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Primal Screams: The Infantile Cry in Simone Weil

Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics,

2023 : 93-110

Author(s): Darzi, Elinore

Die Seele als ,Zwischen“. Simone Weils Lesarten der Upanishaden

Mystique et psychisme: une approche interculturelle = Mystik und Psyche in interkultureller Perspektive, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg,

2021 : 123-136

Author(s): Bengert, Martina

シモーヌ・ヴェイユにおける定義 : « besoins de l’âme » をめぐって (Définition chez Simone Weil : Autour des « besoins de l’âme »)

山口大学哲学研究 (The Philosophical Studies of Yamaguchi University),

2019 : 39-76

Author(s): 末松, 壽 (Suematsu, Hisashi)

Rights and Their Intrusion on Freedom in America

Georgetown University,


Author(s): Lubin, Valerie

A Philosophical Anthropology Drawn from Simone Weil’s Life and Writings



Author(s): Cullen, Helen E.

Melancolia e náusea: do destino enquanto fundamento do caráter trágico ao absurdo existencial


2014 : 185-196

Author(s): Rodrigues, Thiago

Simone Weil: The Politics of the Soul

Political philosophy: What it is and why it matters, Cambridge University Press,

2014 : 108-121

Author(s): Beiner, Ronald

Die Neue Aufmerksamkeit Simone Weils : Religiös-ästhetische Dimensionen auf dem Weg zur Transzendenz : die Frage nach dem Sein

Forum Religionsphilosophie, Lit,

2012 : 240

Author(s): Schülert, Marie

Herorism on an Empty Stomach: Weil and Hillesum on Love and Happiness Amid the Holocaust

Journal of Religious Ethics,

2012 : 72-98

Author(s): Jackson, Timothy P.

Simone Weil, platon et l’Europe (Simone Weil et Jan Patočka)

Simone Weil: Philosophie, mystique, esthétique, L'Harmattan,

2012 : 15-34

Author(s): Gabellieri, Emmanuel

Verso un cristianesimo incarnato. Universalità e primato dell’amore

Simone Weil e l'amore per la città. Venezia terrena e celeste, Il Poligrafo,

2011 : 135-166

Author(s): Lumini, Antonella

O substrato do ser: um estudo sobre as necessidades da alma à luz do pensamento de Simone Weil

Universidade de Évora,


Author(s): Lorena, Rosângela Romualdo de

La parole des prophètes : De laTora à Simone Weil et Gracchus Babeuf



Author(s): Riviale, Philippe

Les cris de l’âme

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2008 : 389-400

Author(s): Broc-Lapeyre, Monique

Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception



Author(s): Gaita, Raimond

L’âme et la raison dans L’enracinement

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2003 : 239-248

Author(s): Saint-Sernin, Bertrand

The Examination of Certain Theories of Human Perfection in Relation to Their Authors’ Valuation of Human Materiality

University of Ottawa,


Author(s): Khatib, Michael

The Spiritual Uses of Pain in Spanish Mysticism

Journal of the American Academy of Religion,

1996 : 257-278

Author(s): Flynn, Maureen

Le regard est ce qui sauve”: le mal et la beauté chez Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1995 : 109-122

Author(s): Shibata, Mimiko

Simone Weil: The Development of Her Philosophical Anthropology Through a Study of Her Life and Thought

Philosophy, University of Ottawa,

1995 : 516

Author(s): Cullen, Helen E.