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Necessarily selfless action : an enactment of Simone Weil’s notion of attention as a practice of detachment through observational drawing

Contemplations of the spiritual in art, Peter Lang,

2013 : 113-129

Author(s): Alfier, Dino

A Metaethical Study of Simone Weil’s Notion of Attention Through Critical Practical Analogy

University of the Arts,

2011 : 310

Author(s): Alfier, Dino

Critical Practical Analogy: A Research Tool for Reflecting and Making

Journal of Research Practice,


Author(s): Alfier, Dino

Where There is Nothing, Read that I Love You: Simone Weil’s ‘Attention’ and the Art of Perception

INDIGO: Inspiration, Engagement and Vision: Humanities Magazine for Young People,

2010 : 34-37

Author(s): Alfier, Dino

Bâton de l’aveugle

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2009 : 359-361

Author(s): Alfier, Dino

Il valore dell’arte in S.Weil e Agnes Denes

Prospettiva Persona,

2009 : 40-43

Author(s): Alfier, Dino

La critique weilienne de la science contemporaine et le Book of Dust d’Agnes Denes

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2009 : 351-358

Author(s): Alfier, Dino