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Simone Weil

The International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Blackwell Publishing,

2013 : 5435-5442

Author(s): Bell, Richard H.

Simone Weil et le judäisme postérieur à l’holocauste

Simone Weil. Sagesse et grâce violente, Bayard,

2009 : 183-205

Author(s): Bell, Richard H.

Rethinking Justice: Restoring our Humanity

Lexington Books,

2007 : 145

Author(s): Bell, Richard H.

Rev. of Simone Weil and the Intellect of Grace, by Henry Finch and Discussions of Simone Weil, by Rush Rhees

The Journal of Religion,

2001 : 665-667

Author(s): Bell, Richard H.

Simone Weil: The Way of Justice as Compassion

Twentieth-Century Political Thinkers, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,

1998 : xviii, 259

Author(s): Bell, Richard H.

Simone Weil and Post-Holocaust Judaism

Cahiers Simone Weil,

1997 : 48-63

Author(s): Bell, Richard H.

Religion and Wittgenstein’s Legacy: Beyond Fideism and Language Games

Philosophy and the Grammar of Religious Belief, St. Martin's Press,

1995 : 215-247

Author(s): Bell, Richard H.