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Showing 30 posts of 130 posts found.

Finding Freedom Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt, and Herbert Marcuse on Post-Totalitarian Politics

Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,

2006 : 51, 1 electronic text : pdf (457 KB)

Author(s): Fox, Lisa Courtney

Simone Weil : Would-Be Martyr to the Free French Cause

Political Ecumenism: Catholics, Jews and Protestants in de Gaulle's Free France 1940-1945, McGill-Queen's University Press,

2006 : 183-197

Author(s): Adams, Geoffrey

Simone Weil, l’auteur de “L’enracinement”, renie le judaïsme parce qu’elle s’y reconnaît trop

Parcours d'écriture : Jacqueline Mesnil-Amar et André Amar, deux figures du judaïsme français d'après-guerre Parcours d’écriture, Alliance israélite universelle,

2006 : 111-117

Author(s): Mesnil, Jacqueline

The Themes of Rootlessness, Uprootedness, and Mass Society in the Thought of Hannah Arendt

University of Westminster,


Author(s): Cotter, Bridget

Vladimi I. Lenin (1870-1924) and Simone Weil (1909-43)

Religion and Political Thought, Continuum,

2006 : 203-17

Author(s): Hoelzl, Michael, Ward, Graham

薇依与弗罗姆的精神旋律 ( Some Issues in Simone Weil’s Political Philosophy)

同济大学学报(社会科学版 Journal of Tongji University(Social Science Section),

2006 : 9-16

Author(s): 徐卫翔 (Xu, Wei-Xiang)

Authority According to Simone Weil

Politics Department, Goldsmiths College, University of London,

2005 : 286

Author(s): Avery, Desmond


Rhine crossings : France and Germany in Love and War, State University of New York Press,

2005 : 273-295

Author(s): Cohen, Sande

O sofrimento de imigrantes: um estudo clínico sobre os efeitos do desenraizamento no self

Clinical Psychology, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo,


Author(s): Maalouf, Jorge Fouad

A Supernatural Use: Religion and Emancipation in the Thought of Simone Weil

Religion, The Claremont Graduate University,

2004 : 343

Author(s): Law, Jerry

Of Rooting and Uprooting : Kabyle Habitus, Domesticity, and Structural Nostalgia


2004 : 553-578

Author(s): Silverstein, Paul

Weil, Simone

Encyclopedia of Modern French Thought, Fitzroy Dearborn,

2004 : 647-653

Author(s): LeBlanc, John Randolph

L’âme et la raison dans L’enracinement

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2003 : 239-248

Author(s): Saint-Sernin, Bertrand

L’enracinement et la société démocratique

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2003 : 249-264

Author(s): Rolland, Patrice

Military Obedience: Does the Answer Lie in Professionalism?

Professional Ethics: A Multidisciplinary Journal,

2002 : 207-230

Author(s): Giddy, Patrick

Simone Weil: per una civiltà che valga qualcosa

Bollettino della Società Filosofica Italiana,

2002 : 55-68

Author(s): Bianchi, Anna M.

Resident Aliens: R. S. Thomas and the Anti-Modern Movement

Welsh Writing in English: A Yearbook of Critical Essays,

2001 : 50-77

Author(s): Davies, Grahame

The Need for Roots

Discussions of Simone Weil, State University of New York Press,

2000 : 31-41

Author(s): Rhees, Rush

L’Idée de patrie et l’universel chez Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 355-365

Author(s): Saint-Sernin, Bertrand

Postmodern with a Difference: Simone Weil’s Ethico-Theological Critique of Totalitarianism in L’enracinement

Studia Moralia,

1999 : 185-214

Author(s): McKeever, Martin J.

Realism and Faith in Transformation through the Creativeness of a Conscious Life : Simone Weil (1909-1943)

Life: The Outburst of Life in the Human Sphere: Scientific Philosophy/Phenomenology of Life and the Sciences of Life, Springer,

1999 : 473-503

Author(s): Fiori, Gabriella

Un texte de circonstance? A propos et autour de L’enracinement

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1999 : 79-96

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico

Nationhood and Roots : Dostoyevsky and Weil on National Culture and Europe

Religion, State & Society,

1998 : 279-289

Author(s): Plant, Stephen

Simone Weil : un amour sans objet

La Cause Freudienne,

1998 : 117-124

Author(s): Fajnwaks, Fabian

The Educational Politics of Identity and Category

Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education,

1998 : 385-402

Author(s): Willinsky, John

The Nature of Narrative in Simone Weil’s Vision of History: The Need for New Historical Roots

The Beauty That Saves: Essays on Aesthetics and Language in Simone Weil, Mercer University Press,

1996 : 55-68

Author(s): Evans, Christine Ann

Civil Society, Civil Religion



Author(s): Shanks, Andrew

Enracinement, obligation, surnaturel et metaxu

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1995 : 59-78

Author(s): Birou, Alain

Simone Weil: The Development of Her Philosophical Anthropology Through a Study of Her Life and Thought

Philosophy, University of Ottawa,

1995 : 516

Author(s): Cullen, Helen E.

Société et politique : Les Ecrits de Londres de Simone Weil


1995 : 109-125

Author(s): Labossiere, Christiane