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Showing 50 posts of 217 posts found.

Simone Weil, une mystique pour le temps present

Golias Magazine,

2009 : 42-59

Author(s): Golias, Berder, Renee, Sevegrand, Martine

Simone Weil: A Social Mystic with a Prophet’s Tongue

Satya Nilayam: Chennai Journal of Intercultural Philosophy,

2009 : 43-64

Author(s): Elampasserry, Jose

Simone Weil: l’écriture du désêtre

La Cause Freudienne,

2009 : 215-221

Author(s): Blanchet, Réginald

Soeur fulgurante, où es-tu?

Le ravissement de la raison, Points,


Author(s): Barsacq, Stéphane

The Death of Simone Weil: An Existential Phenomenological Study

Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies,

2009 : 244

Author(s): Osmolska, Dominika

Weil, Simone

The 100 Most Influential Women of All Time, Britannia Educational Publishing,

2009 : 279-281

Author(s): Kuiper, Kathleen

Weil, Simone

Die französische Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert. Ein Autorenhandbuch, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft,

2009 : 326-7

Author(s): Kühn, Rolf

Zeugin des Absoluten

Publik-Forum: Zeitung kritischer Christen,

2009 : 39-41

Author(s): Feldmann, Christian

シモーヌ・ヴェイユについてのメモ / Shimonu veiyu ni tsuite no memo

shiryōshū / 資料集, Nekonekodō,


Author(s): Yoshimoto, Takaaki / 吉本隆明


Autobiografia Espiritual: I altres escrits de Marsella, Denes,


Author(s): Bea Pérez, Emilia

Simone Weil

Great Lives from History, Salem Press,

2008 : 4269-4272

Author(s): Slomski, Genevieve

Simone Weil: Fedeltà a Dio e all’uomo

Rivista di vita spirituale,

2008 : 195-221

Author(s): Tozzi, Angela Anna

The Personal and Beyond: Simone Weil and the Necessity/Limits of Biography

Autobiography and the Psychological Study of Religious Lives, Rodopi,

2008 : 187-207

Author(s): Freeman, Mark

Une pasionaria de la vérité

Philosophie Magazine,

2008 : 62-68

Author(s): Duru, Martin

Weil, Simone

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History:, Oxford University Press,

2008 : 339-340

Author(s): Fontaine, Darcie S.

Weil, Simone (1909-1943)

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History, Oxford University Press,

2008 : 339-340

Author(s): Fontaine, Darcie S.

Discovering Simone Weil

George Grant : a guide to his thought, University of Toronto Press,

2007 : 180-190

Author(s): Forbes, Hugh Donald

Right to Reply: Simone Weil: Notes on a Timid Cinema



Author(s): Pick, Anat

Simone Weil dans le siècle

Cahiers Bernard Lazare,

2007 : 22

Author(s): Chelly-Encel, Amelie-Myriam

Simone Weils Askese – Leere und Ekstase

Märtyrer-Porträts : von Opfertod, Blutzeugen und heiligen Kriegern, Wilhelm Fink,

2007 : 226-228

Author(s): Macho, Thomas

Weil, Simone

New Makers of Modern Culture, Routledge,

2007 : 1606-1607

Author(s): Caldecott, Leonie

Weil, Simone (1909-1943)

Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science and Social Plicy, Scarecrow Press,

2007 : 1135-1136

Author(s): Anadale, Christoper

Crvena Djevica

Lovac u labirintu : eseji & elzeviri, Naklada Ljevak,

2006 : 61-65

Author(s): Zima, Zdravko

Dalla sofferenza alla grazia : il viaggio singolare di Simone Weil


2006 : 145

Author(s): Sinno, Raffaele

Rev. of Simone Weil as We Knew Her, by J.M Perrin and G.Thibon and The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, by E. Jane Doering and Eric O. Springsted

Journal of the American Academy of Religion,

2006 : 992-995

Author(s): Fischer, Clare Benedicks

Simone Weil

Salisbury Review,

2006 : 23-25

Author(s): Tatham, Michael

Simone Weil

The Philosophers' Magazine,

2006 : 80-81

Author(s): Laverty, Megan

Simone Weil

Eight Women Philosophers : Theory, Politics, and Feminism, University of Illinois Press,

2006 : 194-221

Author(s): Duran, Jane

Vladimi I. Lenin (1870-1924) and Simone Weil (1909-43)

Religion and Political Thought, Continuum,

2006 : 203-17

Author(s): Hoelzl, Michael, Ward, Graham

Weil, Simone

Enciclopedia filosofica, Bompiani,

2006 : 12326-12329

Author(s): Ricci Sindoni, Paola


Simone Weil: An Anthology, Penguin,

2005 : 1-68

Author(s): Miles, Siân

Simone Weil

Una altra mirada. Deu dones i el cristianisme, editorial cruilla,

2005 : 271-287

Author(s): Gomis Bofill, Clara

Simone Weil

Blessed Among all Women : Women Saints, Prophets, and Witnesses for our Time, Crossroad,

2005 : 160-162

Author(s): Ellsberg, Robert

Simone Weil

50 Spiritual Classics: Timeless Wisdom from 50 Great Books of Inner Discovery, Enlightenment and Purpose,

2005 : 289-293

Author(s): Butler-Bowdon, Tom

Simone Weil : eine Einführung

Grosse Denker, Panorama,

2005 : 174

Author(s): Abosch, Heinz

Simone Weil: filosofia, saggista e mistica

Il Messaggio del Cuore de Gesù,

2005 : 40-45

Author(s): Moschieri, Giovanna

Starvation of a Witness: Simone Weil

From Boston to Birmingham: Selected Writings of Caryl Johnston, Caryl Johnston,

2005 : 13-21

Author(s): Johnston, Caryl

Weil, Simone

Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics, Macmillan Reference USA,

2005 : 2059-2061

Author(s): Schmidt, Lawrence E.

« Rien de moins que l’univers » : L’impartial et l’impersonnel chez Simone Weil

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2004 : 123-36

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de

Christian Mystics: Their Lives and Legacies throughout the Ages


2004 : 270

Author(s): King, Ursula

Fasting, Bleeding, Seeing:” Extraordinary Phenomena” in France c 1870-1950

Holy tears, holy blood: women, Catholicism and the culture of suffering in France, 1840-1970, Cornell University Press,

2004 : 106-147

Author(s): Burton, Richard D.E.

Mein Gott, gewähre mir, nichts zu werden – Simone Weil

Begegnung der Konfessionen in spirituellen Lebensbildern, Grünewald,

2004 : 88-112

Author(s): Seelhöfer, Dorothee


Pensons ailleurs, Stock,


Author(s): Lapierre, Nicole

Simone Weil en quête de vérité: Texte intégral de son Autobiographie spirituelle présenté et analysé

Cahiers de l'École Cathédrale, Parole et silence,

2004 : 148

Author(s): Molard, Julien

Simone Weil: 1909-1943

Great Thinkers A-Z, Continuum,

2004 : 244-246

Author(s): Laverty, Megan Jane

The Bullet’s Song : Romantic Violence and Utopia

Simon & Schuster,

2004 : 368

Author(s): Pfaff, William

Vida y obra de Simone Weil



Author(s): Lammertyn, Cecila

Weil, Simone

Encyclopedia of Modern French Thought, Fitzroy Dearborn,

2004 : 647-653

Author(s): LeBlanc, John Randolph

Die revolutionäre Lehrerin: Simone Weil (1909-1943) starb vor 60 Jahren


2003 : 7

Author(s): Wright, William


Simone Weil as We Knew Her, Routledge,

2003 : ix-xviii

Author(s): Little, J.P. (Janet Patricia)