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Showing 50 posts of 5274 posts found.

Apathy and the Modern Self: The Afflictions of Modernity and Orientation Toward the Good

Communication and Culture, Ryerson University York University,

2013 : 293

Author(s): Pingree, Aaron C.

Are Human Rights Enough?

Human Rights from Community: A Rights-Based Approach to Development, Edinburgh University Press,

2013 : 50-68

Author(s): Onazi, Oche

Atención, contemplación, vacío. Iris Murdoch, lectora de Simone Weil

Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofia,

2013 : 127-129

Author(s): Rabassó, Georgina

Attending to Others: Simone Weil and Epistemic Pluralism

Philosophical Topics,

2013 : 79-95

Author(s): Stone-Mediatore, Shari

Attentive Waiting in an Uprooted Age: Simone Weil’s Response in an Age of Precarity

Review of Communication,

2013 : 1-18

Author(s): Maier, Craig T.

Autistic Thought and the Modern Mysticism of Simone Weil and Emily Dickinson

Studies in Spirituality,

2013 : 213-238

Author(s): Bombaci, Nancy

Autour de l’Iliade, deux réflexions sur la force : Rachel Bespaloff et Simone Weil

L'esprit du récit, ou, La chair du devenir : éthique et création littéraire, Honoré Champion,

2013 : 442-455

Author(s): Mounic, Anne

Bâtir une civilisation nouvelle. Simone Weil et l’inspiration occitane

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2013 : 365-379

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico

Benedikts Vermächtnis, Franziskus’ Auftrag: Entweltlichung: eine Streitschrift



Author(s): Cordes, Paul Josef, Lutz, Manfred

Blessed are the Consumers: Climate Change and the Practice of Restraint



Author(s): McFague, Sallie

Boredom, Contemplation and Liberation

Philosophy of Education,

2013 : 427-435

Author(s): Gary, Kevin Hood

Bringing Educational Thought to Public School Lunch : Alice Waters and the Edible Schoolyard

Journal of Thought,

2013 : 12-27

Author(s): Laird, Susan

Camus e Simone Weil ipotesi su un dialogo d’anime

Vita e Pensiero,

2013 : 90-100

Author(s): Samama, Guy

Ce que voit Simone Weil dans le miroir de l’Inde ou la vérité du désir

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2013 : 31-42

Author(s): Ballanfat, Marc

Chang Cheh e o cinema da força: estudo estilístico a partir de dez filmes do diretor

Instituto de Artes, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,

2013 : 182

Author(s): Maués, Juliana Pinheiro

Cités perdues et cités retrouvées. Premiers contacts entre l’Occitanie et la pensée de Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2013 : 351-364

Author(s): Veltri, Francesca

Come on Dear Gal: On Learning Democracies; Mygazes, Mymethods, Mylanguages, Myforces and Mychanges

Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies,

2013 : 562-569

Author(s): Reinertsen, Anne B.

Community in Twentieth-Century Fiction

Palgrave Macmillan,


Author(s): Salvan, Paula Martín Salas, Rodríguez, Gerado, Jiménez, Julián

Conciendo el vacío

Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofia,

2013 : 19-22

Author(s): Murdoch, Iris

Contro i partiti: da Thomas Hobbes a Simone Weil

MicroMega: Almanacco di filosofia,

2013 : 85-93

Author(s): Petrucciani, Stefano

Critique de la modernité et philosophie de l’enracinement : la médiation des valeurs dans l’oeuvre de Simone Weil

Philosophy, Université Jean Moulin,


Author(s): Enyegue Abanda, Fabien Mathurin

Crossing Readings on Mysticism: Alejandra Pizarnik, Antonin Artaud, Miguel de Molinos, Simone Weil and Georges Bataille

Revue de littérature comparée,

2013 : 283-303

Author(s): Depetris, Carolina

Cuatro calas en la filosofía política de Simone Weil

Lectoras de Simone Weil, Icaria,

2013 : 203-222

Author(s): Fernández Buey, Francisco

Czesław Miłosz et Jeanne Hersch: une double renaissance

Miłosz et la France, Institut d'études slaves,

2013 : 129-147

Author(s): De Monticelli, Roberta

Czesław Miłosz et Simone Weil

Miłosz et la France, Institut d'études slaves,

2013 : 117-127

Author(s): Tomaszewski, Marek

Dalla parte dell’uomo, dalla parte di Dio

Prospettiva Persona,

2013 : 7-8

Author(s): Farina, Paolo

De Marseille à Carcassonne Simone Weil et le Cahiers du sud

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2013 : 13-30

Author(s): Sourisse, Michel

De antiguas sabidurías: Simone Weil y María Zambrano

Lectoras de Simone Weil, Icaria,

2013 : 67-87

Author(s): Gatell, Rosa Rius

Decreation as Substitution: Reading Simone Weil Through Levinas

The Journal of Religion,

2013 : 25-40

Author(s): Reed, Robert Charles

Deep Incarnation and Kenosis: In, With, Under, and As: A Response to Ted Peters

Dialog: A Journal of Theology,

2013 : 251-262

Author(s): Gregersen, Niels Henrik

Demorarse en el mirar. La imaginación en Simone Weil, Iris Murdoch y Hannah Arendt

Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofia,

2013 : 141-160

Author(s): Fuster, Angela Lorena Peiró

Desire and Vision: Problems of Conversion

Philosophy and Theology,

2013 : 199-227

Author(s): Meszaros, Julia

Diálogo con los Otros ausentes o la correspondencia privada de Simone Weil y de Louise Jacobson desde la Shoah

Çédille : Revista de Estudios Franceses,

2013 : 25-52

Author(s): Arráez Llobregat, José Luis

Die Schuld Babels, oder: Sakralisierung von Politik

Verzeihung des Unverzeihlichen? : Ausflüge in Landschaften der Schuld und der Vergebung, Verlag Text & Dialog,

2013 : 101-109

Author(s): Gerl-Falkovitz, Hanna-Barbara

Disorienting Dharma: Ethics and the Aesthetics of Suffering in the Mahābhārata

Oxford University Press,


Author(s): Hudson, Emily T.

Ecovilas e a construção de uma cultura alternativa / Ecovillages and the construction of an alternative culture

Psicologia Social, Instituto di Psicologia,

2013 : 245

Author(s): Roysen, Rebeca

Empathy, Intersubjectivity, and Animal Philosophy

Environmental Philosophy,

2013 : 75-96

Author(s): Aaltola, Elisa

Encontros e desencontros de dois filosofos “judeus” – Simone Weil e Espinosa

Uma meditação de vida em diálogo com Espinosa, Esfera do Caos,

2013 : 199-222

Author(s): Ferreira, Mario Luisa

Engendrement et nouvelle naissance chez Simone Weil et Michel Henry

La vie et les vivants. (Re-)lire Michel Henry Les actes du colloque sur Michel Henry, organisé à Louvain-la-Neuve les 15-17 décembre 2010, Presses Universitaires de Louvain,

2013 : 89-102

Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel

Ermeneutica Religiosa Weiliana


Author(s): Caruso, Danilo

Espectros de Artaud

El Viejo Topo,

2013 : 48-61

Author(s): Garcia Vila, Antonio

Exercícios de atenção: Simone Weil leitora dos gregos

eologia e Ciências Humanas, PUC-Rio,


Author(s): Puente, Fernando Rey

Faire de la philosophie. Une herméneutique du sujet dans les écrits de Marseille

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2013 : 101-133

Author(s): David, Pascal

Faire Pousser des ailes contre la pensanteur: Simone Weil et l’art de Flannery O’Connor

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2013 : 43-56

Author(s): Doering, E. Jane

Faith and Philosophical Enquiry


2013 : 288

Author(s): Phillips, D. Z. (Dewi Zephaniah)

Figury bycia : od refleksji postmetafizycznej do lektury figuralnej (Teresa z Lisieux, Simone Weil, Emil Cioran)

Filologia Romańska, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu,

2013 : 215

Author(s): Tomczak, Patrycja

From “Political Theology” to “Political Religion”: Eric Voegelin and Carl Schmitt

The Review of Politics,

2013 : 25-43

Author(s): Gontier, Thierry

George Grant on the Meaning of our Love of the Beautiful

Hamilton Arts and Letters,


Author(s): Elder, R. Bruce

Georges Bataille e Simone Weil : passioni d’impossibile

Passioni nere : il fondo oscuro dei legami sociali, Mimesis,

2013 : 47-59

Author(s): Colafranceschi, Sara

Hacia una filosofía de la persona. un diálogo a distancia entre Iris Murdoch y María Zambrano

Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofia,

2013 : 95-110

Author(s): Laurenzi, Elena