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Intersoggettività e vie dell’ontologià. Generosita e riconoscimento dell’altro: La “tradizione cartesiana” da Alain à Simone Weil

Intersoggettività e vie dell'ontologia, Città Nuova Editrice.,

2019 : 109-163

Author(s): Marianelli, Massimiliano

Turning the Gaze to the Self and Away from the Self: Foucault and Weil on the Matter of Education as Attention Formation

Ethics and Education,

2019 : 285-297

Author(s): Rytzler, Johannes

Hospitality versus personalism? Weil, Levinas and Derrida on the encounter of the other

Theological Ethics and Moral Value Phenomena: The Experience of Values, Routledge,

2018 : 113-128

Author(s): Roothaan, Angela

Autonomia del soggetto e riconoscimento dell’altro: la formazione dell’umano da Alain a Simone Weil

Formare e tras-formare l'uomo: per una storia della filosofia come paideia, Edizioni ETS,

2017 : 251-267

Author(s): Marianelli, Massimiliano

Love’s Weakness: Simone Weil and the Truthful Encountering of Others

Religious Studies, McMaster,

2017 : 117

Author(s): Ens, Gerlad

Meeting the Other in Trust: Weil and Løgstrup

Truth, Ethics and Human Reasoning, Bloomsbury,

2015 : 147-153

Author(s): Lagerspetz, Olli

Posiciones éticas: entre el cuidado de sí y el prójimo (Ethical stances: between the self-care and the other)

Isegoria: Revista de Filsofia moral y politica,

2014 : 793-808

Author(s): Soler, Guillem Marti

Simone Weil e Antigone come simboli dell’alterita femminile

Storia delle Donne,

2014 : 205-217

Author(s): Pistilli, Loretta