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Showing 40 posts of 40 posts found.

“The Worker as Co-Creator with God”: The Theology of Dorothy Day’s Unionism

St. Catherine University,


Author(s): Kruse, Joe

The Joy of Uprising and the Fear of the State: On Blanchot’s Insurrectional Writings (1968-1969)

SubStance: A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism,

2021 : 45-60

Author(s): Hamel, Jean-François, Schutze, Bernard

Elastic Worker: Time‐Sense, Energy and the Paradox of Resilience

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 177-196

Author(s): Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca (Adrian Rebecca)

Reivindicación del espíritu rebelde. La crítica de Simone Weil al concepto tradicional de revolución


2019 : 59-83

Author(s): Rojas Cuautle, Anakaren Monserrat

Simone Weil and a Critical Will to Serve

Servant Leadership, Social Entrepreneurship and the Will to Serve: Spiritual Foundation and Business Applications, Palgrave Macmillan,

2019 : 87-101

Author(s): Thate, Michael J.

The Cultural Crisis of Attention: Mechanical Repetition and Image Shock

Psicologia USP,

2019 : 1-11

Author(s): Verissimo, Danilo Saretta

Beyond Rhythamanalysis: Towards a Territoriology of Rhythms and Melodies in Everyday Spatial Activities

City, Territory and Architecture: An Interdisciplinary Debate on Project Perspectives,


Author(s): Brighenti, Andrea Mubi , Kärrholm, Mattias

The Training of the Soul : Simone Weil’s Dialectical Disciplinary Paradigm, A Reading Alongside Michel Foucault

Simone Weil and Continental Philosophy, Rowman & Littlefield,

2017 : 187-203

Author(s): Ritner, Scott B.

Formes de l’amour des malheureux chez Flora Tristan et Simone Weil


2016 : 33-53

Author(s): Leibovici, Martine

Ressaisir la pensée de Simone Weil dans la crise actuelle du travail


2016 : 77-93

Author(s): Lecerf, Éric

Simone Weil : umanizzare il lavoro

Al di là del detto, Pazzini,


Author(s): Forte, Maria

« En vadrouille dans la classe ouvrière » : prédécesseurs méconnus

Les Temps Modernes,

2015 : 187-203

Author(s): Vigna, Xavier

L’Année d’usine de Simone Weil (1934-1935)

Les Temps Modernes,

2015 : 204-214

Author(s): Roche, Anne

Trazos de escritura y política en la filosofía de Simone Weil

Pensamiento y Cultura,

2015 : 132-154

Author(s): Galvis, Emilse

Confronting Domination: Freedom and Democratic Authority

Meaningful Work and Workplace Democracy; A Philosophy of Work and a Politics of Meaningfulness, Palgrave macmillan,

2014 : 96-122

Author(s): Yeoman, Ruth

Die Religion der Sklaven : Sozialismus und christliche Mystik bei Simone Weil

Stimmen der Zeit,

2014 : 267-277

Author(s): Pornschlegel, Clemens

Exposures in der Pastoral – Mehr als ‚Studiosus‘ für Kirchenleute? Anmerkungen mit Simone Weil

Ausgesetzt: Exklusionsdynamiken und Exposureprozesse in der Praktischen Theologie, LIT,

2012 : 19-35

Author(s): Bauer, Christian

Human Resource Management and Distress at Work: What Managers Could Learn from the Spirituality of Work in Simone Weil’s Philosophy

Philosophy of Management,

2012 : 63-83

Author(s): Noël-Lemaitre, Christine, Le Loarne-Lemaire, Séverine

Le fragile refuge de l’habitude: Rythmes et ruptures du travail intérimaire

Techniques & Culture,

2012 : 212-239

Author(s): Rosni, Philippe

Meaningful work and Workplace Democracy

Politics and International Relations, University of London,


Author(s): Yeoman, Ruth

Il lavoro di fabbrica nella riflessione di Simone Weil

Lavoro, merce, desiderio, Mimesis,

2011 : 185-201

Author(s): Meccariello, Aldo

Il pensiero giuridico di Simone Weil

Rivista giuridica del lavoro et della previdenza sociale,

2011 : 603-626

Author(s): Supiot, Alain

L’ouvrier : le déraciné, l’immigré et l’homme nouveau

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2011 : 289-298

Author(s): Taibi, Nadia

Revolution and the Republic: A History of Political Thought in France Since the Eighteenth Century

Oxford University Press,


Author(s): Jennings, Jeremy

La “civilisation du travail” chez Simone Weil

Université Paris-Sorbonne,

2010 : 456

Author(s): Le Bon, Thomas

S’engager aux côtés de la classe ouvrière pour “changer la vie”: 1919-1939: Parcours politique et poétique du surréalisme et de Simone Weil

Esthétique et Sciences de l"Art, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne,


Author(s): Massipe, Alexandre

Simone Weil, Juriste du travai

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2010 : 3-43

Author(s): Supiot, Alain

Trabalho e desenraizamento operário: um estudo de depoimentos sobre a experiência de vida na fábrica

Psychology, Universidade de São Paulo,

2010 : 227

Author(s): Svartman, Bernardo Parodi

À l’usine on ne travaille pas. Réflexions sur le Journal d’usine de Simone Weil (1934-1935)

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2009 : 497-515

Author(s): Taibi, Nadia

シモーヌ・ヴェイユの工場体験 (The Factory-labor Experience of Simone Weil)

宗教と倫理 (Religion and Ethics),

2009 : 3-18

Author(s): 脇坂 真弥 (Wakisaka, Maya)

An Economic Theorists’ Reading of Simone Weil

Economics and Philosophy,

2008 : 191-204

Author(s): Heifetz, Aviad, Minelli, Enrico

Chez Als. Thom Paris-Lecourbe, 1934: Simone Weil, la premiere “etablie”

Les grandes luttes de la France ouvrière, Les Beaux Jours,

2008 : 281-220

Author(s): Rustenholz, Alain

Chez Als. Thom Paris-Lecourbe, 1934: Simone Weil, la premiere “etablie”

Les grandes luttes de la France ouvrière, Les Beaux Jours,

2008 : 281-220

Author(s): Rustenholz, Alain

Factory Music

Yale Review,

2006 : 1-15

Author(s): Marder, Herbert

L’expérience en usine de Simone Weil: sa signification politique et philosophique

contretemps: Revue de critique communiste, Les éditions Textuel,

2006 : 91-99

Author(s): Lecerf, Éric

シモーヌ・ヴェイユの労働観 : 『工場日記』におけるデカルト批判 (Simone Weil’s View of Labor : The criticism of Descartes in Journal d’usine)

編集委員会 編.(Comparatio ),

2006 : 40-51

Author(s): 江藤, 正顕 (Eto, Masaaki)

Justice as Structure and Strategy of Peace

Peacemaking: Lessons from the Past, Visions for the Future, Rodofi,

2000 : 51-73

Author(s): Peter-Raoul, Mar

Philosophers at Work on Work

Education and the End of Work: A New Philosophy of Work and Learning, Cassell,

1997 : 19-44

Author(s): White, John

Simone Weil and Women Workers in the 1930s: Simone Weil and Women Workers in the 1930s: Condition ouvrière and Condition féminine: Condition ouvrière and Condition féminine

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1996 : 97-113

Author(s): Reynolds, Siân

Suicide Voices: Labour Trauma in France

Liverpool University Press,

Author(s): Water, Sarah