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Showing 50 posts of 5259 posts found.

Verità che illuminano tutti gli uomini. Simone Weil in dialogo con Platone

Nuova Umanità,

2014 : 85-96

Author(s): Bronzwaer, Michel

Violence and Grace: Exceptional Life between Shakespeare and Modernity

Northwestern University Press,


Author(s): Miller, Nichole E.

Visioni di sterminio ne La Storia

Cuadernos de Filología Italiana,

2014 : 91-100

Author(s): D'Angeli, Concetta

Vite attive: Le filosofe ebree del novecento

Maschio e femmina: Dio li creò: La donna nell'Ebraismo, Sovera edizioni,

2014 : 127-135

Author(s): Di Cesare, Donatella

Weil critique du marxisme: Leçons pour repenser l’organisation du travail

Actuel Marx,

2014 : 133-146

Author(s): Noël-Lemaitre, Christine, Di Ruzza, Renato

What is Poetic Attention

University of Lisbon,


Author(s): Palmeirim, Bernardo Manzoni

Where is This Living God?

Where is the Living God?, Wipf and Stock,

2014 : 163-202

Author(s): Pryor, Adam

Widerspenstig, furchtlos: Simone Weil

Erbschaften ohne Testament : Über Freiheit und Unfreiheit im persönlichen Werden : Essays zu einer dialogischen Kultur, Edition3,

2014 : 303-321

Author(s): Wicki-Vogt, Maja

Wisdom in Western Philosophy

The World's Great Wisdom:Timeless Teachings from Religions and Philosophies, SUNY press,

2014 : 185-212

Author(s): McDermott, Robert

άνευ μητρός/senza madre : L’anima perduta dell’Europa : María Zambrano e Simone Weil

Diotima, La scuola di Pitagora editrice,


Author(s): Tarantino, Stefania

Укоренение у Шарля Пеги и Симоны Вейль

Предание и перевод, Duh i Litera,

2014 : 323-339

Author(s): Velikanov, Marie

ヴェーユ感受性研究 (Étude sur la sensibilité de Simone Weil (3))

欧米の言語・社会・文化 (Studies of the European and American languages, societies and cultures),

2014 : 19-58

Author(s): 村上, 吉男 (Murakami, Yoshio)

ヴェーユ感受性研究(2) (Étudies sur la sensibilité de Weil (2))

フランス文化研究 (Furansu bunka kenkyū - Bulletin d'études françaises),

2014 : 1-46

Author(s): 村上, 吉男 (Murakami, Yoshio)

吉本隆明とキリスト教(滝澤武人教授退任記念号 (Takaaki Yoshimoto and Christianity)

The Saint Andrews University Journal of Christian Studies,

2014 : 107-32

Author(s): 宮本 孝二 (Miyamoto, Koji )

松原詩乃著『シモーヌ・ヴェイユのキリスト教―善なる神への信仰』(教友社、二〇一二年、二三〇頁) S. Matsubara, Le christianisme de Simone Weil

Theological Studies in Japan,

2014 : 151-155

Author(s): 岩村 太郎 (Iwamura , Taro)

神秘の喪失 ― シモーヌ・ヴェイユの科学論から (The Disappearance of Mystery: Simone Weil’s Thoughts on Science)

号日本語題名目次 (Shūkyō tetsugaku kenkyū (Studies in the Philosophy of Religion),

2014 : 61-79

Author(s): 脇坂 真弥 (Wakisaka, Maya)

‘Misfortune’s Image’: The Cinematic Representation of Trauma in Robert Bresson’s Mouchette (1967)


2013 : 154-176

Author(s): Cresswell, Mark, Karimova, Zulfia

‘Overlord’ vs. the Din: Writing Poetry to Promote Peace Now

Arts of War and Peace Review,


Author(s): Kilgore-Caradec, Jennifer

“Båda är vi fördömda – låt oss gå tillsammans!”: Att läsa Brott och straff i en kristen teologisk kontext

Comparative Literature, Högskolan Dalarna,

2013 : 35

Author(s): Bandak, George

“Eine Last auf meiner Seele” : Zum Widerhall der Schriften Simone Weil in der deutschsprachigen Nachkriegsliterature

Zeitschrift für Religions und Geistesgeschichte,

2013 : 173-196

Author(s): Thein, Helen

“Je crois être un bon écrivain”: Extraits de la correspondance inédite entre Henry Bauchau et André Molitor

Revue internationale Henry Bauchau:,

2013 : 17-38

Author(s): Delmottee, Myriam, Meurée, Christophe

“Treppauf und treppab” – an illusion or revelation of meaning?

Researching Learning Lives: On discipline, inter-disciplinarity and imaginative imperatives in auto/biographical and narrative research. Annual ESREA Life History and Biography Network Group Conference,

2013 : 1-10

Author(s): Chant, Anne

«Una escalera hacia lo alto cuya cima es difícil de entrever». El diálogo entre Simone Weil y Cristina Campo

Lectoras de Simone Weil, Icaria,

2013 : 131-158

Author(s): Pieracci Harwell, Margherita

A eucaristia e o corpo feminino: (presença real, transubstanciação, comunhão)

Perspectiva Teológica,

2013 : 399-418

Author(s): Bingemer, Maria Clara L.

A Lacanian Ethics of Non-Personal Responsibility

Pastoral Psychology,

2013 : 515-531

Author(s): Reed, Robert Charles

A Mystical Response to Absurdity: A Study of Simone Weil’s Notebooks

Thirdfront: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences,

2013 : 128-145

Author(s): Shah, Mohammad Maroof

A Phenomenology of Christian Life: Glory and Night

Indiana University Press,

2013 : 212

Author(s): Murchadha, Felix Ó.

A pobreza e a graça : experiência de Deus em meio ao sofrimento em Simone Weil

Coleça̋o Filosofia em questa̋o, Paulus,


Author(s): Martins, Alexandre Andrade

A Poet’s Meditation on Force


2013 : 58-60

Author(s): Wojahn, David

A poetics of consenting attention: Simone Weil’s prayer and the poetry of Denise Levertov

Christianity & Literature,

2013 : 369-392

Author(s): Wright- Bushman, Katy

A servidão involuntária: trabalho, educação e enraizamento em Simone Weil (I)1

Agora Filosfica,

2013 : 97-113

Author(s): Santos, Luciano Costa

Affirming solitude: Heidegger and Blanchot on Art

Eidos: revista de filosofia de la Universidad del Norte,

2013 : 11-38

Author(s): Peters, Gary

Affliction in Jean Rhys and Simone Weil

Female Face of Shame, Indiana University Press,

2013 : 166 - 176

Author(s): Heller, Tamar

An Apprentice in Affliction: Waiting with Simone Weil

Image: Art, Faith, Mystery,

2013 : 81-89

Author(s): Rosenthal, Peggy

Anorexic Affect: Disordered Eating and the Conative Body

University of Alberta,


Author(s): Ledwell-Hunt, Janis M.

Apathy and the Modern Self: The Afflictions of Modernity and Orientation Toward the Good

Communication and Culture, Ryerson University York University,

2013 : 293

Author(s): Pingree, Aaron C.

Are Human Rights Enough?

Human Rights from Community: A Rights-Based Approach to Development, Edinburgh University Press,

2013 : 50-68

Author(s): Onazi, Oche

Atención, contemplación, vacío. Iris Murdoch, lectora de Simone Weil

Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofia,

2013 : 127-129

Author(s): Rabassó, Georgina

Attending to Others: Simone Weil and Epistemic Pluralism

Philosophical Topics,

2013 : 79-95

Author(s): Stone-Mediatore, Shari

Attentive Waiting in an Uprooted Age: Simone Weil’s Response in an Age of Precarity

Review of Communication,

2013 : 1-18

Author(s): Maier, Craig T.

Autistic Thought and the Modern Mysticism of Simone Weil and Emily Dickinson

Studies in Spirituality,

2013 : 213-238

Author(s): Bombaci, Nancy

Autour de l’Iliade, deux réflexions sur la force : Rachel Bespaloff et Simone Weil

L'esprit du récit, ou, La chair du devenir : éthique et création littéraire, Honoré Champion,

2013 : 442-455

Author(s): Mounic, Anne

Bâtir une civilisation nouvelle. Simone Weil et l’inspiration occitane

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2013 : 365-379

Author(s): Canciani, Domenico

Benedikts Vermächtnis, Franziskus’ Auftrag: Entweltlichung: eine Streitschrift



Author(s): Cordes, Paul Josef, Lutz, Manfred

Blessed are the Consumers: Climate Change and the Practice of Restraint



Author(s): McFague, Sallie

Boredom, Contemplation and Liberation

Philosophy of Education,

2013 : 427-435

Author(s): Gary, Kevin Hood

Bringing Educational Thought to Public School Lunch : Alice Waters and the Edible Schoolyard

Journal of Thought,

2013 : 12-27

Author(s): Laird, Susan

Camus e Simone Weil ipotesi su un dialogo d’anime

Vita e Pensiero,

2013 : 90-100

Author(s): Samama, Guy

Ce que voit Simone Weil dans le miroir de l’Inde ou la vérité du désir

Cahiers Simone Weil,

2013 : 31-42

Author(s): Ballanfat, Marc

Chang Cheh e o cinema da força: estudo estilístico a partir de dez filmes do diretor

Instituto de Artes, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,

2013 : 182

Author(s): Maués, Juliana Pinheiro