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Compartir el amor: las Antígonas de Simone Weil y María Zambrano

Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano,

2024 : 6-19

Author(s): Basili, Cristiana

Venice Saved

Bloomsbury Academic,


Author(s): Weil, Simone, Wilson, Philip, Panizza, Silvia

A/theologies of the Impossible: Antigone, Weil, Badiou, and the Strange

Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory,

2017 : 271-293

Author(s): Davis, Benjamin P.

L’indicibile tenerezza : In cammino con Simone Weil


2016 : 214

Author(s): Borgna, Eugenio

Antígona, Electra y Filoctetes: figuras de la opresión en las traducciones weilianas de las tragedias griegas

Pensar la traducción: la filosofía de camino entre las lenguas. Actas del Congreso (Talleres de comunicaciones). Madrid, septiembre de 2012, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,

2014 : 250-61

Author(s): Basili, Cristina

Simone Weil e Antigone come simboli dell’alterita femminile

Storia delle Donne,

2014 : 205-217

Author(s): Pistilli, Loretta

Theories of Desire: Antigone Again

Critical Inquiry,

2011 : 169-186

Author(s): Meltzer, Françoise

Antigone e la differenza nomologica


2010 : 285-301

Author(s): Polselli, Marta

Cryptic Crossing

Trials: Of Antigone and Jesus, Fordham UP,

2010 : 54-70

Author(s): Robert, William

Antigone in Modernism: Classicism, Feminism and Theatres of Protest

English, Princeton University,

2009 : 210

Author(s): Walsh, Keri

Uno sguardo nuovo. Il problema del male in Etty Hillesum e Simone Wei

Edizioni San Paolo,

2009 : 240

Author(s): Iacopinni, Beatrice, Moser, Sabina

A verdade dos mitros em Simone Weil

Simone Weil : ação e contemplação, EDUSC,

2005 : 155-186

Author(s): Marianelli, Massimiliano

I miti e il mondo simbolico

Simone Weil: Azione e contemplazione, Effatà,

2005 : 80-103

Author(s): Marianelli, Massimiliano

Simone Weil’s Critique of the Zeitgeist

Faith and Reason,

2003 : 319-42

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Mission of the Non-Baptized: Simone Weil: Apologist of the Supernatural

Second Spring: An International Journal of Faith and culture,

2002 : 39-49

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud

Why Antigone Was Right After All: Simone Weil’s Mystical Hermeneutics

Shifting Borders: Theory and Identity in French Literature, Peter Lang,

2001 : 123-38

Author(s): Meaney, Marie Cabaud