E.

Simone Weil 1909 – 1943

Peripheral Press,

1999 : 20

Author(s): Brennan, Paul

Blondel, S. Weil et le panchristisme: Vers une « métaxologie »

Maurice Blondel et la quête du sens, Beauchesne,

1998 : 53-65

Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel

Cristianesimo radicale e civiltà occidentale nel pensiero di Simone Weil

Segno: notiziario di arte contemporanea,

1998 : 39-48

Author(s): Tommasi, Wanda

Le mystère du mal et le dieu caché: Quelques réflexions sur Simone Weil


1998 : 93-104

Author(s): Nava, Alexander

Simone Weil and Abhishiktananda: The Mystical Journeys

An Ethnography of Mysticism: The Narratives of Abhishiktananda: a French Monk in India, Indian Institute of Advanced Study,

1998 : 40 - 54

Author(s): Visvanathan, Susan

The Examination of Certain Theories of Human Perfection in Relation to Their Authors’ Valuation of Human Materiality

University of Ottawa,


Author(s): Khatib, Michael

Writing as Resistance: Four Women Confronting the Holocaust: Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Anne Frank, Etty Hillesum

Pennsylvania State University Press,

1997 : vii, 216

Author(s): Brenner, Rachel Feldhay

“La nuit du don: Origine et décréation du mal chez Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1996 : 19-65

Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel

Simone Weil et Hannah Arendt: christianisme et politique

Modernité, Démocratie et Totalitarisme: Simone Weil et Hannah Arendt, Klincksieck,

1996 : 55-68

Author(s): Rolland, Patrice

Simone Weil: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and Today’s Feminist Critique of Patriarchy

Religions of the Book, University Press of America,

1996 : 173-192

Author(s): Beauchesne, Richard J.

The Love of God and Man’s Suffering: Simone Weil and Georges Bernanos

The Beauty That Saves: Essays on Aesthetics and Language in Simone Weil, Mercer University Press,

1996 : 185-196

Author(s): Bush, William S.

Ecclesia semper major: réflexions théologiques sur l’universalité du salut chez Simone Weil et Karl Rahner

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1995 : 225-240

Author(s): Schlette, Heinz Robert, Schweyer, Marc

Judaisme et Christianisme: l’essai d’une nouvelle christologie

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1995 : 241-256

Author(s): Forni Rosa, Guglielmo

Le mal: brisure originelle entre l’amour et la puissance dans l’acte créateur

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1995 : 257-283

Author(s): Charot, Georges

Simone Weil et le malheur: une chrétienne de Vendredi-Saint

La quête du bonheur et l'expression de la douleur dans la littérature et la pensée françaises : Mélanges offerts à Corrado Rosso, Droz,

1995 : 381-395

Author(s): Tricaud, François

Société et politique : Les Ecrits de Londres de Simone Weil


1995 : 109-125

Author(s): Labossiere, Christiane