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Showing 5 posts of 5 posts found.

Rights and Their Intrusion on Freedom in America

Georgetown University,


Author(s): Lubin, Valerie

Attention and Redemption of the Self in Weil and Sartre

Altered Self and Altered Self Experience, ASASE,

2014 : 155-169

Author(s): Palmeirim, Bernardo Manzoni

Kontestasi Ideologi Dalam Sastra Prancis Masa Perang Dunia Kedua

Litera: Jurnal Peneutian Bahasa Sastra Dan Pengajarannya,


Author(s): Udasmoro, Wening

ヴェーユとサルトル : 身体論哲学と観念論哲学 (Weil and Sartre: Philosophy of Body Theory and Philosophy of Idealism)

Yoshio Murakami,

2012 : 907

Author(s): 村上, 吉男 (Murakami, Yoshio)

Simone Weil: La provocazione dell’intelligenza

TemisThémis, Il Segnalibro,

1999 : 238

Author(s): Verna, Anna Maria