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Showing 50 posts of 5274 posts found.

Semantics of the Unspeakable: Six Sentences by Simone Weil

Trajectories of Mysticism in Theory and Literature, St. Martin's Press,

2000 : 72-93

Author(s): Winchell, James

Simone Weil – Paul Claudel: une confrontation impossible, une confrontation sur l’impossible

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2000 : 369-390

Author(s): Gilli, Charles-André

Simone Weil : come l’abbiamo conosciuta


2000 : 176

Author(s): Perrin, Joseph-Marie, Thibon, Gustave

Simone Weil : Kritik der Macht. Eine Skizze

Jûdische Traditionen in der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Primus,

2000 : 179-195

Author(s): Sandherr, Susanne

Simone Weil : Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten

Rowohlts monographien, Rowohlt,

2000 : 186

Author(s): Krogmann, Angelica

Simone Weil : Une anticolonialiste solitaire

Regards Croisés sur le colonialisme et l'Algérie, Libreria Rinoceronte,

2000 : 25-34

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico

Simone Weil (1909-1943). Vocação e provocação

Deus na filosofia do século XX, Loyola,

2000 : 447-469

Author(s): Di Nicola, Giulia Paola

Simone Weil (1909-43)

Women's Political and Social Thought: An Anthology, Indian University Press,

2000 : 369-390

Author(s): Carroll, Berenice A.

Simone Weil and George Herbert on the Vocations of Writing and Reading

Religion & Literature,

2000 : 69-102

Author(s): Vander Weele, Michael J.

Simone Weil and Marx: The Impossible Dream

Echoes of Utopia : Studies in the Legacy of Marx, Ashgate,

2000 : 73-94

Author(s): Fuller, M. B.

Simone Weil e i nazisti dell’antichità

Il mito di Roma : da Carlo Magno a Mussolini, GLF editori Laterza,

2000 : 288-293

Author(s): Giardina, Andrea, Vauchez, André

Simone Weil e il concetto di decreazione

La Società degli Individui: Quadrimestrale di teoria sociale e storia delle idee,

2000 : 91-102

Author(s): Soncini, Elettra

Simone Weil e la guerra di Spagna

Prospettiva Persona,

2000 : 49-53

Author(s): Veltri, Francesca

Simone Weil en het onzevader

Speling. Tijdschrift voor Bezinning,

2000 : 27-32

Author(s): Bommestijn, Hein

Simone Weil en het onzevader

Speling. Tijdschrift voor Bezinning,

2000 : 27-32

Author(s): Bommestijn, Hein

Simone Weil et Flannery O’Connor: Deux femmes face a l’absolu



Author(s): Beaulieu, Paul

Simone Weil et les variantes de l’anorexie mentale

Anorexies religieuses, anorexie mentale: essai de psychanalyse socio-historique: de Marie de l'Incarnation à Simone Weil, Cerf,

2000 : 143-185

Author(s): Maître, Jacques

Simone Weil et Maître Eckhart

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2000 : 1-35

Author(s): Sourisse, Michel

Simone Weil et sa faison anorectique d’être au monde

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2000 : 145-177

Author(s): Maître, Jacques

Simone Weil i Simone de Beauvoir: dos miralls del feminisme. Fer parlar el silenci

DUODA: estudis de la diferència sexual,

2000 : 45-56

Author(s): Birulés, Fina

Simone Weil in gotovost

Blanchotovi obrazi, Študentska založba,

2000 : 172-199

Author(s): Blanchot, Maurice

Simone Weil y Europa

Archipiélago: Cuadernos de crítica de la cultura,

2000 : 37-43

Author(s): Esposito, Roberto

Simone Weil y la primacía de los deberes

Archipiélago: Cuadernos de Crítica de la Cultura,

2000 : 46-50

Author(s): Capella Hernandez, Juan Ramón

Simone Weil, etsijöiden pyhimys

Pyhät : pieni mies jalustalla ja pyhiä naisia, Otava,

2000 : 170-75

Author(s): Heinimäki, Jaakko

Simone Weil, la mal née

La haine de soi: Difficiles identités, Éditions Complexe,

2000 : 229-251

Author(s): Leibovici, Martine

Simone Weil, Una Filosofía Contra el Estado

Archipiélago: Cuadernos de crítica de la cultura,

2000 : 30-37

Author(s): Ortega, Carlos

Simone Weil: entre el poder de la fuerza y el poder de las palabras

Archipiélago: Cuadernos de Crítica de la Cultura,

2000 : 71-77

Author(s): Revilla, Carmen

Simone Weil: Letters from Harlem

Émigré New York : French Intellectuals in Wartime Manhattan, 1940-1944, Johns Hopkins University Press,

2000 : 85-103

Author(s): Mehlman, Jeffrey

Simone Weil: Patron Saint of Outsiders

New Blackfriars,

2000 : 177-183

Author(s): Calvert, Timothy John

Simone Weil: Songs of Love & Hunger

Quill & Quire,

2000 : 63

Author(s): D'Souza, Irene

Simone Weil. La ragionevole follia d’amore

Prospettiva persona, Edigrafital,

2000 : 174

Author(s): Farina, Paolo

Simone Weils Gedicht “La porte – Das Tor”

Geist und Leben,

2000 : 49-53

Author(s): Repges, Walter

Suffering as Theodicy

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2000 : 413-433

Author(s): Arp, Robert

The Embers of Antiquity: The Wartime Political Philosophy of Simone Weil

Political Science, Yale University,


Author(s): Emery, Mark Thomas

The Fault of the Sacred

Law Text Culture,


Author(s): Dalton, J

The Measure of Justice: The Language of Limit as Key to Simone Weil’s Political Philosophy

ARC: The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University,

2000 : 53-66

Author(s): Schmidt, Lawrence E., Marratto, Scott McLoughlin

The Need for Roots

Discussions of Simone Weil, State University of New York Press,

2000 : 31-41

Author(s): Rhees, Rush

The Organization of Society

Discussions of Simone Weil, State University of New York Press,

2000 : 17-22

Author(s): Rhees, Rush

The Temporal and the Eternal

Discussions of Simone Weil, State University of New York Press,

2000 : 139-153

Author(s): Rhees, Rush

The Two Simones

Ratio: An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy,

2000 : 201-212

Author(s): Duran, Jane

The Wise Fool: Simone Weil (1909-1943)

Alternatives to Militarism 1900-1989 : Women Against the Iron Fist, Edwin Mellen,

2000 : 67-95

Author(s): Oldfield, Sybil

The World and Necessity

Discussions of Simone Weil, State University of New York Press,

2000 : 45-50

Author(s): Rhees, Rush

Thought, Necessity, and Contemplation

Discussions of Simone Weil, State University of New York Press,

2000 : 51-71

Author(s): Rhees, Rush

Three Women in Dark Times: Edith Stein, Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil; or Amor fati, amor mundi

Cornell University,


Author(s): Courtine-Denamy, Sylvie

Towards a Liberal Catholicism: Psychology and Four Women

SCM Press,


Author(s): Morea, Peter

Tra naturel e surnaturel: un percorso nell’antropologia weiliana

Per la filosofia: Filosofia e insegnamento,

2000 : 73-82

Author(s): Fulco, Rita

Tra pieno e vuoto. Note sul problema dell’attenzione in Simone Weil

Servitium: quaderni di ricerca spirituale,

2000 : 89-95 (429-435)

Author(s): Ghisleri, Luca

Troubling Passion of Simone Weil


2000 : 20-22, 43

Author(s): Belasco, Daniel

Turning God into one Devil of a Problem

Recovering Religious Concepts: Closing Epistemological Divides, Macmillan,

2000 : 103-128

Author(s): Phillips, D. Z. (Dewi Zephaniah)

Un livre et ses présents : corps et paroles de femmes dans la théologie Occidentale

Clio: Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés,

2000 : 1-12

Author(s): Muraro, Luisa