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Showing 50 posts of 5259 posts found.

Simone Weil (1909-1943): Sozialistische Aktivistin, Philosophin, Mystikerin

Große Philosophinnen: wie ihr Denken die Welt prägte - 10 Porträts, Piper,

2021 : 188-217

Author(s): Strohmeyr, Armin

Simone Weil for the Twenty-First Century

Notre Dame University Press,


Author(s): Springsted, Eric O.

Simone Weil, une Juive antisémite ?: éteindre les polémiques



Author(s): Chenavier, Robert

Simone Weil: experiencia, reflexión y acción de una mujer en la guerra

Cuadernos de pensamiento,

2021 : 145-163

Author(s): Romano, Maria del Sol

Simone Weil: la atención y la acción como reconocimiento de la existencia

Cuadernos salmantinos de filosofía,

2021 : 471-489

Author(s): Romano, Maria del Sol

Simone Weil: la verdad como necesidad humana

Iglesia viva: revista de pensamiento cristiano,

2021 : 133-136

Author(s): Forcades i Vila, Teresa

Simone Weils “Ilias”: Gewalt, das Urböse der Menschheit


2021 : 49-83

Author(s): Schmidt, Ernest A.

Śmierć jako supererogacja : filozoficzno-kulturoznawcze studium życia i śmierci Simone Weil



Author(s): Płazińska, Agata

Suffering at Work: Simone Weil

Philosophy's Duty Towards Social Suffering, LIT Verlag,

2021 : 74-96

Author(s): Sucasas, Alberto

Suffering from or in Old Age? The Existential Gravity of Ageing

Journal of Population Aging,

2021 : 357-371

Author(s): Lange, Frederik de

The Animality of Simone Weil: I Love Dick and a Nonhuman Politics of the Impersonal

Minnesota Review,

2021 : 77-94

Author(s): Grebowicz, Margret, Reyne, Zacchary Low

The God of Religion and the God of Philosophy Debate Revisited: Hartshorne, Peirce, and Weil

Process Studies,

2021 : 88-106

Author(s): Boulting, Noel E.

The Growing of Roots in Times of Turmoil and Uncertainty: Simone Weil’s Legacy


2021 : 55-71

Author(s): Eugenio, Paula Nicole C.

The Intelligence of Attention

University of Chicago,


Author(s): Mueller, Julia Laurel

The Joy of Uprising and the Fear of the State: On Blanchot’s Insurrectional Writings (1968-1969)

SubStance: A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism,

2021 : 45-60

Author(s): Hamel, Jean-François, Schutze, Bernard

The Subversive Simone Weil: A Life in Five Ideas

University of Chicago Press,


Author(s): Zaretsky, Robert

The Value of the Surface: Reappreciating Embodiment, Labor, and Necessity in Arendt’s Political Thought

Critical Times,

2021 : 263-283

Author(s): Hyvönen, Ari-Elmeri

Thinking While You Work: Simone Weil

Anti-Work: Psychological Investigations into Its Truths, Problems, and Solutions, Routledge,

2021 : 177-185

Author(s): Alliger, George M.

Weil—Open to the World

Faith Envy: Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, and Weil on Desirable Faith, Lexington Books,

2021 : 53-72

Author(s): Kroesbergen, Hermen

“Quel est ton tourment” : le rapport à la mort dans la vie et l’oeuvre de Simone Weil

Université de Genève,


Author(s): Chayer de Coulon, Susana Marcela

“Ladies and Gents, Ladies and Gents” – Mary McCarthy, Elizabeth Bishop and Female Autobiographies in American Postwar Literature

Women’s Studies: An Inter-disciplinary Journal,

2020 : 405-425

Author(s): Inhoff, Marcel

“Pleasure and Joy in the Work”: Using Simone Weil in the Classroom

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 8-18

Author(s): Morgan, Vance G.

A compaixão pelos infortunados: uma filosofia weiliana sobre a misericórdia como elemento ético e místico


2020 : 99-114

Author(s): Oliveira Silva, Robson de , Costa Lopes, Thobias

À la racine de l’enracinement weilien – l’arbre comme symbole réel

Comprendre: Revista Catalana de Filosofia,

2020 : 79-94

Author(s): Zyka, Christine

A Strange Christian: Simone Weil

God’s Mirror: Renewal and Engagement in French Catholic Intellectual Culture in the Mid-Twentieth Century , Fordham University Press,

2020 : 69-87

Author(s): Lussy, Florence de

Alienazione e dignità: il lavoro come valorizzazione dell’uomo nel pensiero di Simone Weil

Fondazione Mario Luzi editore,


Author(s): Colucci, Andrea

An Apple Out of Reach: The Unattainable Ideal Beloved and Sappho’s Poetics in the Poetry of Marguerite Yourcenar and Anne Carson



Author(s): Mylrea, Colin

An Ethic of Refusal: Simone Weil and the Choice of the Lesser ‘Lesser Evil’

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 165-176

Author(s): Stone, Lucian

André Naud: From Vatican II to Simone Weil

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 115-121

Author(s): Schmidt, Lawrence E.

Attention: Simone Weils Philosophie der “Aufmerksamkeit” und die digitale “Bewusstseinskultur”

Trierer theologische Zeitschrift,

2020 : 117-143

Author(s): Röbel, Marc

Attesa e Rivelazione Simone Weil e Cristina Campo


2020 : 43-61

Author(s): Di Nino, Nicola

Beyond “Christian Human Rights”: Simone Weil on Dignity and the Impersonal

Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society,

2020 : 107-117

Author(s): Amesbury, Richard

Captured Time: Simone Weil’s Vital Temporality Against the State

Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology? , Palgrave Macmillan,

2020 : 161-184

Author(s): Ford, Casey

Creating Ethical Societies in a Concentrationary Universe: Simone Weil’s Phenomenological Ethics of Attention

Journal of Dharma,

2020 : 529-544

Author(s): Reed, Robert Charles

Cultivating Attention to Deepen Teacher Relationships with Immigrant Students

Philosophy of Education Society Yearbook 2019,

2020 : 705-717

Author(s): Saavedra, David R. M.

Dance of Perception: The Role of Imagination in Simone Weil’s Early Epistemology

Imagination and Art: Explorations in Contemporary Theory, Brill,

2020 : 304-331

Author(s): Heiti, Warren

Deber, Responsabilidad y justica en el pensamiento filosofico de Simone Weil


2020 : 5-33

Author(s): Gómez Campos, Rubí de María

Decreative Phenomenology: Levinas, Weil, and the Vulnerability of Ethics

Boston College,


Author(s): Reed, Robert Charles

Degrowth and Critical Agrarian Studies

Journal of Peasant Studies,

2020 : 235-264

Author(s): Gerber, Julien-François

Der immer fremde Christus. Simone Weils interkulturelle Spurensuche als apophatische Theologie

Intercultural Philosophy: Journal for Philosophy in its Cultural Context,

2020 : 49-65

Author(s): Sojer, Thomas

Editor’s Introduction

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 6-7

Author(s): Von der Ruhr, Mario

El judaísmo de Simone Weil

Ante la catástrofe: Pensadores judíos del siglo XX, Herder,

2020 : 285-298

Author(s): Rio Herrmann, Alejandro del

El trabajo y la muerte como formas reales de consentimiento al amor en Simone Weil

La filosofía y el amor: XXVII Encuentro Internacional (3-5 octubre 2018) [de la] Sociedad Castellano-Leonesa de Filos, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca,

2020 : 167-172

Author(s): Rollán Rollán, María del Sagrario

Elastic Worker: Time‐Sense, Energy and the Paradox of Resilience

Philosophical Investigations,

2020 : 177-196

Author(s): Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca (Adrian Rebecca)

Faith Envy

HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies,


Author(s): Kroesbergen, Hermen

Falar de Deus como harmonia sobrenatural: um diálogo entre David Traci e Simone Weil

Perspectiva teológica,

2020 : 187-210

Author(s): Lopes, Tiago de Freitas

Filosofia e espiritualidade em Simone Weil à luz da miséria humana

Aufklärung: journal of philosophy,

2020 : 147-160

Author(s): Nogueria, Maria Simone Marinho

Fundamentos de la subsidiariedad en Simone Weil: autoridad y autonomía

Aporía: revista internacional de investigaciones filosóficas,

2020 : 19-35

Author(s): Athié, Rosario , Herrera, José Miguel

God Comes to Her: St. Teresa of Ávila, Simone Weil, and the Kantian Conception of Modern Religious Experience

Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy ,

2020 : 325-346

Author(s): Basevich, Elaine

Going Public: Higher Education and the Democratization of Knowledge

Knowledge Socialism : The Rise of Peer Production: Collegiality, Collaboration, and Collective Intelligence, Springer,

2020 : 197-215

Author(s): Rider, Sharon